Algae World: Sellaphora

the Sellaphora site

Sellaphora has been the focus of research in Edinburgh since the early 1980s. As a result, it has become probably the most fully investigated of all benthic diatoms, although there are still many facets of its biology that remain unknown. In this section of the Algae World website, we  provide information about the biology, diversity and evolution of Sellaphora, based on our own and other research. We are developing Sellaphora as a model system for studying the speciation and biogeography of diatoms, and it was the first to be investigated with respect to DNA bar-coding of diatoms.

We have been developing this site gradually for several months and will continue to add material. The aim is to provide a comprehensive source of reference about the genus, not to replace peer-reviewed scientific publications, but to supplement them and make images and information available to the widest possible audience. In future, floras and other identification aids will undoubtedly be Web-based, rather than printed in expensive bound volumes.

At the moment, we are making a major survey of morphological diversity in Sellaphora; the results will be made available via the Web on this site, as well as in a published review.

Material is now available under almost all of the headings listed in the navigation bar at the left. The most fully worked section is 'Biology', where you can find out what Sellaphora looks like, how the cells are constructed, and how they change and behave during the life cycle. Some links are still 'dead', especially in the 'Related Links' category. These will be cleaned up during the next couple of months. If you have any suggestions for additions to the site, please contact us (see bottom of page).

David Mann and Kath Evans,
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
September 2007

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