Robert Wight

A catalogue of Edinburgh type specimens associated with Wight drawings

Details for the specimen with barcode E00157789

Flemingia nilgheriensis (Baker) T. Cooke
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Flemingia procumbens Wight
Place of publication: Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3): 9, t. 987, 1845
Type status: isotype
RBGE Barcode No.(s): E00157789
Collecting locality: Neilgherries
Annotations by others: Apparently intermediate between F. procumbens & F. prostrata
Collector: [Wight]
RBGE collection name: Trinity College, Glasgow
Notes: Sent to Botanical Society of Edinburgh by Wight 1841. F. procumbens Wight illegit homonym, non Roxb., this also type of F. vestita var. nilgheriensis Baker, FBI 2: 230, 1876