Taxonomic Data from the World Umbellifer Database

Data Crediation and Explanation

Royal Botanic Gardens Kew In 1992 an electronic output of the family Umbelliferae from Index Kewensis was used as a starting point to populate the World Umbellifer Database. Many additional taxon names have been added since then (particularly infraspecific names), so not all names were derived or have equivalent entries in Index Kewensis. Taxon names that formed the initial import were all flagged as 'Provisional' and bibliographic information stored as free text. The initial data was derived from the RBGKew internal network prior to the first release of IK on CDROM, the current version of these data is now freely available electronically as part of the International Plant Names Index (IPNI). Readers are advised to also check this resource.

When a taxon name has been verified against the original publications the full bibliographic information is included in data fields, the Taxonomic Status changed, and the initial IK notes deleted. Comments that still include a line similar to 'S05 F0 S0' are derived from the 1992 internal network version of Index Kewensis (this line is a reference to the original source of the data in a volume of Index Kewensis, in this example Supplement Volume 5). Comments without an IK reference are independent information added during the development of the World Umbellifer Database.

The World Umbellifer Database Homepage gives a full account of the backround to the initial data population, integrity checking and data entry that has progressed since then. Readers are invited to look at these pages for the latest statistics and update status information.

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