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Name typified by this specimen: Koshicola spirodelophila S. Watanabe
Kind of type: holo
Label name: Koshicola spirodelophila S. Watanabe
Verification summary: Label name: Koshicola spirodelophila S. Watanabe

Locality and habitat information: Japan: Toyama Prefecture: Toyama: Honshu Island: Toyama University. Water tank. Growing on decaying Spirodela polyrhiza in a water tank. 36°42'00"N, 137°11'13.2"E. Electron Microscopy Fixation #334 of S. Watanabe. 1% gluteraldehyde in 9:1 liquid medium (9 parts of Bold's Basal Medium and 1 part of soil extract) for 1 hour at 20 degrees C, followed by post-fixed with 1% OsO4 for 1 hour at 4 degrees C.
Accuracy of georeference: within 5 km
Collector(s) and collection number(s): Watanabe, Shin
Collection date: 1 Dec 2005
Specimen description: Isolated as Strain W1C4. Fixed cells embedded in an Epon-Araldite block for transmission electron microscopy.
Accession #: 256414
Barcode: CONN00181062
Location in CONN: Dry Storage

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