Robert Wight

A catalogue of Wight drawings

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Abutilon crispum (L.) Medik.
Family: Malvaceae
Original name: Abutilon crispum G. Don
Wight Catalogue No.: 185
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 148 x 197; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 43/204, Abutilon crispum
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 185, Abutilon crispum, Wight ic. t. 58 [sic, recte 68]
Annotation Verso (pencil): Malvaceae, Abutilon crispum (G. Don)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(4) t. 68, 1838
Lithographer: Wight
Notes: Additional dissections on plate not on drawing
Drawing No.: 7   Location: Box 1
Acampe praemorsa (Roxb.) Blatt. & McCann
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Vanda wightiana Lindl. ex Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 110 x 117; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 17 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1670, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 308.2   Location: Box 7
Acampe praemorsa (Roxb.) Blatt. & McCann
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Vanda wightiana Lindl. ex Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 218 x 250; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): very fragrant
Annotation Recto (ink): 1670, Vandeae, Orchideae, Vanda Wightiana? (Lind. W.C.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1670, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 308.1   Location: Box 7
Acampe praemorsa (Roxb.) Blatt. & McCann
Family: Orchidaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 198 x 319; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 3 watercolour and traces of 1 pencil floral detail
Annotation Recto (ink): Saccolabium
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 1670 (Vanda wightiana)
Drawing No.: 394   Location: Box 9
Family: Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees
Original name: 461
Wight Catalogue No.: 1977b
By: Acanthaceae  
Size (mm): 149 x 202; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): Cross. Infundibuliformis β NE, WC. 1977b, Crossandra ciliata
Place of publication: bodycolour and ink over traces of pencil
Lithographer: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 461, 1841
Notes: Box 3
Drawing No.: 152.2   Location: Dumphy
Acanthophippium bicolor Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Acanthophippium sp.
By: Mrs Walker  
Size (mm): 242 x 392; greyish, copy paper   Watermark: J WHATMAN TURKEY MILL 1829
Drawing recto: Habit + 8 coloured and 2 uncoloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Acanthophippium sp. nov.
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 412   Location: Box 9
Acanthus ilicifolius L.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Dilivaria ilicifolia Juss.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1976
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 174 x 252; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 459, Acanthus ilicifolius, Acantheae, Acanthaceae, delicate, Dilivaria ilicifolia, WC. 1976, Nier moolie Tam.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 459, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 150.1   Location: Box 3
Acanthus ilicifolius L.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Dilivaria ilicifolia Juss.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1976]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 102 x 90; cream, smooth   Watermark: S
Drawing recto: 3 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Dilivaria ilicifolia (Juss.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 459, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 150.2   Location: Box 3
Achyranthes aspera L.
Family: Amaranthaceae
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 72 x 209; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not the originals of Icones t. 1777, though very similar
Drawing No.: 451   Location: Box 11
Acmella calva (DC.) R.K. Jansen
Family: Compositae
Original name: Spilanthes calva DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1456]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Senecionideae, 100, 5.620
Annotation Recto (ink): 1109, Senecionideae, Compositae, Spilanthes calva (D.C.), B S. oleracea (Jacq) Turn over
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1109, 1846
Lithographer: [?Dumphy]
Notes: '5.620' is a reference to DC. Prodr.
Drawing No.: 278.1   Location: Box 6
Acmella oleracea (L.) R.K. Jansen
Family: Compositae
Original name: Spilanthes oleracea Jacq..
Wight Catalogue No.: [1457]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 111 x 126; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 coloured + pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): B 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1109, 1846
Lithographer: [?Dumphy]
Drawing No.: 278.2   Location: Box 6
Adenanthera pavonina L.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Adenanthera pavonina L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [660]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 252 x 349; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 5 watercolour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 839, 60, Adenanthera pavonina
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 381   Location: Box 9
Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) de Wilde
Family: Passifloraceae
Original name: Modecca palmata
Wight Catalogue No.: [1156]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 232 x 296; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1103, Passifloreae, Modecca palmata (Lam.), 79
Annotation Verso (pencil): March/7 1… [red chalk]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(10) t. 201, 1839
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 115   Location: Box 3
Adenia wightiana (Wall. ex Wight & Arn.) Engl.
Family: Passifloraceae
Original name: Modecca wightiana Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1155
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 201; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Modecca wightiana Wall., WC 1155
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(9) t. 179, 1839
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 16   Location: Box 1
Adenostemma lavenia (L.) Kuntze var. reticulatum (DC.) Panigrahi
Family: Compositae
Original name: Adenostemma reticulatum DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1399]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 214 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 5.110, Adenostemma reticulatum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1088, Eupatoriaceae, Compositae, Adenostemma reticulatum (D.C.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1088, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 274.1   Location: Box 6
Adenostemma lavenia (L.) Kuntze var. reticulatum (DC.) Panigrahi
Family: Compositae
Original name: Adenostemma reticulatum DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1399]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 95 x 123; grey, wove   Watermark: TMAN
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1088, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 274.2   Location: Box 6
Adinandra lasiopetala (Wight) Choisy
Family: Theaceae
Original name: Cleyera lasiopetala Wight
By: ?H. de Alwis  
Size (mm): 203 x 247; greyish, copy paper
Drawing recto: 2 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Cleyera lasiopetala R.W.
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 459   Location: Box 11
Aeginetia indica L.
Family: Orobanchaceae
Original name: Aeginetia indica Roxb.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 110 x 150; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 895, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 181.2   Location: Box 4
Specimens E00157789 E00157789 E00157790 E00157790
Aeginetia indica L.
Family: Orobanchaceae
Original name: Aeginetia indica Roxb.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 186 x 229; grey, wove   Watermark: [posthorn] C & E H
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 895, Orobancheae, 13, Aeginetia indica (Roxb.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 895, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 181.1   Location: Box 4
Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa
Family: Rutaceae
Original name: Aegle marmelos
By: ?  
Size (mm): 217 x 276; grey, copy paper   Watermark: J WHATMAN TURKEY MILL 1840
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 143 Aegle Marmelos.
Place of publication: [copy, Roxb., Pl. Coromand. Coast 2, t.143, 1800]
Notes: 474-80, group of late, fairly crude Roxburgh tracings, not used for reproduction by Wight
Drawing No.: 478   Location: Box 11
Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa
Family: Rutaceae
Original name: Aegle marmelos
Wight Catalogue No.: [310]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 254 x 346; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 342, Crateva Religiosa Ainslie Mat. Med. not Vahl, Aegle marmelos Corr. Roxb.
Annotation Recto (ink): Aegle marmelos, Wight ic. t. 16
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(1) t. 16, 1838
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 103   Location: Box 3
Aerides crispum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Aerides lindleyanum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 214 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + inflorescence + infructescence
Annotation Recto (pencil): 126, [Aerides lindleyana RW - over-written] Saccolabium
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1677[.2], 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Infl. and infr. of t. 1677.2 based on this drawing
Drawing No.: 314   Location: Box 7
Aerides crispum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Aerides lindleyanum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 196 x 249; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1677[.2], 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Vegetative parts of t. 1677.2 based on this drawing
Drawing No.: 315   Location: Box 7
Specimens E00179155 E00179156
Aerides maculosum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Saccolabium speciosum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 260 x 403; grey, wove   Watermark: [rampant lion crowned] C WILMOT 1840
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + fruit detail
Annotation Recto (ink): 1674-75, Vandeae, Orchideae, Saccolabium speciosum (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1674/5, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 428.1   Location: Box 10
Aerides maculosum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Saccolabium speciosum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 200 x 250; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 126, S. speciosum, Aerides multiflorum Roxb. affinis, Aer. Crispum?
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1674-5, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Lower part of infl. lithographed from this drawing
Drawing No.: 312   Location: Box 7
Aerides maculosum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Saccolabium speciosum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 108 x 125; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 14 colour + 1 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1674/5, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 428.2   Location: Box 10
Aerides maculosum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Saccolabium speciosum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 205 x 242; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 126, Saccolabium speciosum, This is sent to show a more finished posture for filling up the pencil sketch
Annotation Recto (ink): 1674-5
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1674-5, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 311   Location: Box 7
Aerides ringens (Lindl.) C.E.C. Fisch.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Saccolabium paniculatum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 86 x 206; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 15 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): A, 117
Annotation Verso (pencil): Bla…, Blair Atholl on mountain pasture
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1676, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 313.2   Location: Box 7
Aerides ringens (Lindl.) C.E.C. Fisch.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Saccolabium rubrum (Lind)
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 221 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 126, Saccolabium rubrum Lindl.
Annotation Recto (ink): 1673, Vandeae, Orchideae, Saccolabium rubrum (Lindl.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1673, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 310.1   Location: Box 7
Aerides ringens (Lindl.) C.E.C. Fisch.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Saccolabium rubrum (Lind)
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 101 x 126; greyish, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 coloured and pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1673, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 310.2   Location: Box 7
Aerides ringens (Lindl.) C.E.C. Fisch.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Saccolabium paniculatum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 205 x 274; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 117, Aerides paniculatum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1676, Vandeae, Orchideae, Saccolabium paniculatum (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1676, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 313.1   Location: Box 7
Aerva javanica (Burm. f.) Juss. ex Schultes
Family: Amaranthaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 87   Location: Box 2
Aganosma cymosa (Roxb.) G. Don
Family: Apocynaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 195; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 colour floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Sheet of notes under name Ichnocarpus frutescens. Grey wove paper, watermark RADWAY 1828
Drawing No.: 431   Location: Box 10
Aglaia elaeagnoidea (A. Juss.) Benth.
Family: Meliaceae
Original name: Milnea roxburghiana
Wight Catalogue No.: [311]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 227 x 296; cream, smooth   Watermark: II [SMITH]
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 398, Milnea Roxburghiana? 47
Annotation Recto (ink): Milnea Roxburghiana Wight ic. t. 166
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1833 [in red chalk]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(9) t. 166, 1839
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 111   Location: Box 3
Agrimonia eupatoria L.
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Agrimonia eupatoria
By: ?Sowerby  
Size (mm): 143 x 232; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + 4 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1335, July 1 1804. Published by Jas. Sowerby, London
Place of publication: Sowerby & Smith, Eng. Bot. 19, t. 1335, 1804
Notes: 482-9, group of botanical prints among Wight miscellanea
Drawing No.: 491   Location: Box 11
Agrostophyllum planicaule (Wall. ex Lindl.) Rchb. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Appendicula Hasseltii
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 80 x 214; blue, smooth
Drawing recto: 8 floral details
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1748.3, 1851
Lithographer: ?Dumphy
Notes: Must have been done from Griffith specimen from Mergui
Drawing No.: 449   Location: Box 11
Alangium salviifolium (L. f.) Wangerin
Family: Alangiaceae
Original name: Alangium decapetalum Lam.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1062
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1005, 96, Alangium 10-petalum, Wight Cat. 1062, Auseyr-Aulingey
Annotation Verso (pencil): 194/1005, Alangieae, Alangium decapetalum (Lam.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(10) t. 194, 1839
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 17   Location: Box 1
Alangium salviifolium (L. f.) Wangerin ssp. hexapetalum (Lam.) Wangerin
Family: Alangiaceae
Original name: Alangium hexapetalum Lam.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1064]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 242 x 307; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 2 watercolour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 96, 70
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1834 Jany 1
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 96, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 357   Location: Box 8
Alstonia venenata R. Br.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Alstonia venenata
Wight Catalogue No.: [2541]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 162 x 200; cream, smooth   Watermark: GY EELES 1822
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Alstonia venenata
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 436
Drawing No.: 73   Location: Box 2
Alysicarpus longifolius (Spreng.) Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Alysicarpus longifolius
Wight Catalogue No.: 809
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured and 1 pencil detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 251/719
Annotation Recto (ink): Alysicarpus longifolius WC. 809?
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(13) t. 251, 1840
Lithographer: ?
Drawing No.: 126.1   Location: Box 3
Alysicarpus longifolius (Spreng.) Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Alysicarpus longifolius
Wight Catalogue No.: [809]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 125 x 129; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 13 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(13) t. 251, 1840
Lithographer: ?
Drawing No.: 126.2   Location: Box 3
Ampelocissus tomentosa (Roth) Planchon
Family: Vitaceae
Original name: Vitis tomentosa Heyne
Wight Catalogue No.: [410, 411]
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 239 x 318; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 57/432, Ampelideae, Vitis tomentosa
Annotation Recto (ink): Vitis tomentosa Wight ill. t. 57
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 57, 1839
Lithographer: ?Wight
Drawing No.: 348   Location: Box 8
Anaphalis notoniana (DC.) DC.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Anaphalis notoniana DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1466]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 125; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 8 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1116, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 279.2   Location: Box 6
Anaphalis notoniana (DC.) DC.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Anaphalis notoniana DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1466]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 224 x 281; cream, smoooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1119, 6.271
Annotation Recto (ink): 1119, Senecionideae, Compositae, Anaphalis Notoniana (D.C.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1116, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 279.1   Location: Box 6
Andrographis echioides (L.) Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Andrographis echioides Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: 2027
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 247; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 467, Andrographideae, Acanthaceae, Andrographis echioides (Nees) WC. 2026 [sic, really 2027]
Annotation Verso (pencil): Chovaramthanghy Tam.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 467, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 157.1   Location: Box 3
Andrographis echioides (L.) Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Andrographis echioides Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [2027]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 66 x 63; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 5 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 467, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 157.2   Location: Box 3
Annona squamosa L.
Family: Annonaceae
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 253 x 308; cream, board
Drawing recto: Fruit in 2 parts + flower + seed details
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 497   Location: Box 11
Anogeissus latifolia (DC.) Wall. ex Bedd.
Family: Combretaceae
Original name: Conocarpus latifolila Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1051]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 107 x 119; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 994, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 226.2   Location: Box 5
Anogeissus latifolia (DC.) Wall. ex Bedd.
Family: Combretaceae
Original name: Conocarpus latifolila Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1051]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 218 x 251; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): Conocarpus, No coloured
Annotation Recto (ink): 994/976, Terminaleae, Combretaceae, Conocarpus latifolia
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 994, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 226.1   Location: Box 5
Aponogeton natans (L.) Engl. & K. Krause
Family: Aponogetonaceae
Original name: Aponogeton monostachys
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 256; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 colour floral details
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 104- [+ Telugu script]
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 3 sheets of notes with descriptions, uses, habitat, notes to ?Hooker, grey wove, one watermarked KG 1825, one KENT 1826, one [Britannia]
Drawing No.: 442   Location: Box 10
Aporosa cardiosperma (Gaertn.) Merr.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Original name: Scepa lindleyana Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [2491]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 237 x 300; cream, smooth   Watermark: ..S & S 1829
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 2 watercolour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 361, 158
Annotation Recto (ink): Scepa Lindleyana Wight ic. t. 361
Annotation Verso (pencil): Feby/1 1834
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 361
Drawing No.: 391   Location: Box 9
Aralia fragrans (D. Don) Jebb & J. Wen
Family: Araliaceae
Original name: Hedera trifoliata Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1214
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 216; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 306/1160
Annotation Recto (ink): Hedera trifoliata, WC. 1214
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 307, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 19   Location: Box 1
Argyreia cuneata (Willd.) Ker Gawl.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Argyreia cuneata Choisy
Wight Catalogue No.: [2257]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 209 x 275; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured fruit detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 890, Convolvuleae, Convolvulaceae, 8, Rivea cuneata (RW), Argyreia cuneata (Choisy), 1, 11
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 890, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 177.1   Location: Box 4
Argyreia cuneata (Willd.) Ker Gawl.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Argyreia cuneata Choisy
Wight Catalogue No.: [2257]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 121; grey, wove   Watermark: TMAN
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 890, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 177.2   Location: Box 4
Argyreia cymosa (Roxb.) Sweet
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Argyreia cymosa
Wight Catalogue No.: 2261
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 197 x 160; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 839, Convolvulaceae, Argyreieae, Argyreia cymosa (Ch.)
Annotation Recto (ink): Argyreia cymosa Ch., WC. n. 2261
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 839, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 55   Location: Box 2
Argyreia hirsuta Wight & Arn.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Argyreia hirsuta Ch.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2254]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 89 x 123; grey, wove   Watermark: 18..
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 891, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 178.2   Location: Box 4
Argyreia hirsuta Wight & Arn.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Argyreia hirsuta Ch.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2254]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 66 x 58; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 1 coloured fruit detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 891, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 178.3   Location: Box 4
Argyreia hirsuta Wight & Arn.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Argyreia hirsuta Ch.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2254]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 259 x 225; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 891, Convolvuleae, Convolvulaceae, Rivea hirsuta R.W., Argyreia hirsuta (Ch.), Rungia dil.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 891, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 178.1   Location: Box 4
Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Bojer
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Argyreia speciosa Sweet
Wight Catalogue No.: 2250
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 282 x 243; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 4 coloured and 1 pencil floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 851, 2250, 10, Argyreia speciosa
Annotation Recto (ink): Convolvuleae, Convolvulaceae, Argyreia speciosa (Sweet), Turn
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 851, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 171   Location: Box 4
Argyreia pomacea Choisy
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Argyreia pomacea Ch.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2253]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 114 x 113; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 888, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 176.2   Location: Box 4
Argyreia pomacea Choisy
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Argyreia pomacea Ch.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2253]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 193 x 250; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 888, Convolvuleae, Convolvulaceae, Rivea pomacea (R.W.), Argyreia pomacea (Ch.), Juice milky
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 888, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 176.1   Location: Box 4
Aristolochia indica L.
Family: Aristolochiaceae
Original name: Aristolochia indica L.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 175 x 256; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Aristolchia indica, Parroomaroondoo
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 2 sheets of notes with description, habitat and used, grey wove, one watermarked RADWAY 1828 [Britannia]
Drawing No.: 437   Location: Box 10
Azadirachta indica A. Juss.
Family: Meliaceae
Original name: Azadirachta indica A. Juss.
Wight Catalogue No.: [401]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 250 x 344; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 6 watercolour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 396, 47, Azadarachta indica
Annotation Recto (ink): Azadarachta indica, Wight ic. t. 17
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 17
Drawing No.: 378   Location: Box 9
Balanites roxburghii Planchon
Family: Balanitaceae
Original name: Balanites aegyptiaca DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2428
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 250 x 351; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 4 ink and watercolour floral + 1 ink details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Balanites, T.O.
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 2428, Balanites aegyptiaca
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 274
Drawing No.: 377   Location: Box 9
Barleria cristata L.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Barleria cristata L.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1957
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 177 x 254; cream, smooth   Watermark: RUSE & T… 182.
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 453, Barleria cristata Linn, WC 1957, Puttie Chadie, florans delicato
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 7
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 453, ?1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Additional dissections on plate not on drawing
Drawing No.: 38   Location: Box 1
Barleria cuspidata Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Barleria cuspidata Klein
Wight Catalogue No.: 1963
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 157 x 196; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 451 Ed., Barlerieae, Acanthaceae, Barleria cuspidata, WC. 1963
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 451, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 146.1   Location: Box 3
Barleria cuspidata Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Barleria cuspidata Klein
Wight Catalogue No.: [1963]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 139 x 92; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Barleria cuspidata (Wight)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 451, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 146.2   Location: Box 3
Barleria prionitis L.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Barleria prionitis L.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1962
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 177 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 452, Barl. Prionitis WC 1962, Barleria prionitis (Linn.) seem moollee
Annotation Verso (pencil): No 46
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 452
Drawing No.: 397   Location: Box 9
Barleria tomentosa Roth
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Barleria acuminata Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1960]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 133 x 116; cream, smooth   Watermark: URNERS ..31
Drawing recto: 5 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 450, Barlerieae, Acanthaceae, Barleria acuminata (Wight)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 450, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 145.2   Location: Box 3
Barleria tomentosa Roth
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Barleria acuminata Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: 1960
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 196; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Barleria acuminata, WC 1960
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 450, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 145.1   Location: Box 3
Basella rubra L.
Family: Basellaceae
Original name: Basella alba L.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 215 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 896, Baselleae, Chenopodeae, 14, 1, Basella alba (Lin.)
Annotation Recto (ink): Basella alba Wight ic. t. 896
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 896, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 182.1   Location: Box 4
Basella rubra L.
Family: Basellaceae
Original name: Basella alba L.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 115 x 183; grey, wove   Watermark: [J B]UNE
Drawing recto: 12 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 896, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 182.2   Location: Box 4
Begonia malabarica Lam.
Family: Begoniaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 251 x 349; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured and traces of 1 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Begonia
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 384   Location: Box 9
Benkara malabarica (Lam.) Tirveng.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Griffithia fragrans W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 1282
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1235, Gardeniaceae, Rubiaceae, Tare-moothy Marom, … fruit badly figured - RW, Stylocoryne malabarica DC. p. 4th 377, not sharp enough [calyx teeth]
Annotation Recto (ink): 310, Griffithia fragrans W&A, WC. 1282
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 310, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 22   Location: Box 1
Bergia aestivosa (Wight & Arn.) Steud.
Family: Elatinaceae
Original name: Elatine aestivosa Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [156]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 226 x 314; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 6 watercolour floral + 1 ink inflorescence detail
Annotation Recto (ink): Elatine (Bergia) aestivosa, Wight ic. t. 222
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 222
Drawing No.: 376   Location: Box 9
Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Roth
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Blepharis boerhaaviaefolia Juss.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1975]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 82 x 92; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 6 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 458, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 39.2   Location: Box 1
Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Roth
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Blepharis boerhaaviaefolia Juss.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1975
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 196; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 458, Acantheae, Acanthaceae, Votto-pilloo, Blepharis Boerhaaviaefolia (Juss.), WC. 1975
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 458, ?1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 39.1   Location: Box 1
Specimens E00174862
Bombax ceiba L.
Family: Bombacaceae
Original name: Bombax heptaphyllum
By: ?  
Size (mm): 276 x 432; grey, copy paper   Watermark: J WHATMAN TURKEY MILL 1840
Drawing recto: Habit + 7 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 247 Bombax heptaphyllum
Place of publication: [copy, Roxb., Pl. Coromand. Coast 3, t. 247, 1815]
Notes: 474-80, group of late, fairly crude Roxburgh tracings, not used for reproduction by Wight
Drawing No.: 479   Location: Box 11
Brachanthemum fruticulosum (Ledeb.) DC.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Chrysanthemum fruticulosum Ledeb.
By: E. Bommer  
Size (mm): 204 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 floral detail
Annotation Recto (ink): Chrysanthemum fruticulosum, a.
Place of publication: Ledebour, Ic. Pl. Ross. 5, t. 495, 1834
Lithographer: Prestele
Notes: 482-9, group of botanical prints among Wight miscellanea
Drawing No.: 489   Location: Box 11
Brachycorythis iantha (Wight) Summerhayes
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Platanthera iantha Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 223 x 247; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1692
Annotation Recto (ink): 1692, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, Platanthera iantha (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1692, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 324.1   Location: Box 7
Brachycorythis iantha (Wight) Summerhayes
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Platanthera iantha Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 102 x 159; grey, wove   Watermark: [rampant lion crowned]
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Platanthera? Obcordata, 452, Gymnadenia iantha RW
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1692, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 324.2   Location: Box 7
Specimens E00179584 E00179584
Breynia retusa (Dennst.) Alston
Family: Euphorbiaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 196; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 26
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 69   Location: Box 2
Specimens E00174870 E00174871
Bulbophyllum acutiflorum A. Rich.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cirrhopetalum albidum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 223 x 252; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1653, 54, C. albidum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1653, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Cirrhopetalum albidum (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1653, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 304.1   Location: Box 7
Bulbophyllum acutiflorum A. Rich.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cirrhopetalum albidum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 110 x 125; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 15 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1653, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 304.2   Location: Box 7
Bulbophyllum fimbriatum (Lindl.) Rchb. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cirrhopetalum fimbriatum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 111 x 122; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 8 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1655, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 306.2   Location: Box 7
Bulbophyllum fimbriatum (Lindl.) Rchb. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cirrhopetalum fimbriatum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 250 x 219; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured flower detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1655, Anther 2 celled pollinia 2
Annotation Recto (ink): 1655, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Cirrhopetalum fimbriatum (RW
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1655, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 306.1   Location: Box 7
Bulbophyllum fuscopurpureum Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Bulbophyllum fuscopurpureum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 222 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1651
Annotation Recto (ink): 1651, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Bolbophyllum fuscopurpureum (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1651, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: . Original drawing by Mrs Jerdon, but must have been copied by Govindoo
Drawing No.: 303.1   Location: Box 7
Bulbophyllum fuscopurpureum Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Bulbophyllum fuscopurpureum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 207 x 168; blue, smooth
Drawing recto: 12 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Bolbophyllum?
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1651, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 303.2   Location: Box 7
Bulbophyllum kaitense Rchb. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cirrhopetalum neilgherrense Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 112 x 142; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 13 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Kottergherry
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1654, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 305.2   Location: Box 7
Bulbophyllum kaitense Rchb. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cirrhopetalum neilgherrense Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 284 x 224; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1654, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Dendrobieae, 54, Cirrhopetalum Neilgherrense
Annotation Recto (ink): 1654, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Cirrhopetalum Neilgherrense
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1654, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 305.1   Location: Box 7
Bupleurum distichophyllum Wight & Arn.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Bupleurum distichophyllum Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1196]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 206 x 261; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 1006/1141, Amineae, Umbelliferae, Bupleurum distichophyllum (W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1006, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 238.1   Location: Box 5
Bupleurum distichophyllum Wight & Arn.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Bupleurum distichophyllum Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1196]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 125; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): B. distichophyllum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1006, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 238.2   Location: Box 5
Bupleurum mucronatum Wight & Arn.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Bupleurum ramosissimum Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1198]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 225 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit ( 2 parts)
Annotation Recto (ink): 1007/1144, Ammineae, Umbelliferae, Bupleurum ramosissimum (W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1007, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 81
Drawing No.: 239.1   Location: Box 5
Bupleurum mucronatum Wight & Arn.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Bupleurum ramosissimum Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1198]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 95 x 123; grey, wove   Watermark: ..39
Drawing recto: 13 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): B. ramosissimum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1007, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 81
Drawing No.: 239.2   Location: Box 5
Caesalpinia crista L.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Caesalpinia paniculata
Wight Catalogue No.: [618]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 241 x 305; cream, smooth   Watermark: 1829
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 869, Leguminosae, Caesalpinia paniculata, 869, 60, Caesalpinia paniculata (Roxb.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): April/5, 42 [in red chalk]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(1) t. 36, 1838
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 104   Location: Box 3
Cajanus trinervius (DC.) Maesen
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Atylosia candollii W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [763]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 217 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 754
Annotation Recto (ink): 790, Phaseoleae, Leguminosae, Atylosia candollii (W & A), 15
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(1) t. 754, 1844
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 163.1   Location: Box 4
Cajanus trinervius (DC.) Maesen
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Atylosia candollii W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [763]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 103 x 164; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 14 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(1) t. 754, 1844
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 163.2   Location: Box 4
Calanthe sylvatica (Thouars) Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Calanthe emarginata Lindl.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 210 x 329; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + 4 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 918, Vandeae, Orchideae, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Calanthe emarginata (Lind.), 21 [164 - deleted]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 918, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 192   Location: Box 5
Calanthe triplicata (Willemet) Ames
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Calanthe perrottetii A. Rich.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 112 x 141; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 7 colour + 7 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1664/5, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 426.2   Location: Box 10
Calanthe triplicata (Willemet) Ames
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Calanthe perrottetii A. Rich.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 284 x 445; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: Faint pencil habit drawing
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1664.5, Kotterghery, Perrottetii, ?Anamallies seen ?Nov 15 - An C. veratrifolia Lind.
Annotation Recto (ink): 1664-65, Vandeae, Orchideae, Calanthe Perrottetii (A. Rich.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1664/5, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 426.1   Location: Box 10
Calostemma purpureum R. Br.
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Original name: Calostemma luteum Sims
By: J. Curtis  
Size (mm): 139 x 240; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 floral detail
Annotation Recto (ink): N. 2101, J. Curtis del., Pub. By S. Curtis, Walworth Oct 1 1819, Weddell Sc.
Annotation Verso (pencil): 3
Place of publication: Curtis, Bot. Mag. 46, t. 2101, 1819
Lithographer: Weddell
Notes: 482-9, group of botanical prints among Wight miscellanea
Drawing No.: 490   Location: Box 11
Canscora heteroclita (L.) Gilg
Family: Gentianaceae
Original name: Pladera sessiliflora
Wight Catalogue No.: [2565]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 155 x 193; cream, smooth; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Pladera sessiliflora, Nala-Panunday
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Associated sheet of notes on grey wove paper with Britannia watermark. Long description and habitat 'wet soil'
Drawing No.: 405   Location: Box 9
Canthium angustifolium Roxb.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Canthium leschenaultii
Wight Catalogue No.: 1332
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 158 x 197; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 826/1305, Coffeaceae, Rubiaceae, Canthium Leschenaultii (W&A), 4, 5
Annotation Recto (ink): WC 1332 Canthium Leschenaultii, Dondisia Leschenaultii DC
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 826, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 47   Location: Box 2
Carallia brachiata (Lour.) Merr.
Family: Rhizophoraceae
Original name: Carallia ceylanica Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2447
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 255 x 352; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 2 watercolour and 6 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Carallia corymbosa RW
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 2447, Carallia ceylanica β
Annotation Verso (pencil): Carallia ceylanica β Arn., 1833 [red chalk]
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 90, 1840
Lithographer: ?Wight
Drawing No.: 355   Location: Box 8
Caralluma umbellata Haw.
Family: Asclepiadaceae
Original name: Boucerosia umbellata W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 1519
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured & 1 pencil details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 495, Stapelieae, Asclepiadaceae
Annotation Recto (ink): Boucerosia umbellata W&A, 1519
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 495, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 159.1   Location: Box 3
Caralluma umbellata Haw.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Boucerosia umbellata W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 1519
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 173 x 189; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1830
Drawing recto: 2 coloured and 7 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Caralluma umbellata, Boucerosia
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1519
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 495, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 159.2   Location: Box 3
Careya arborea Roxb.
Family: Lecythidaceae
Original name: Careya arborea Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1084
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 256 x 349; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured fruit details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 99-100, Myrtaceae subord. Barringtonieae, Careya arborea Roxb., Carey arborea WC. 1084 - But the painter has not represented the two rows of stamens (the inmost and outermost) which want anthers
Annotation Verso (pencil): 99/1039, Suborder Barringtoniae Careya arborea (Roxb.)
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 99 & 100, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Notes: The fruit section is reproduced on t. 100, but the other details of that plate are missing
Drawing No.: 359   Location: Box 8
Carissa spinarum L.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Carissa ovata
Wight Catalogue No.: [2517]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 156 x 201; cream, smooth   Watermark: [PoW feathers] J & M 1823
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Carissa ovata?
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Associated sheet of notes on grey wove paper watermarked 1828. Long description. 'near the sea coast of Point Calymere'
Drawing No.: 404   Location: Box 9
Casearia tomentosa Roxb.
Family: Flacourtiaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured and 1 ink floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): not figured anywhere ? [?Cleghorn], Pare-Aulingey, Saymydaceae, Casearia glomerata
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 70   Location: Box 2
Specimens E00179605 E00179606 E00179607 E00179608 E00179610 E00179611 E00179612
Cassia roxburghii DC.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Cassia roxburghii DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [642]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 189 x 279; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 19 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 84/886, Caesalpineae, Leguminosae, Capparideae, Capparis stylosa (D.C.), Cassia Roxburghii DC.
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 83, 1839
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 353   Location: Box 8
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Vinca rosea Willd.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2531]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 175 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Vinca rosea Willd.
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 36
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Sheet of notes with description and notes to ?Hooker, on grey wove paper watermarked RADWAY 1828 [Britannia]'well known in England …scarcely worth sending use it or not asa you may think fit', '5 o'clock or evening flower .. Specimens sent white variety'
Drawing No.: 432   Location: Box 10
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.
Family: Bombacaceae
Original name: Eriodendron anfractuosum
Wight Catalogue No.: 226
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 175 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 7 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 400/228, Bombacaceae, 22/74, 226, Eriodendron anfractuosum
Annotation Recto (ink): Eriodendron anfractuosum, Wight ic. t. 400
Annotation Verso (pencil): Yalavamarum - Tam., No. 30, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 400, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 140   Location: Box 3
Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1516
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 103 x 153; cream, smooth   Watermark: ...RS
Drawing recto: 3 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 353, No. 17 Pg. 32
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 353, 1840
Lithographer: [?Dumphy]
Drawing No.: 417.2   Location: Box 10
Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1516
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 256 x 350; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Ceropegia tuberosa WC. 1516
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 353, 1840
Lithographer: [?Dumphy]
Drawing No.: 417.1   Location: Box 10
Chaetoseris hastata (Wall. ex DC.) Shih
Family: Compositae
Original name: Mulgedium neilgherryense Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 217 x 271; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Drawing verso: Coloured leaf and trace of pencil leaf outline
Annotation Recto (pencil): 7.247, Mulgedium
Annotation Recto (ink): 1144, Cichoraceae, Compositae, Mulgedium Neilgherryense (RW) see other side
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1144, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 119
Drawing No.: 283.1   Location: Box 6
Chaetoseris hastata (Wall. ex DC.) Shih
Family: Compositae
Original name: Mulgedium neilgherryense Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 121; grey, wove   Watermark: TREMLETT
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1144, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 119
Drawing No.: 283.2   Location: Box 6
Chasallia curviflora (Wall.) Thwaites var. ophioxyloides (Wall.) Deb & Krishna
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Psychotria ambigua Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1350
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1331, W.C. 1350, Psychotria ambigua W&A
Annotation Verso (pencil): To The Secretary to the Military Board Fort St George Sir Under instructions from the Gener. I must humbly beg to bring to your kind notice that since your time
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 127, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 369.1   Location: Box 8
Chasallia curviflora (Wall.) Thwaites var. ophioxyloides (Wall.) Deb & Krishna
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Psychotria ambigua Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1350
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 181 x 135; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1331, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Coffeaceae, Rubiaceae, Psychotria ambigua (W & A
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 127, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 369.2   Location: Box 8
Cheirostylis flabellata Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cheirostylis flabellata Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 110 x 122; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 15 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1727, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 335.2   Location: Box 7
Cheirostylis flabellata Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cheirostylis flabellata Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 217 x 250; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 2 Habit drawings
Annotation Recto (pencil): 334, Goodyera flabellata Rich, M. flabellata RW, Monochilus Lind, bipart… RW, Kaitty falls, Neilgherries
Annotation Recto (ink): 1727, Neotteae, Orchideae, Monochilus flabellatum (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1727, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 335.1   Location: Box 7
Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxb.
Family: Oleaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 196; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Ligustrum?, Olea?
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 92   Location: Box 2
Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C. Jeffrey & Y.L. Chen
Family: Compositae
Original name: Senecio corymbosus Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1478]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 61 x 97; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis + script W]
Drawing recto: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1130, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 115
Drawing No.: 281.2   Location: Box 6
Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C. Jeffrey & Y.L. Chen
Family: Compositae
Original name: Senecio corymbosus Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1478]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 217 x 279; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 118
Annotation Recto (ink): 1130, Senecionideae, Compositae, Senecio corymbosus
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1130, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 115
Drawing No.: 281.1   Location: Box 6
Cissus arnottiana Shetty & P. Singh
Family: Vitaceae
Original name: Vitis pallida
Wight Catalogue No.: 414
By: [Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 235 x 311; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 50/413, Vitis
Annotation Recto (ink): Vitis pallida Wight ic. t. 50, Vitis pallida WC. 414
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(1) t. 50, 1838
Lithographer: [?Wight]
Drawing No.: 105   Location: Box 3
Specimens E00174244 E00174245 E00174246
Cleome chelidonii L. f.
Family: Capparaceae
Original name: Polanisia chelidonii DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: 78
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 158 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 319/72, Cleomeae
Annotation Recto (ink): Polanisia chelidonii, W.C. 78, Wight ic. t. 319, Pod opens from below upwards [line through drawing of pod]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 319, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 26   Location: Box 1
Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn.
Family: Verbenaceae
Original name: Clerodendron inerme Spr.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 177 x 258; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured fruit detail
Annotation Recto (ink): Clerodendron inerme Spr.
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 80
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Sheet of notes, with description, habitat and uses, grey wove paper watermarked RADWAY 1828 [Britannia]
Drawing No.: 435   Location: Box 10
Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon
Family: Verbenaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 238 x 305; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Clerodendron
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 1472
Drawing No.: 389   Location: Box 9
Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Family: Verbenaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 240 x 340; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Clerodendron
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 1471 (C. infortunatum)
Drawing No.: 388   Location: Box 9
Clitoria ternatea L.
Family: Leguminosae
By: ?A. Bertie  
Size (mm): 282 x 206; grey, wove   Watermark: [EIC symbol] JOHN KEY & CO LONDON 1834
Drawing recto: 14 floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 465.2   Location: Box 11
Clitoria ternatea L.
Family: Leguminosae
By: ?A. Bertie  
Size (mm): 281 x 207; grey, wove   Watermark: [EIC symbol] JOHN KEY & CO LONDON 1834
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 floral detail
Annotation Recto (ink): Sanka booshna [Mal.]
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 465.1   Location: Box 11
Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston
Family: Bixaceae
Medium:watercolour over traces of pencil
Size (mm): 207 x 283; bluish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): Bettu Tavara or Hill lotus
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 458   Location: Box 11
Coelogyne glandulosa Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Coelogyne nervosa A. Rich.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 224 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): Coelogyne nervosa Rich., 78
Annotation Recto (ink): 1638, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Coelogyne nervosa (A. Rich.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1638, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 295.1   Location: Box 7
Coelogyne glandulosa Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Coelogyne nervosa A. Rich.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 112 x 140; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1638
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1638, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 295.2   Location: Box 7
Coelogyne odoratissima Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Coelogyne angustifolia (A. Rich.)
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 214 x 278; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1641, C
Annotation Recto (ink): 1641, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Coelogyne angustifolia (A. Rich.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1641, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 297   Location: Box 7
Coelogyne odoratissima Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Coelogyne odoratissima Lindl.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2066]
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 97 x 125; greyish, smooth
Drawing recto: 15 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1640, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 296.2   Location: Box 7
Specimens E00174770 E00174770 E00174771 E00174771 E00174772 E00174772 E00174773 E00174773 E00174774 E00174774
Coelogyne odoratissima Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Coelogyne odoratissima Lindl.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2066]
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 225 x 284; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1640
Annotation Recto (ink): 1640, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Coelogyne odoratissima (Lind)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1640, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 296.1   Location: Box 7
Combretum latifolium Blume
Family: Combretaceae
Original name: Combretum wightianum
Wight Catalogue No.: [1055]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 272 x 225; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 981, Combreteae, Combretaceae, Combretum wightianum
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(12) t. 227, 1839
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 123   Location: Box 3
Convallaria majalis L.
Family: Convallariaceae
By: E. Lang  
Size (mm): 199 x 239; cream, board
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): E Lang 1834
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 505   Location: Box 11
Corallocarpus epigaea (Rottler) C.B. Clarke
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Original name: Bryonia epigaea Rottl.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1120
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 161 x 202; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Bryonia glabra Roxb., B. epigaea - Achmnadra Arn. [Sect.] 2 - Achmandra, Bryonia epigaea
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1120
Annotation Verso (pencil): 503/1079, Cucurbiteae, Cucurbitaceae, Bryonia epigaea Rott., Aechmandra Arnott
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 503, ?1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 42   Location: Box 1
Specimens E00174231 E00174232 E00174233 E00174234 E00174235
Corypha taliera Roxb.
Family: Palmae
Original name: Corypha taliera
By: ?  
Size (mm): 217 x 276; grey, copy paper
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (ink): 255 Corypha Taliera
Place of publication: [copy, Roxb., Pl. Coromand. Coast 3, t. 255, 1820]
Notes: 474-80, group of late, fairly crude Roxburgh tracings, not used for reproduction by Wight
Drawing No.: 480   Location: Box 11
Cotoneaster buxifolius Wall. ex Lindl.
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Cotoneaster buxifolia Wall.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 98 x 123; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 992, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 65
Drawing No.: 224.2   Location: Box 5
Cotoneaster buxifolius Wall. ex Lindl.
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Cotoneaster buxifolia Wall.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 223 x 285; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 58
Annotation Recto (ink): 992, Pomeae, Rosaceae, Cotoneaster affinis
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 992, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 65
Drawing No.: 224.1   Location: Box 5
Cottonia macrostachya Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cottonia macrostachya Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 209 x 266; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + fruit detail
Annotation Recto (ink): 1755, Vandeae, Orchideae, Cottonia macrostachya (RW
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1755, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: By Govindoo after original by [?Mrs] Jerdon
Drawing No.: 343.1   Location: Box 7
Cottonia macrostachya Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cottonia macrostachya Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 168 x 215; blue, smooth
Drawing recto: 14 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Cottonia macrostachya, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1755, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: By Govindoo after original by [?Mrs] Jerdon
Drawing No.: 343.2   Location: Box 7
Crescentia cujete L.
Family: Bignoniaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 200; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Crescentia, Bignon.
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: HWP specimen at E, but no locality
Drawing No.: 75   Location: Box 2
Crinum asiaticum L.
Family: Amaryllidaceae
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 199 x 237; greyish, smooth
Drawing recto: 2 floral details
Drawing verso: 11 pencil floral details (incl. Ipomoea illustris (C.B. Clarke) Prain
Annotation Verso (pencil): Ip. Campanulata
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 455   Location: Box 11
Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Crossandra axillaris Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [1978]
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 132 x 177; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 460, Justicieae, Acanthaceae, Crossandra axillaris (Nees)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 460, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 151.2   Location: Box 3
Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Crossandra infundibuliformis Ait.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1977b]
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 106 x 183; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 461/E, Justicieae, Acanthaceae, Crossandra infundibuliformis (Aiton)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 461, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 152.1   Location: Box 3
Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Crossandra axillaris Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: 1978
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 148 x 201; cream, smooth   Watermark: [PoW feathers] J & M, 1823
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured details
Drawing verso: faint traces of erased drawings
Annotation Recto (pencil): C. infundibuliformis, Crossandra axillaris WC. 1978, 58
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 460, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 151.1   Location: Box 3
Crotalaria barbata Graham ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria barbata Graham
Wight Catalogue No.: [684]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 98 x 122; grey, wove   Watermark: 18..
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 6
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 980, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 52
Drawing No.: 212.2   Location: Box 5
Crotalaria barbata Graham ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria barbata Graham
Wight Catalogue No.: [684]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 220 x 280; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 coloured fruit details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 49, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, C. barbata Graham
Annotation Recto (ink): 980/555, Papilionaceae, Leguminosae, Loteae, Crotalaria barbata (Graham
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 980, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 52
Drawing No.: 212.1   Location: Box 5
Crotalaria formosa Graham ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria formosa Graham
Wight Catalogue No.: [682]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 221 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured fruit details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 46 [deleted, 981 [deleted], 53, 6, 7, C. formosa (Graham)
Annotation Recto (ink): 981/573, Papilionaceae, Leguminosae, Loteae, Crotalaria formosa (Graham)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 981, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 53
Drawing No.: 213.1   Location: Box 5
Crotalaria formosa Graham ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria formosa Graham
Wight Catalogue No.: [682]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 125; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 981, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 53
Drawing No.: 213.2   Location: Box 5
Crotalaria laburnifolia L.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria laburnifolia L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [710]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 192 x 240; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 524, Crotalaria Laburnifolia, Wight
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Secretary of State for India Library blind stamp
Drawing No.: 402   Location: Box 9
Crotalaria notonii Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria notonii W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [991]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 221 x 285; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured partial infructescence
Annotation Recto (pencil): 752
Annotation Recto (ink): 598, Loteae, Leguminosae, Crotalaria Notonii (W & A), 14
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(1) t. 752, 1844
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 162.1   Location: Box 4
Crotalaria notonii Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria notonii W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [991]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 124; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 15 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(1) t. 752, 1844
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 162.2   Location: Box 4
Crotalaria obtecta Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria obtecta
Wight Catalogue No.: 685
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 250 x 345; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 coloured and 9 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 208
Annotation Recto (ink): Crotalaria obtecta Graham, WC. 685
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(11) t. 208, 1839
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 118   Location: Box 3
Specimens E00179723 E00179724 E00179725
Crotalaria scabrella Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria rubiginosa Willd.
Wight Catalogue No.: [689]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 222 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 885/551, Loteae, Leguminosae, Crotalaria rubiginosa Willd.
Annotation Verso (pencil): Etterazooloo, Dr Wight's Writer, Medl. Board Office
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 885, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 174.1   Location: Box 4
Crotalaria scabrella Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria rubiginosa Willd.
Wight Catalogue No.: [689]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 100 x 124; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 18 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 885, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 174.2   Location: Box 4
Crotalaria semperflorens Vent.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria wallichiana W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [696]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 111 x 142; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 6
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 982, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 54
Drawing No.: 214.2   Location: Box 5
Crotalaria semperflorens Vent.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria wallichiana W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [696]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 216 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 coloured fruit details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 47
Annotation Recto (ink): 982/579, Papilionaceae, Leguminosae, Loteae, Crotalaria Wallichiana (W & A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 982, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 54
Drawing No.: 214.1   Location: Box 5
Crotalaria willdenowiana DC.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Crotalaria rigida
Wight Catalogue No.: [716]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 161 x 201; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): Crotalaria [stricta - deleted] rigida
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 74   Location: Box 2
Cucumis melo L.
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Original name: Cucumis pubescens Willd.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1102
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 175 x 256; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): [sect] 9, Cucum. Madraspatana Roxb., [Cucum.] maculatus Willd., DC., Thimmoollie
Annotation Recto (ink): WC 1102, Cucumis pubescens Willd.
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 496
Drawing No.: 399   Location: Box 9
Cucurbita moschata (Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Original name: Cucurbita maxima Duch.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1140
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 132 x 180; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 7 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): [sec] 9, Cucurbita
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 507, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 419.2   Location: Box 10
Cucurbita moschata (Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Original name: Cucurbita maxima Duch.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1140
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 353 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: bodycolour drawing of fruit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 507/1096, Cucurbiteae [sec]9 but should be [sec] 8, Rheede Mal. 8 t. 2 certe, referred to Cucurb. Pepo
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. n. 1140 Cucurbita maxima Duch.
Annotation Verso (pencil): lb 15 - Wt.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 507, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 419.1   Location: Box 10
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Cyamopsis psoralioides
Wight Catalogue No.: 869
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 256; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 248
Annotation Recto (ink): Cyamopsis psoralioides DC.[?WJHooker] WC. n. 869
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 49
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(13) t. 248, 1840
Lithographer: Romeo
Notes: This painting is one of early group, but attributed to Rungiah in Icones
Drawing No.: 125   Location: Box 3
Cyanotis axillaris (L.) Sweet
Family: Commelinaceae
Original name: Tradescantia axillaris L.
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 199 x 299; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Tradescantia axillaris
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 444   Location: Box 11
Cyathocline purpurea (D. Don) Kuntze
Family: Compositae
Original name: Cyathocline lyrata DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1420]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 224 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 5.373, 19, Cyathocline lyrata
Annotation Recto (ink): 1098, Asteroideae, Compositae, Cyathocline lyrata (D.C.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1098, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 276.1   Location: Box 6
Cyathocline purpurea (D. Don) Kuntze
Family: Compositae
Original name: Cyathocline lyrata DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1420]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 111 x 142; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 8 coloured floral parts
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1098, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 276.2   Location: Box 6
Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cymbidium erectum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 199 x 246; greyish, wove   Watermark: [posthorn + script W]
Drawing recto: Habit (3 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): C. erectum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1753, Vandeae, Orchideae, Cymbidium erectum (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1753, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 342.1   Location: Box 7
Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cymbidium erectum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 78 x 215; blue, smooth
Drawing recto: 7 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: rough pencil sketch of orchid pseudobulbs
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1753, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 342.2   Location: Box 7
Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Swartz
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cymbidium aloifolium Sw.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 295 x 445'; grey, wove   Watermark: [EIC symbol] J WHATMAN 1826
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 6 watercolour floral and fruit details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Cymbidium aloifolium, Eulophia
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 1687.8
Drawing No.: 414   Location: Box 10
Dendrobium aqueum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Dendrobium album Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 138 x 166; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1645, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 301.2   Location: Box 7
Dendrobium aqueum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Dendrobium album Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 222 x 282; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1645, 49
Annotation Recto (ink): 1645, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Dendrobium album (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1645, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 301.1   Location: Box 7
Dendrobium heyneanum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Dendrobium heyneanum Lindl.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2068]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 210 x 325; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 909, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Dendrobieae, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Dendrobium Heyneanum (Lind.) 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 909, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 189   Location: Box 5
Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindl.
By: Mrs Walker  
Size (mm): 250 x 411; greyish, copy paper   Watermark: J WHATMAN TURKEY MILL 1830
Drawing recto: Habit + 8 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Dendrob. Macrostachyum G & Sp. Orchid
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1647, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Tracing by Mrs Walker, presumably reworked for plate by Govindoo, to whom plate attributed
Drawing No.: 302   Location: Box 7
Dendrobium microbulbon A. Rich.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Dendrobium humile Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 205 x 276; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 2 habits + 2 habits on attached slips
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1643, bring the large figure a little down to give the small one more room
Annotation Recto (ink): 1643, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Dendrobium humile (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1643, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 299.1   Location: Box 7
Dendrobium microbulbon A. Rich.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Dendrobium humile Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 115 x 165; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 13 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1643, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 299.2   Location: Box 7
Dendrobium nutans Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Dendrobium jerdonianum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 111 x 126; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1644, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 300.2   Location: Box 7
Dendrobium nutans Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Dendrobium jerdonianum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 220 x 250; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1644, 49
Annotation Recto (ink): 1644, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Dendrobium Jerdonianum (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1644, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 300.1   Location: Box 7
Dendrophthoe falcata (L. f.) Ettingsh.
Family: Loranthaceae
Original name: Loranthus amplexifolius
Wight Catalogue No.: 1245
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 221 x 308; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured and 1 pencil detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1187, Sengatanmanarathoopilloorwee
Annotation Recto (ink): Loranthus amplexifolius DC. W.C. 1245
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 16 of Icon
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 301, 1840
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 128   Location: Box 3
Dendrophthoe falcata (L. f.) Ettingsh.
Family: Loranthaceae
Original name: Loranthus longiflorus Desr.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1242
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 256; cream, smooth   Watermark: RUSE & T.. 182.
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 302/1186
Annotation Recto (ink): Loranthus longiflorus Desr. WC. 1242
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 79, Mamarattoo Pillooroong
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 302, 1840
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 129   Location: Box 3
Dendrophthoe neelgherrensis (Wight & Arn.) Tiegh.
Family: Loranthaceae
Original name: Loranthus pyranthus Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1232]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 121; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): L. pyranthus
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 1, 2, 3, Chin… /C…ool [yellow paint]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1020, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 88
Drawing No.: 247.2   Location: Box 5
Dendrophthoe neelgherrensis (Wight & Arn.) Tiegh.
Family: Loranthaceae
Original name: Loranthus pyranthus Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1232]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 211 x 267; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured fruit detail
Annotation Recto (ink): 1018, Loranthaceae, Loranthus pyranthus
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1020, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 88
Drawing No.: 247.1   Location: Box 5
Derris ovalifolia (Wight & Arn.) Benth.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Pongamia ovalifolia W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 917
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 174 x 256; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 328/806, Dalbergiaceae, Dalbergieae, Dalbergia sp. [crossed out], WC. 917
Annotation Recto (ink): Pongamia ovalifolia W&A, WC. 917
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 13
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 328, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 28   Location: Box 1
Desmodium ferrugineum Wall. ex Thwaites
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Desmodium rufescens DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [785]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 124; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral and leaf details
Drawing verso: colour drawing of flower and pencil sketch of human hand
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 984, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 57
Drawing No.: 216.2   Location: Box 5
Desmodium ferrugineum Wall. ex Thwaites
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Desmodium rufescens DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [785]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 225 x 280; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 57
Annotation Recto (ink): 984/704, Papilionaceae, Leguminosae, Hedysareae, Desmodium rufescens DC.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 984, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Note Telugu letters against leaflets (?colour code for colouring SN). Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 57
Drawing No.: 216.1   Location: Box 5
Desmodium repandum (Vahl) DC.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Desmodium strangulatum W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [772, 773, 774]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 124; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 13 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 985, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 58
Drawing No.: 217.2   Location: Box 5
Desmodium repandum (Vahl) DC.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Desmodium strangulatum W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [772, 773, 774]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 214 x 278; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 51
Annotation Recto (ink): 985/705, Papilionaceae, Leguminosae, Hedysareae, Desmodium strangulatum (W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 985, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Note Telugu letters against leaflets (?colour code for colouring SN). NB repousse on verso. Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 58
Drawing No.: 217.1   Location: Box 5
Desmodium triangulare (Retz.) Merr.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Desmodium congestum
Wight Catalogue No.: 789
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 253 x 349; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured and 5 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 209
Annotation Recto (ink): Desmodium congestum Wall. WC. 789
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(11) t. 209, 1839
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 119   Location: Box 3
Didymoplexis pallens Griff.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Apetalon minutum Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 130 x 202; grey, wove   Watermark: [rampant lion crowned]
Drawing recto: Habit + 22 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, put these two into one plate with a line between
Annotation Recto (ink): 1758, Arethuseae, Orchideae, Apetalon minutum RW
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1758 (left), 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 344.2   Location: Box 7
Digera muricata (L.) Mart.
Family: Amaranthaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 coloured floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 86   Location: Box 2
Diospyros malabarica (Desr.) Kostel.
Family: Ebenaceae
Original name: Embryopteris glutenifera Roxb.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 318 x 197; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 843, Ebenaceae, 109, Embryopteris glutenifera ♂ (Roxb.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1, 2, 3; April/2 39 [red chalk]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 843, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 167   Location: Box 4
Specimens E00179160
Diospyros malabarica (Desr.) Kostel.
Family: Ebenaceae
Original name: Embryopteris glutenifera Roxb.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 237 x 335; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 5 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 844, Ebenaceae, Embryopteris glutenifera ♀ (Roxb.), 109
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 844, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 168   Location: Box 4
Diplocentrum recurvum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Diplocentrum longifolium Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 205 x 246; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1669, 123
Annotation Recto (ink): 1681, Vandeae, Orchideae, Diplocentrum longifolium (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1681, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 319   Location: Box 7
Diplocentrum recurvum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Diplocentrum recurvum Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 217 x 250; whitish smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1670, 123, Diplocentrum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1680, Vandeae, Orchideae, Diplocentrum recurvum (Lind)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1680, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 318.1   Location: Box 7
Diplocentrum recurvum Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Diplocentrum recurvum Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 109 x 125; whitish smooth
Drawing recto: 16 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1680, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 318.2   Location: Box 7
Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) Jeffrey
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Original name: Bryonia laciniosa L.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1111
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 254; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured details
Drawing verso: 10 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 500/1072, B. laciniosa, Ievalaree, Rheed. Mal. 8 t. 19 certe [sect.] 7
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1111, Bryonia laciniosa Linn.
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 500, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 160   Location: Box 3
Disperis neilgherrensis Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Disperis tripetaloidea Lindl.
By: Mrs Walker  
Size (mm): 280 x 226; cream, copy paper
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured and 7 uncoloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 930, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, Disparis tripetaloidea, Apparently a new genus referrable to Ophrydeae Lindley
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, [detailed notes on dissections and the plant by Mrs Walker]
Annotation Verso (pencil): 33
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 930, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: On tracing paper
Drawing No.: 201   Location: Box 5
Disperis neilgherrensis Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Disperis neilgherrensis Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 95 x 125; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1719, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 333.2   Location: Box 7
Disperis neilgherrensis Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Disperis neilgherrensis Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 222 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1719, Disperis Neilgherrensis WD, 247
Annotation Recto (ink): 1719, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, Diperis Neilgherrensis
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1719, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 333.1   Location: Box 7
Dopatrium lobelioides (Retz.) Benth.
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Original name: Dopatrium lobelioides
Wight Catalogue No.: [2187]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (in 2 parts)
Drawing verso: 5 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 859, Scrophularineae, Gratioleae, 18, Turn, 127, Dopatrium lobelioides (Benth.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 859, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 60   Location: Box 2
Dyschoriste madurensis (Burm. F.) Kuntze
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Dyschoriste littoralis Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [1935]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 156; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 447/Ed, Ruellieae-, Acanth, Dyschoriste littoralis Nees, Ruellia littoralis Linn., [Justicia madurensis -deleted] Burm. Fl. Ind.
Annotation Verso (pencil): No 77, 23 & 24
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 447, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 143.1   Location: Box 3
Dyschoriste madurensis (Burm. F.) Kuntze
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Dyschoriste littoralis Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [1935]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 139 x 55; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 6 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 447, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 143.2   Location: Box 3
Ecbolium ligustrinum (Vahl) Vollesen
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Justicia ecbolium L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2009]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 95 x 83; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 463, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 153.2   Location: Box 3
Ecbolium ligustrinum (Vahl) Vollesen
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Justicia ecbolium L.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2009
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 177 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 463, Justicieae, Acanth., Justicia dentata var?, WC. 2009, Justicia ecbolium Linn.
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 70, Vallyadachan Tam., Large
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 463, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 153.1   Location: Box 3
Ehretia cf. aspera Willd.
Family: Boraginaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 249; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 colour floral details
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 74
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: [Sheet of notes labelled Heliotropium ovalifolium? Cannot refer to this drawing as it describes a herb with procumbent stems]
Drawing No.: 433   Location: Box 10
Elaeocarpus glandulosus Wall. ex Merr.
Family: Elaeocarpaceae
Original name: Elaeocarpus oblongus sensu W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 293
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 198; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 floral details (3 in colour)
Drawing verso: Crude pencil drawing of a fruit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 296, Elaeocarpus oblongus WC. 293
Annotation Recto (ink): Elaeocarpus oblongus, Wight ic. t. 46
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(3) t. 46, 1838
Lithographer: Wight
Notes: Additional dissections on plate not on drawing
Drawing No.: 4   Location: Box 1
Specimens E00174819 E00174820 E00174821 E00174822 E00174823 E00174824
Embelia ribes Burm. f.
Family: Myrsinaceae
Original name: Embelia ribes
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 147 x 196; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Embelia Ribes [Cleghorn]
Annotation Verso (pencil): Embelia ribes Mysore, drawn by Govindoo, my native draughtsman
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Cleghorn's annotation is mystifying (unless copied by him from an annotation by Wight). The paper and style is identical with the rest of this set, which are by Rungiah
Drawing No.: 97   Location: Box 2
Emilia scabra DC.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Emilia scabra DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1487]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 124; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis + script W]
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 45
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1123, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 280.2   Location: Box 6
Emilia scabra DC.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Emilia scabra DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1487]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 208 x 275; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1123, Emilia scabra (D.C.)
Annotation Recto (ink): 1123, Senecionideae, Compositae, Emilia scabra (D.C.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1123, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 280.1   Location: Box 6
Eranthemum capense L.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Eranthemum montanum Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [2004]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 58 x 69; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 3 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 466, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 156.2   Location: Box 3
Eranthemum capense L.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Eranthemum montanum Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: 2004
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 196; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 466/, Eranthineae, Acanthaceae, Eranthemum montanum α Nees, WC. 2004
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 466, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 156.1   Location: Box 3
Eria braccata Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Eria reticosa Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 226 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured pseudobulb detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1637, Eria, E. reticosa R.W., Pycarah June on rocks & branches of trees
Annotation Recto (ink): 1637, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Eria reticosa (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1637, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 294.1   Location: Box 7
Eria braccata Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Eria reticosa Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 100 x 125; greyish, smooth
Drawing recto: 15 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1637, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 294.2   Location: Box 7
Specimens E00174690 E00174691 E00174692 E00174693 E00174694 E00174695 E00174696 E00174697
Eria cf. dalzellii Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 97 x 117; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Dendrobium S Nov
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not the originals of Icones t. 1642 (left) (D. filiforme)
Drawing No.: 452   Location: Box 11
Eria dalzellii Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Dendrobium filiforme Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 112 x 126; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 8 floral and 1 habit detail (mainly pencil)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1642, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 298.2   Location: Box 7
Eria dalzellii Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Dendrobium filiforme Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 205 x 233; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 habits on attached slips (1 coloured, 1 pencil)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1642, straw colour
Annotation Recto (ink): 1642, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Dendrobium filiforme (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1642, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Bottom right habit figure = E. nana A. Rich.
Drawing No.: 298.1   Location: Box 7
Specimens E00174834 E00174834 E00174835 E00174835 E00174836 E00174836 E00174837 E00174837 E00174838 E00174838
Eria pauciflora Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Eria pauciflora Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 203 x 244; grey, wove   Watermark: C WILMOT 1840
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1636, Eria pauciflora
Annotation Recto (ink): 1636, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Eria pauciflora (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1636, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 293.1   Location: Box 7
Eria pauciflora Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Eria pauciflora Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 105 x 165; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 16 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1636, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 293.2   Location: Box 7
Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Eriobotrya japonica
Wight Catalogue No.: 1015
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 348 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 931, Eriobotria Japonica, 363 275/88
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1015
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(12) t. 226, 1839
Lithographer: [?Dumphy]
Drawing No.: 122   Location: Box 3
Eulophia epidendraea (Konig) Schltr.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Eulophia virens R. Br.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 250 x 386; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis] R & T
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 913, Vandeae, Orchideae, Eulophia virens (R. Br.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): 14 & 15
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 913, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 422.1   Location: Box 10
Eulophia epidendraea (Konig) Schltr.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Eulophia virens R. Br.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 113 x 184; grey, wove   Watermark: I I SMIT[H & SON].
Drawing recto: 11 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Double
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 913, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 422.2   Location: Box 10
Eulophia macrostachya Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Eulophia macrostachya Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 114 x 116; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 13 colour floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1667/8, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 427.2   Location: Box 10
Eulophia macrostachya Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Eulophia macrostachya Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 281 x 450; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1667-8
Annotation Recto (ink): 1667-68, Vandeae, Orchideae, Eulophia macrostachya (Lind.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1667/8, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 427.1   Location: Box 10
Eulophia spectabilis (Dennst.) Suresh
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cyrtopera fusca Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 102 x 125; grey, smooth
Drawing recto: 13 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Cyrtopera Brunoniana RW
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1690, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 429.2   Location: Box 10
Eulophia spectabilis (Dennst.) Suresh
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cyrtopera fusca Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 199 x 321; grey, wove   Watermark: [Britannia]
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 179
Annotation Recto (ink): 1690 [1689 - deleted], Vandeae, Orchideae, Cyrtopera fusca (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1690, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 429.1   Location: Box 10
Euodia lunu-akenda (Gaertn.) Merr.
Family: Rutaceae
Original name: Zanthoxylon triphyllum Juss.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 91 x 57; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 2 pencil floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: These details not used in Icones t. 204
Drawing No.: 416.2   Location: Box 10
Euodia lunu-akenda (Gaertn.) Merr.
Family: Rutaceae
Original name: Zanthoxylon triphyllum Juss.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 233 x 309; cream, smooth   Watermark: 1829
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 52, Toddalia, The part representing in the drawing an ovary is in truth sterile glands surrounding a 4 sterile styles These are in short male flowers
Annotation Recto (ink): Zanthoxylon triphyllum Wicht ic. t. 204
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(11) t. 204, 1839
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 416.1   Location: Box 10
Euphorbia corrigioloides Boiss.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Original name: Euphorbia
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 178 x 254; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 colour floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): Euphorbia, 130
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 91, Vail ammampatcharici Tam
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 2 sheets of notes with descriptions, habitat, notes to ?Hooker, grey wove, one watermarked RADWAY 1828 [Britannia], one KG 1825
Drawing No.: 439   Location: Box 10
Euphorbia oreophila Miq. ex Boiss.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2/56, 121
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 1864 (E. rothiana)
Drawing No.: 84   Location: Box 2
Euphorbia rosea Retz.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Original name: Euphorbia satureioides
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 174 x 256; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Euphorb. Satureioides, 12.8
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 2 sheets of notes with descriptions, habitat, notes to ?Hooker, grey wove, one watermarked KENT 1826, one KG 1825
Drawing No.: 438   Location: Box 10
Exacum pedunculatum L.
Family: Gentianaceae
Original name: Exacum pedunculare L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2434]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 158 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: Faint pencil drawing of decorative cartouche
Annotation Recto (pencil): 336, Chironeae, Gentianeae, Exacum pedunculare, Sabaea carinata, Exacum pedunculata, The name of this plant is not known
Annotation Recto (ink): Exacum pedunculare L.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 336, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 29   Location: Box 1
Exacum wightianum Arn.
Family: Gentianaceae
Original name: Exacum wightianum Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2432]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 240 x 337; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 840, Chironieae, Gentianeae, 17, "A", Exacum Wightianum (Arn.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 840, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 166   Location: Box 4
Ficus sp.
Family: Moraceae
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 127 x 144; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 447   Location: Box 11
Flacourtia ramontchi L'Her.
Family: Flacourtiaceae
By: A. Bertie  
Size (mm): 209 x 285; cream, wove   Watermark: [EIC symbol] JOHN KEY & CO LONDON 1833
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 fruit details
Annotation Recto (ink): Moolu Sampige Mara, A beuatiful red berry of pleasant subacid taste
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 460   Location: Box 11
Flemingia nilgherensis (Baker) T. Cooke
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Flemingia procumbens Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 122; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 17 coloured floral and leaf details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 987, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 60
Drawing No.: 219.2   Location: Box 5
Flemingia nilgherensis (Baker) T. Cooke
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Flemingia procumbens Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 262 x 224; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 53
Annotation Recto (ink): 987 [52 - deleted], Papilionaceae, Leguminosae, Flemingia procumbens (RW)
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 987, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 60
Drawing No.: 219.1   Location: Box 5
Fragaria nilgerrensis Schltdl. ex J. Gay
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Fragaria elatior Ehrh.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1005]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 60 x 28; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 10, 11
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 988, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 61
Drawing No.: 220.3   Location: Box 5
Fragaria nilgerrensis Schltdl. ex J. Gay
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Fragaria elatior Ehrh.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1005]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 118; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 14 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 988, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 61
Drawing No.: 220.2   Location: Box 5
Fragaria nilgerrensis Schltdl. ex J. Gay
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Fragaria elatior Ehrh.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1005]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 213 x 270; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 54, (Ehrh)
Annotation Recto (ink): 988/923, Dryadeae, Rosaceae, Fragaria elatior
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 988, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 61
Drawing No.: 220.1   Location: Box 5
Galium rotundifolium L. var. javanicum (Blume) Hook. f.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Galium requienianum Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1372]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 222 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 31, A, 467, 102
Annotation Recto (ink): 1040/1360, Stellatae, Rubiaceae, Galium Requienianum (W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1042, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 102
Drawing No.: 264.1   Location: Box 6
Galium rotundifolium L. var. javanicum (Blume) Hook. f.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Galium requienianum Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1372]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 122; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): G. Requienianum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1042, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 102
Drawing No.: 264.2   Location: Box 6
Gardenia gummifera L. f.
Family: Rubiaceae
By: A. Bertie  
Size (mm): 210 x 284; cream, wove   Watermark: [EIC symbol] JOHN KEY & CO LONDON 1833
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Bikkay Gidda.
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 462   Location: Box 11
Gardenia latifolia Ait.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Gardenia latifolia
Wight Catalogue No.: [1272]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 2 floral and cross section of fruit in watercolour
Annotation Recto (pencil): 759, Gardenia latifolia Willd., Roxb. & …, Kumbay Marom
Annotation Recto (ink): 1218, Gardeniaceae, Rubiaceae, Gardenia latifolia (Ait.) See the other side for dissections, 1, 21 [Gardenia latifolia Ait. Vix Roxb. WC 1279] deleted
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(1) t. 759, 1844
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 45   Location: Box 2
Gastrochilus acaulis (Lindl.) Kuntze
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Vanda pulchella Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 216 x 249; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 1671, Vandeae, Orchideae, Vanda pulchella (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1671, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 309.1   Location: Box 7
Gastrochilus acaulis (Lindl.) Kuntze
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Vanda pulchella Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 109 x 122; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 14 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Vanda pulchella, 120?
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1671, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 309.2   Location: Box 7
Geodorum densiflorum (Lam.) Schltr.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Geodorum dilatatum R. Br.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 112 x 185; grey, wove   Watermark: [I I SMI]TH & SON
Drawing recto: 12 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Double
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 912, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 421.2   Location: Box 10
Geodorum densiflorum (Lam.) Schltr.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Geodorum dilatatum R. Br.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 249 x 386; grey, wove   Watermark: RUSE & TURNERS 1841
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured infructescence detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 912, Vandeae, Orchideae, 4, Geodorum dilatatum (R. Br.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): 12 & 13
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 912, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 421.1   Location: Box 10
Glochidion cf. malabaricum (Mull. Arg.) Beddome
Family: Euphorbiaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 154 x 198; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2/12, Phyllanthus?
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 90   Location: Box 2
Gloriosa superba L.
Family: Colchicaceae
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 256
Drawing recto: Habit + fr + root details
Annotation Verso (pencil): Chattiya calang Tam No 58
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: One of early Madras Nat series A
Drawing No.: 508   Location: Box 2
Gmelina arborea Roxb.
Family: Verbenaceae
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 174 x 257
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 fl + 2 fr details
Annotation Verso (pencil): Varappoolah - Tam No 24
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: One of early Madras Nat series A
Drawing No.: 506   Location: Box 2
Gmelina arborea Roxb.
Family: Verbenaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 251 x 329; cream, smooth   Watermark: URNERS [182]4
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Gmelina arborea, Verben
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 1470
Drawing No.: 390   Location: Box 9
Goodyera procera (Ker Gawl.) Hook.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Goodyera procera Hook.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 101 x 125; greyish, smooth
Drawing recto: 15 coloured floral details (+ 1 deleted)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1729, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 336.2   Location: Box 7
Goodyera procera (Ker Gawl.) Hook.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Goodyera procera Hook.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 225 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 340
Annotation Recto (ink): 1729, Neotteae, Orchideae, Goodyera procera (Hooker)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1729, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 336.1   Location: Box 7
Gossypium arboreum L.
Family: Malvaceae
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 199 x 239; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 502   Location: Box 11
Gossypium barbadense L.
Family: Malvaceae
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 199 x 239; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 502   Location: Box 11
Gossypium herbaceum L.
Family: Malvaceae
Original name: Gossypium herbaceum
By: ?  
Size (mm): 216 x 276; grey, copy paper
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 269 Gossypium herbaceum
Place of publication: [copy, Roxb., Pl. Coromand. Coast 3, t. 269, 1820]
Notes: 474-80, group of late, fairly crude Roxburgh tracings, not used for reproduction by Wight
Drawing No.: 481   Location: Box 11
Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Grangea maderaspatana Poir.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1419
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 199 x 159; cream, smooth   Watermark: C. WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 5.372, Asteroideae
Annotation Recto (ink): 1097, Asteroideae, Compositae, Grangea Madraspatana (Poir.), WC. n. 1449, 1419
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1097, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 275.1   Location: Box 6
Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Grangea maderaspatana Poir.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1419
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 107 x 124; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 pencil floral details
Drawing verso: pencil sketch of utricle-like object
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1097, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 275.2   Location: Box 6
Grewia hirsuta Vahl
Family: Tiliaceae
Original name: Grewia hirsuta Vahl
Wight Catalogue No.: [256]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 284, Tiliaceae, Grewia hirsuta
Annotation Recto (ink): Grewia hirsuta, Wight ic. t. 76
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(4) t. 76, 1838
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 8   Location: Box 1
Grewia orbiculata Rottler
Family: Tiliaceae
Original name: Grewia rotundifolia Juss.
Wight Catalogue No.: 268
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 155 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Tiliaceae, 45/291, Wight cat. 268, Nechitty, Grewia vel …
Annotation Recto (ink): Grewia rotundifolia Juss.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(3) t. 45, 1838
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Additional dissections on plate not on drawing
Drawing No.: 3   Location: Box 1
Specimens E00174738 E00174739
Grewia orientalis L.
Family: Tiliaceae
Original name: Grewia columnaris Sm.
Wight Catalogue No.: 257
By: [Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 151 x 203; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 44/279, Grewia columnaris Wight cat. 257 [by Arnott]
Annotation Recto (ink): Grewia columnaris - Wight ic. t. 44 [by Arnott]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(3) t. 44, 1838
Lithographer: [?Wight]
Notes: Dissections on plate differ from those on drawing
Drawing No.: 2   Location: Box 1
Gymnema elegans Wight & Arn.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Gymnema elegans
Wight Catalogue No.: 1534
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 196; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 floral details
Drawing verso: stem with node and single leaf in pencil
Annotation Recto (pencil): 830, Asclepiadeae, Pergularieae, 7, Gymnema elegans W&A
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1534, Gymnema elegans W&A
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 830, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 51   Location: Box 2
Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R. Br. ex Schult.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Gymnema sylvestre Br.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1530
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 195; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 349, Pergularieae, Asclep., PG 44 [of Contributions] /No 2
Annotation Recto (ink): Gymnema sylvestre Br., WC. 1530
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 349, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Additional dissections on plate not on drawing
Drawing No.: 34   Location: Box 1
Habenaria cephalotes Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria cephalotes Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 115 x 176; grey, wove   Watermark: [posthorn + C & EH]
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Habenaria cephalotes
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1711, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 328.2   Location: Box 7
Specimens E00179736 E00179736
Habenaria cephalotes Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria cephalotes Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 225 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1711, H. cephalotes Lind., H. trichosantha Richd.?
Annotation Recto (ink): 1711, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, Habenaria cephalotes (Lind)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1711, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 328.1   Location: Box 7
Habenaria crassifolia A. Rich.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Platanthera brachyphylla Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 225 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1694, P1, 234, Platanthera brachyphylla, Hab. Crassifolia Richd.
Annotation Recto (ink): 1694, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, Platanthera brachyphylla (Lind.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1694, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 325.1   Location: Box 7
Habenaria crassifolia A. Rich.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Platanthera brachyphylla Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 111 x 123; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1694, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 325.2   Location: Box 7
Habenaria crinifera Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria crinifera Lindl.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 208 x 328; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 926, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Habenaria crinifera (Lind.) 29 [187 - deleted]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 926, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 198   Location: Box 5
Habenaria decipiens Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria montana A. Rich.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 208 x 328; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 927, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Habenaria montana (A. Rich.), 30 [187 - deleted]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 927, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 199   Location: Box 5
Habenaria digitata Lindl. var. foliosa (A. Rich.) Hook. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria foliosa A. Rich.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 97 x 123; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1700, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 327.2   Location: Box 7
Habenaria digitata Lindl. var. foliosa (A. Rich.) Hook. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria foliosa A. Rich.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 223 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1700, 26, 234, Hab. Digitata?, H. foliosa (Rich)
Annotation Recto (ink): 1700, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, Habenaria foliosa (Rich)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1700, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 327.1   Location: Box 7
Habenaria diphylla Dalzell
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria jerdoniana Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 166 x 221; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 1715, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, Habenaria Jerdoniana (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1715, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Must have been drawn from herbarium specimen
Drawing No.: 330.1   Location: Box 7
Habenaria diphylla Dalzell
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria jerdoniana Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 115 x 220; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 5 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1715, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Must have been drawn from herbarium specimen
Drawing No.: 330.2   Location: Box 7
Habenaria longicorniculata J. Graham
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria longicalcarata Lindl.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 206 x 330; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + 5 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 925, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Habenaria longicalcarata (A. Rich.), 28 [187 - deleted]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 925, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 197   Location: Box 5
Habenaria longicornu Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria montana A. Rich.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 96 x 123; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: rough pencil sketch of lip
Annotation Recto (pencil): These belong to A
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1714, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 329.2   Location: Box 7
Habenaria longicornu Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria montana A. Rich.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 225 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): A, bring this further down & put those of the slip above
Annotation Recto (ink): 1714, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, a, b, Habenaria montana (Richd.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1714, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: The flower labelled B is of H. decipiens Wight
Drawing No.: 329.1   Location: Box 7
Habenaria perrottetiana A. Rich.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Platanthera lutea Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 207 x 330; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + 7 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 919, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Platanthera lutea (RW), 22 [177 - deleted], Platanthera ? Lutea
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 919, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 193   Location: Box 5
Habenaria rariflora A. Rich.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria rariflora A. Rich.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 205 x 170; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 924, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, 187 [deleted] 27, Habenaria rariflora (A. Rich.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 924, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 67   Location: Box 2
Habenaria travancorica Hook. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria lindleyana Wight
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 204 x 328; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + 6 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 922, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, [Hab. Digitata Pulney Neilgherry, Hab. Foliosa Richar - deleted] Habenaria Lindleyana (RW), 25
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 922, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 196   Location: Box 5
Habenaria virens (Lindl.) P.F. Hunt & Summerh.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Ate virens Lindl.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2084]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 207 x 328; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + 6 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 928, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Ate virens (Lind.), 31 [88 - deleted]
Annotation Recto (ink): Ate virens Lind. Sirumullie Hills 15 Octr. 1836 - RW
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 928, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 200   Location: Box 5
Halenia elliptica ssp. perrottetii (Griseb.) Hagen
Family: Gentianaceae
Wight Catalogue No.: [2576]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 157 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): Swertia
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 1334
Drawing No.: 80   Location: Box 2
Hedyotis leschenaultii DC.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Hedyotis stylosa R. Br.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1290]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 223 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured fruit detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 93, H. stylosa
Annotation Recto (ink): 1025/1248, Hedyotideae, Rubiaceae, Hedyotis stylosa (R.B.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): ruler in pencil and table with Telugu script
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1027, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 93
Drawing No.: 254.1   Location: Box 6
Hedyotis leschenaultii DC.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Hedyotis stylosa R. Br.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1290]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 123; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis + script W]
Drawing recto: 18 partly coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1027, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 93
Drawing No.: 254.2   Location: Box 6
Hedyotis pruinosa Wight & Arn.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Hedyotis lawsoniae Wight & Arn.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 223 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 92, H. Lawsoniae
Annotation Recto (ink): 1024/1247, Hedyotideae, Rubiaceae, Hedyotis Lawsoniae (W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1026, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 92
Drawing No.: 253.1   Location: Box 6
Hedyotis pruinosa Wight & Arn.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Hedyotis lawsoniae Wight & Arn.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 86 x 121; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis + script W]
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral and leaf details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1026, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 92
Drawing No.: 253.2   Location: Box 6
Helicteres isora L.
Family: Sterculiaceae
Original name: Helicteres isora
Wight Catalogue No.: 224
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 216 x 290; cream, smooth   Watermark: RNERS
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Helicteres Isora - Wight ic. t. 180, W.C. 224
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(9) t. 180, 1839
Lithographer: Wight
Notes: Floral details as printed in Icones, but habit is based on different original
Drawing No.: 112   Location: Box 3
Heliotropium subulatum (Hochst. ex DC.) Vatke
Family: Boraginaceae
Original name: Heliotropium zeylanicum Lam.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 116 x 183; grey, wove   Watermark: J B[UNE]
Drawing recto: 13 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 892, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 179.2   Location: Box 4
Heliotropium subulatum (Hochst. ex DC.) Vatke
Family: Boraginaceae
Original name: Heliotropium zeylanicum Lam.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 199; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 892, Heliotropeae, Boragineae, 10, 123, Heliotropium Zeylanicum (Lam.), 1
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, bad
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 892, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 179.1   Location: Box 4
Heliotropium supinum L.
Family: Boraginaceae
Original name: Heliotropium malabaricum Retz.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 200; cream, smooth; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Paroon Charooppaday, Heliotropium malabaricum
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Associated sheet of notes on grey wove paper with Britannia watermark. Long description and habitat 'salt soil growing in great luxuriance in the end of March 1830'
Drawing No.: 407   Location: Box 9
Helixanthera obtusata (Schult.) Danser
Family: Loranthaceae
Original name: Loranthus obtusatus Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1231]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 195 x 316; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 3 watercolour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 119/1178, Loranthaceae, Loranthus obtusatus 1178, 94
Annotation Verso (pencil): April/3, 40 {red chalk]
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 119, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 366   Location: Box 8
Heracleum hookerianum Wight & Arn.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Pastinaca hookeriana Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1207]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 213 x 268; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 1010/1152, Peucedaneae, Umbelliferae, Pastinaca Hookeriana (RW), Heracl. Hookerianum (W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1010, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 241.1   Location: Box 5
Heracleum hookerianum Wight & Arn.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Pastinaca hookeriana Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1207]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 120; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1010
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1010, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 241.2   Location: Box 5
Heracleum rigens Wall. ex DC.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Pastinaca rigens Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1205]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 125; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 13 coloured floral and leaf details
Annotation Recto (pencil): H. rigens
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1009, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 82
Drawing No.: 240.2   Location: Box 5
Heracleum rigens Wall. ex DC.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Pastinaca rigens Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1205]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 206 x 275; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 869, 450
Annotation Recto (ink): 1009/1151, Pucedaneae, Umbelliferae, Pastinaca rigens (R.W.), Heracleum rigens (Wall. W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1009, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 82
Drawing No.: 240.1   Location: Box 5
Heterostemma tanjorense Wight & Arn.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Heterostemma tanjorensis W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [1527]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 65 x 34; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Pencil drawing of pollinia
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 348, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 134.2   Location: Box 3
Specimens E00174608 E00174608
Heterostemma tanjorense Wight & Arn.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Heterostemma tanjorensis W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 1527
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 156 x 203; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 348, Gen. nov. Lachnostoma Kunth affinis, p. 42 [Contrib.], Asclepiadeae gen. nov?
Annotation Recto (ink): Heterostemma Tanjorensis W&A, WC. 1527
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 348, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 134.1   Location: Box 3
Hewittia malabarica (L.) Suresh
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Hewittia bicolor
Wight Catalogue No.: 2299
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 835, Convolvulaceae, Convolvuleae, 12 [13 deleted]; Hewittia bicolor (W&A), Shuteria bicolor (Ch)
Annotation Recto (ink): Shuteria bicolor Chois., WC. n. 2299
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 835, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 53   Location: Box 2
Specimens E00174324 E00174325 E00174326 E00174327 E00174328 E00174329
Hibiscus abelmoschus L.
Family: Malvaceae
Original name: Abelmoschus moschatus Moench.
Wight Catalogue No.: 203a
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 161 x 202; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 7 floral details in pencil
Annotation Recto (pencil): 399/195, Malvaceae, 21/4, Hibiscus abelmoschus
Annotation Recto (ink): Abelm: moschatus, W.C. 203a, Wight ic. t. 399
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 399, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 37   Location: Box 1
Hibiscus ficulneus L.
Family: Malvaceae
Original name: Abelmoschus ficulneus W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 205
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 197; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured t.s. of fruit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 196
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 205, Abelmoschus ficulneus, Wight ic. t. 154
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(8) t. 154, 1839
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 9   Location: Box 1
Hibiscus hirtus L.
Family: Malvaceae
Original name: Hibiscus hirtus L.
Wight Catalogue No.: 208
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 196; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 details (2 pencil, 3 coloured)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 186/41
Annotation Recto (ink): 208, H. hirtus W.C. 208. Wight ic. t. 41 [by Arnott]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(3) t. 41, 1838
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 1   Location: Box 1
Hibiscus lunariifolius Willd.
Family: Malvaceae
Original name: Hibiscus lunariaefolius
Wight Catalogue No.: [223]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 214 x 300; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 8 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 178, H. pruriens Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3 pg. 196
Annotation Recto (ink): Hibiscus lunariaefolius W[illd.], Wight ic. t. 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(1) t. 6, 1838
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 102   Location: Box 3
Hibiscus surattensis L.
Family: Malvaceae
Original name: Hibiscus surattensis
Wight Catalogue No.: 209
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 175 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): Pootcha Kuray
Annotation Recto (ink): 209, Pootcha Kuray Tam., H. surattensis, W.C. 209, Wight ic. t. 197
Annotation Verso (pencil): Casulkeerie [Tam], Gongekooracoo [Tel] No 12, Malvaceae 195/173, Hibiscus Surattensis (Linn)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(10) t. 197, 1839
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 113   Location: Box 3
Hibiscus tiliaceus L.
Family: Malvaceae
Wight Catalogue No.: [216]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 192 x 243; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Inflorescence + 5 coloured fruit details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 526, Hibiscus, Wight
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Secretary of State for India Library blind stamp
Drawing No.: 403   Location: Box 9
Hoya ovalifolia Wight & Arn.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Hoya ovalifolia W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [1522]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 243 x 303; cream, smooth   Watermark: & S 1829
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 847, Pergularieae, Asclepiadeae, 5, Hoya ovalifolia (W & A), 114
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Jany 4 [red chalk]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 847, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 169   Location: Box 4
Hoya pauciflora Wight
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Hoya pauciflora Wight
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 99 x 107; cream, copy paper   Watermark: D & A [COWAN] 1…
Drawing recto: 7 ink floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): [1835.]511
Annotation Recto (ink): [1835.]511
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 4(1) t. 1269, 1848
Notes: On thin paper, removed from herbarium sheet, collected Courtallum
Drawing No.: 98   Location: Box 2
Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F. Muell.
Family: Violaceae
Original name: Ionidium suffruticosum Ging.
Wight Catalogue No.: 115
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 175 x 242; cream, smooth   Watermark: ..RNERS …4
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 116, Violarieae
Annotation Recto (ink): 309, [WC.] 115, Ionid. Suffruticosum, Wight ic. t. 308
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Tamil script] - ooralattamaray
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 308, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 20   Location: Box 1
Hydrocotyle conferta Wight
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Hydrocotyle conferta Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 281 x 225; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 365
Annotation Recto (ink): 1002, Hydrocotyleae, Umbelliferae, Hydrocotyle conferta R.W.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1002, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 234.1   Location: Box 5
Hydrocotyle conferta Wight
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Hydrocotyle conferta Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 124; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): H. conferta
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1002, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 234.2   Location: Box 5
Hydrocotyle javanica Thunb.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Hydrocotyle polycephala Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1187]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 107 x 126; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1003, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 78
Drawing No.: 235.2   Location: Box 5
Hydrocotyle javanica Thunb.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Hydrocotyle polycephala Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1187]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 226 x 280; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 1003/1132, [Peucedaneae - deleted] Hydrocotyleae, Umbelliferae, Hydrocotyle polycephala (W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1003, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 78
Drawing No.: 235.1   Location: Box 5
Hydrophylax maritima L.f.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Hydrophylax maritima
Wight Catalogue No.: [1369]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 202 x 162; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 760, Hydrophyllax maritima
Annotation Recto (ink): 1357, Spermacoceae, Rubiaceae, Hydrophyllax maritima, 1, 2, 3, 22 [WC. 1369 deleted]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(1) t. 760, 1844
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 46   Location: Box 2
Hygrophila balsamica (L. f.) Raf.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Adenosma balsamea Spr.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1930
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 199; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 446, Nelsonieae, Acanthaceae, Adenosma balsamea Spr., WC. 1930
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 446, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 142.1   Location: Box 3
Hygrophila balsamica (L. f.) Raf.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Adenosma balsamea Spr.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1930]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 89 x 135; cream, smooth   Watermark: URNERS ..31
Drawing recto: 8 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 446, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 142.2   Location: Box 3
Hygrophila schullii (Buch.-Ham.) MR & SN Almeida
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Asteracantha longifolia Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [1954]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 177 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): nur moolee, Asteracantha longifolia WC. 1954
Annotation Verso (pencil): No 47
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 449, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 144.2   Location: Box 3
Hygrophila schullii (Buch.-Ham.) MR & SN Almeida
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Asteracantha longifolia Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [1954]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 91 x 115; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 4 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 449, Barlerieae, Acanthaceae, Asteracantha longifolia Nees
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 449, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 144.1   Location: Box 3
Hymenodictyon orixense (Roxb.) Mabb.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Cinchona excelsa
By: ?  
Size (mm): 217 x 277; grey, copy paper   Watermark: J WHATMAN TURKEY MILL 1840
Drawing recto: Habit + 7 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 106 Cinchona excelsa
Place of publication: [copy, Roxb., Pl. Coromand. Coast 2, t.10 6, 1799]
Notes: 474-80, group of late, fairly crude Roxburgh tracings, not used for reproduction by Wight
Drawing No.: 477   Location: Box 11
Hypericum mysurense Wight & Arn.
Family: Guttiferae
Original name: Norysca mysorensis
Wight Catalogue No.: 331
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 200; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 55/345, Hypericum mysorense Heyne [Cleghorn]
Annotation Recto (ink): Norysca mysorensis Wight ic. t. 56, WC. 331
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 56
Drawing No.: 96   Location: Box 2
Impataiens beddomei Hook. f.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens scapiflora Heyne
Wight Catalogue No.: [446]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 93 x 114; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 8 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 967, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 38
Drawing No.: 205.2   Location: Box 5
Impataiens beddomei Hook. f.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens scapiflora Heyne
Wight Catalogue No.: [446]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 217 x 277; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 34
Annotation Recto (ink): 967/451, Impatiens scapiflora (Heyne, Wight ic. t. 967
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 967, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 38
Drawing No.: 205.1   Location: Box 5
Impatiens cuspidata Wight & Arn.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens cuspidata W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [2242]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 208 x 279; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 741
Annotation Recto (ink): 444, Balsamineae, Impatiens Leschenaultii (DC., Wight ic. t. 741, 3
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(1) t. 741, 1844
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 161.1   Location: Box 4
Impatiens cuspidata Wight & Arn.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens cuspidata W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [2242]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 95 x 124; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 16 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(1) t. 741, 1844
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 161.2   Location: Box 4
Impatiens fruticosa DC.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens fruticosa DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [450]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 197 x 260; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 966/450, Balsamineae, Impatiens fruticosa (D.C.) Wight ic. t. 966
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 966, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 37
Drawing No.: 204.1   Location: Box 5
Impatiens fruticosa DC.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens fruticosa DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [450]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 95 x 123; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 18 coloured leaf and floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 966, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 37
Drawing No.: 204.2   Location: Box 5
Impatiens gardneriana Wight
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens gardneriana Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 224 x 280; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + ink floral diagrams and coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1050
Annotation Recto (ink): 1048, Balsamineae, A, a, b, B, a, b, 2, a, b … [etc], Coloured No 42/1, Impatiens Gardneriana (RW), Wight ic. t. 1048
Place of publication: Spicileg. Neil. 1 t. 42/1, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1050, 1846
Drawing No.: 266   Location: Box 6
Impatiens inconspicua Benth. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens inconspicua Benth.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 196 x 270; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 39
Annotation Recto (ink): 970/459, Balsamineae, Impatiens inconspicua Wight ic. t. 970
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 970, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 41
Drawing No.: 208.1   Location: Box 5
Impatiens inconspicua Benth. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens inconspicua Benth.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 117; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 970, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 41
Drawing No.: 208.2   Location: Box 5
Impatiens modesta Wight
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens modesta Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 125 x 160; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 968, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 39
Drawing No.: 206.2   Location: Box 5
Impatiens modesta Wight
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens modesta Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 210 x 248; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 35
Annotation Recto (ink): 968, Balsamineae
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 968, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 39
Drawing No.: 206.1   Location: Box 5
Specimens E00179288 E00179288
Impatiens munronii Wight
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens munronii Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 103 x 119; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): munronii
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1049, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 265.2   Location: Box 6
Impatiens munronii Wight
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens munronii Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 200 x 250; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1049, Kunth, Roeper
Annotation Recto (ink): 1047, Balsamineae, Impatiens Munronii (RW). Wight ic. t. 1049
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1049, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 265.1   Location: Box 6
Specimens E00179742 E00179742
Impatiens oppositifolia L.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens oppositifolia L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [443]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 89 x 150; grey, wove   Watermark: [armorial]
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 883, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 173.2   Location: Box 4
Impatiens oppositifolia L.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens oppositifolia L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [443]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 183 x 262; grey, wove   Watermark: [posthorn] C & E H
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 883/458, Balsamineae, Impatiens oppositifolia (Linn.) Impatiens oppositifolia, Wight ic. t. 883
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 883, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 173.1   Location: Box 4
Impatiens rufescens Benth. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens rufescens Benth.
Wight Catalogue No.: [448, 453]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 98 x 120; grey, wove   Watermark: [HARRIS &] TREMLETT
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 969, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 40
Drawing No.: 207.2   Location: Box 5
Impatiens rufescens Benth. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Original name: Impatiens rufescens Benth.
Wight Catalogue No.: [448, 453]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 206 x 267; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 36
Annotation Recto (ink): 969/454, Balsamineae, Impatiens rufescens (Benth.), Wight ic. t. 969
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 969, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 40
Drawing No.: 207.1   Location: Box 5
Specimens E00179289 E00179289 E00179290 E00179290
Impatiens sp.
Family: Balsaminaceae
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 164 x 208; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 5 floral details (+ doodles)
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 454   Location: Box 11
Indigofera cassioides Rottler ex DC.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Indigofera pulchella Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: [866]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 101 x 125; grey, smooth
Drawing recto: 16 coloured floral and leaf details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Spicil. Neil. 1: t. 55, 1847
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: This is not Ic. t. 367 and must have been specially drawn for Spicil. Neil.
Drawing No.: 372.2   Location: Box 8
Indigofera cassioides Rottler ex DC.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Indigofera pulchella Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: [866]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 225 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 52, 100 copies
Annotation Recto (ink): 48, Papilionaceae, Leguminosae, Loteae, Indigofera pulchella
Place of publication: Spicil. Neil. 1: t. 55, 1847
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: This is not Ic. t. 367 and must have been specially drawn for Spicil. Neil.
Drawing No.: 372.1   Location: Box 8
Indigofera pedicellata Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Indigofera pedicellata W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [868]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 281 x 222; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 49
Annotation Recto (ink): 983/627, Papilionaceae, Leguminosae, Loteae, Indigofera pedicellata
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 983, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 56
Drawing No.: 215.1   Location: Box 5
Indigofera pedicellata Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Indigofera pedicellata W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [868]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 121; grey, wove   Watermark: HARRIS & [TREMLETT]
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 983, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 56
Drawing No.: 215.2   Location: Box 5
Ipomoea alba L.
Family: Convolvulaceae
By: A. Bertie  
Size (mm): 328 x 229; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 8 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Chittay Balli, Seed vessel cut transversely, a seed, calyx & style, Anthers magnified, The placenta, Calyx cut lengthwise to show the ovarium, Flower tube opened
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 463   Location: Box 11
Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Ipomoea pulchella Ch.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2292
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Ipomoea pulchella Ch., WC. n. 2292
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(8) t. 156, 1839
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 11   Location: Box 1
Ipomoea dichroa Choisy
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Ipomoea pilosa
Wight Catalogue No.: 2289
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 196; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 837, Convolvulaceae, Convolvuleae, 14 [10 deleted], Ipomoea pilosa (Ch.)
Annotation Recto (ink): Ipomoea pilosa Ch., WC. n. 2289
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 837, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 54   Location: Box 2
Ipomoea eriocarpa R. Br.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Ipomoea sessiliflora Chois.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2283
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 196; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Convolvulaceae, Ipomoea sessiliflora (Chois.)
Annotation Recto (ink): Ipomoea sessiliflora Ch., WC. n. 2283
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(9) t. 169, 1839
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 14   Location: Box 1
Specimens E00179618 E00179619 E00179620 E00179621 E00179622 E00179623
Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth
Family: Convolvulaceae
By: ?A. Bertie  
Size (mm): 284 x 208; grey, wove   Watermark: [EIC symbol] JOHN KEY & CO LONDON 1834
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): Chittoo boogari
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 466.1   Location: Box 11
Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth
Family: Convolvulaceae
By: ?A. Bertie  
Size (mm): 284 x 207; grey, wove   Watermark: [EIC symbol] JOHN KEY & CO LONDON 1834
Drawing recto: 8 floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 466.2   Location: Box 11
Ipomoea pestigridis L.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Ipomoea pestigridis L.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2282
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 257; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 836, [839 - deleted], Convolvuleae, Convolvulaceae, 12, Ipomoea pestigridis (Linn.)
Annotation Recto (ink): Ipomoea pestigridis WC. 2282
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 22, Kactang Tam.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 836, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 165   Location: Box 4
Ipomoea sinensis (Desr.) Choisy
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Aniseia calycina
Wight Catalogue No.: 2297
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 833, Convolvulaceae, Convolvuleae, 10 [14 deleted], Aniseia calycina (Ch.)
Annotation Recto (ink): Aniseia calycina Chois. WC. N. 2297
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 833, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 52   Location: Box 2
Ixora alba L.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Ixora lanceolaria
Wight Catalogue No.: 1340
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 157 x 199; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 827/1315, Coffeaceae, Rubiaceae, Ixora sp. Nov., Ixora lanceolaria (Colbr.)
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1340, Ixora lanceolaria α
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 827, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 48   Location: Box 2
Specimens E00174050 E00174051 E00174052
Ixora nigricans R. Br. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Ixora nigricans Br.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1335
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 154 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 318/1309, Ixora nigricans
Annotation Recto (ink): Ixora nigricans Br., WC. 1335, stigma with 2 long-linear erect divisions
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 318, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 25   Location: Box 1
Jamesbrittenia argentea (L. f.) Hilliard
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Original name: Buchnera pedunculata Andrews
By: ?  
Size (mm): 197 x 267; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 84
Annotation Recto (ink): Pl. 84, Buchnera pedunculata, 1, 2, 3, 4, Pubd. as the Act directs Feby. 1st 1800 by H. Andrews No 5 Knightsbridge
Annotation Verso (pencil): 2/6
Place of publication: Andrews' Botanical Repository 2, t. 84, 1800
Notes: 482-9, group of botanical prints among Wight miscellanea
Drawing No.: 485   Location: Box 11
Jamesbrittenia dissecta (Delile) Kuntze
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Original name: Sutera glandulosa
Wight Catalogue No.: 2212
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 856, Scrophularineae, Buchnereae, 15, 1275, Sutera glandulosa (Roth)
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1, 2, 3, Manulea pinnatifida, Sutera (Roth)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 856, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 57   Location: Box 2
Justicia tranquebariensis L. f.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Gendarussa tranquebariensis Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [2000]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 201; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 462, Justiceae, Acanthaceae, Gendarussa tranquebariensis Nees [erased]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 462, ?1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Additional dissections on plate not on drawing
Drawing No.: 40   Location: Box 1
Kaempferia scaposa (Nimmo) Benth.
! This identification is uncertain !
Family: Zingiberaceae
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 102 x 140; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 1 floral detail
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 453   Location: Box 11
Kalanchoe grandiflora Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Crassulaceae
Original name: Kalanchoe grandiflora Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1174]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 222 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 77, 100 copies
Annotation Recto (ink): 67, Crassulaceae, Kalanchoe grandiflora (Wall.)
Place of publication: Spicil. Neil. 1: t. 77, 1847
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 375.1   Location: Box 8
Kalanchoe grandiflora Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Crassulaceae
Original name: Kalanchoe grandiflora Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1174]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 127; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Spicil. Neil. 1: t. 77, 1847
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 375.2   Location: Box 8
Kandelia candel (L.) Druce
Family: Rhizophoraceae
Original name: Kandelia rheedei Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1042]
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 243 x 308; cream, smooth   Watermark: ..S & S 1829
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured fruit detail
Drawing verso: 5 watercolour and 5 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 89/960, Rhizophoreae, Kandelia Rheedei, 960, 65, Kandelia Rheedei (W. & A.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): Jany 6 [red chalk]
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 89, 1840
Lithographer: ?Wight
Drawing No.: 354   Location: Box 8
Knoxia sumatrensis (Retz.) DC.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Knoxia corymbosa Willd.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1363
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1351, Spermacoceae, Rubiaceae, an Sperm. Teres Roxb.
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1363 Knoxia corymbosa
Annotation Verso (pencil): Spermacoceae, Rubiaceae, 1351, Knoxia corymbosa (Willd)
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 128, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 370   Location: Box 8
Korthalsella japonica (Thunb.) Engl.
Family: Viscaceae
Original name: Viscum moniliforme Bl.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1229]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 93 x 118; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): V. moniliforme
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1018, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 87
Drawing No.: 245.2   Location: Box 5
Korthalsella japonica (Thunb.) Engl.
Family: Viscaceae
Original name: Viscum moniliforme Bl.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1229]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 224 x 272; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 1016/1175, Loranthaceae, Viscum moniliforme (Bl.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1018, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 87
Drawing No.: 245.1   Location: Box 5
Korthalsella japonica (Thunb.) Engl.
Family: Viscaceae
Original name: Viscum moniliforme var. coraloides Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1229]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 219 x 277; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1019, 367, moniliforme
Annotation Recto (ink): 1017, Loranthaceae, Viscum moniliforme (Bl.) β coraloides (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1019, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 246   Location: Box 5
Lagerstoemia speciosa (L.) Pers.
Family: Lythraceae
Original name: Lagerstoemia reginae Roxb.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 319 x 394; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 8 watercolour + 2 pencil floral and fruit details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 953, Lagerstroemia Reginae
Annotation Verso (pencil): 953; March/1 23/1834 [red chalk]
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Some of floral details (but not habit) reproduced in Icones t. 413
Drawing No.: 413   Location: Box 10
Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers.
Family: Lythraceae
Original name: Lagerstroemia reginae
By: ?  
Size (mm): 221 x 278; grey, copy paper
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 65 Lagerstroemia Reginae
Place of publication: [copy, Roxb., Pl. Coromand. Coast 1, t. 65, 1796]
Notes: 474-80, group of late, fairly crude Roxburgh tracings, not used for reproduction by Wight
Drawing No.: 476   Location: Box 11
Lasianthus venulosus (Wight & Arn.) Wight
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Lasianthus venulosus Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1353]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 113; grey wove   Watermark: [?fleur de lis + script W - top only]
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1032, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 96
Drawing No.: 256.2   Location: Box 6
Lasianthus venulosus (Wight & Arn.) Wight
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Lasianthus venulosus Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1353]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 223 x 285; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 96, Usual
Annotation Recto (ink): 1030/1296, Guettardaceae, Rubiaceae, Mephitedia venulosa (R.W.), Santia venulosa (W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1032, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 96
Drawing No.: 256.1   Location: Box 6
Launaea sarmentosa (Willd.) Kuntze
Family: Compositae
Original name: Lactuca sarmentosa Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: 1504
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 139 x 182; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 pencil floral details
Annotation Verso (pencil): 133, Lactuceae small letter, Compositae-Cichoraceae, Microrhynchus sarmentosus (DC), Lactuca sarmentosus (RW)
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 133, 1848-50
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 371.2   Location: Box 8
Launaea sarmentosa (Willd.) Kuntze
Family: Compositae
Original name: Lactuca sarmentosa Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: 1504
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 156 x 202; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Lactuceae, Compositae, Cichoraceae, Microrhynchus sarmentosus DC Prod., Lactuca sarmentosus R.W. cont., Prenanthes sarmentosa
Annotation Recto (ink): Lactuca sarmentosa Wight -- DC, WC. 1504
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 133, 1848-50
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 371.1   Location: Box 8
Leea guineensis G. Don
Family: Leeaceae
Original name: Leea staphylea (Roxb.)
Wight Catalogue No.: 971
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 255 x 350; cream, smooth   Watermark: RUSE & TU.. 182[4]
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Leea staphylea β Wight ill. t. 58, WC. 971
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 58, 1839
Lithographer: ?Wight
Notes: Syntype of L. wightii C.B. Clarke
Drawing No.: 349   Location: Box 8
Leonotis nepetiifolia (L.) R. Br.
Family: Labiatae
Original name: Leonotis nepetaefolia
Wight Catalogue No.: 2169
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 201; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 867, Stachydeae, Labiateae, 26, 1, 2, 3, 4, Leonotis nepetaefolia (R. Br.)
Annotation Recto (ink): Leonotis nepetaefolia WC. n. 2169
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 867, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 64   Location: Box 2
Lepidagathis cristata Willd.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Lepidagathis cristata Willd.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1971
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 199 x 159; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 coloured details
Drawing verso: Ink drasing of habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): Lepidagathis cristata WC. 1971
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 455, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 147.1   Location: Box 3
Lepidagathis cristata Willd.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Lepidagathis cristata Willd.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1971]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 103 x 92; cream, smooth   Watermark: URNER … 31
Drawing recto: 12 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 455/Ed., Barlerieae, Acanthaceae
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 455, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 147.2   Location: Box 3
Lepidagathis cristata Willd.
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Lepidagathis cristata Willd.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1971]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 47 x 58; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 1 pencil floral detail
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 455, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 147.3   Location: Box 3
Lepidagathis pungens Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Lepidagathis pungens Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: 1973
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 158 x 195; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Lepidagathis pungens WC. 1973
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 456, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 148.1   Location: Box 3
Lepidagathis pungens Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Lepidagathis pungens Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [1973]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 139 x 66; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 5 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 456, [453 - deleted], Barlerieae, Acanthaceae, Lepidagathis pungens (Nees)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 456, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 148.2   Location: Box 3
Lepidagathis scariosa Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Lepidagathis scariosa Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [1969]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 457, Lepidagathis, Lepidagathis scariosa (Nees)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 457, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 149.2   Location: Box 3
Lepidagathis scariosa Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Lepidagathis scariosa Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [1969]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 83 x 140; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 5 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 457, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 149.1   Location: Box 3
Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight & Arn.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Leptadenia reticulata W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 1535
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 177 x 256; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 350, Leptadenia RB confirmed by W.J.H., Pg. 47 [Contrib.]
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1535, Leptadenia reticulata W&A
Annotation Verso (pencil): Pallay Tam., This plant is used medicinally in infusion for some kind of illness which they (the natives) call heat of body accompanied with itching of the skin & papular eruptions. No. 69
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 350, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 135.1   Location: Box 3
Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight & Arn.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Leptadenia reticulata W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [1535]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 106 x 130; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 6 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Pergularieae
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 350, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 135.2   Location: Box 3
Leucas biflora (Vahl) R. Br.
Family: Labiatae
Original name: Leucas biflora R. Br.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2155
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 156 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 866, n 5, Vellay-Toomlay, Leucas biflora
Annotation Recto (ink): Stachydeae, Labiatae, Leucas biflora W.C. n. 2155, Leucas biflora (R. Br.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 866, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 63   Location: Box 2
Leucas cephalotes (Roth) Spreng.
Family: Labiatae
Original name: Leucas cephalotes Spr.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2166
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 150 x 194; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 337, Stachyeae, Labiatae, Leucas cephalotes Spreng.
Annotation Recto (ink): Leucas cephalotes Spr., WC. n. 2166
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 337, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 30   Location: Box 1
Leucas vestita Benth.
Family: Labiatae
Original name: Leucas vestita Benth.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2163
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 157 x 197; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 338
Annotation Recto (ink): Leucas vestita Spr., WC. n. 2163
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 338, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 31   Location: Box 1
Limnophila aquatica (Roxb.) Alston
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Original name: Limnophila racemosa
Wight Catalogue No.: 2181
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Grateoleae, Scrophularinae, Neernetty Pausey, Limnophilla racimosa (Benth.)
Annotation Recto (ink): 861, Limnophila [grastissima - deleted] racemosa Benth, W.C. n. 2181
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 861, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 61   Location: Box 2
Limnophila polystachya Benth.
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Original name: Limnophila polystachya Benth.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2183
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 174 x 256; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Gratioleae, Scrophularinae, 19, Limnophila polystachya, 1, 2, 3
Annotation Recto (ink): 860, Limnophila polystachya Benth. W.C. n. 2183
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 860, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 172   Location: Box 4
Limnophyton obtusifolium (L.) Miq.
Family: Alismataceae
Original name: Sagittaria obtusifolia L.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 157 x 202; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): Sagittaria obtusifolia
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Associated sheet of notes on grey wove paper with Britannia watermark. Long description
Drawing No.: 411   Location: Box 9
Lindernia crustacea (L.) F. Muell.
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Original name: Vandellia crustacea
Wight Catalogue No.: 2201
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 202 x 162; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 863, Grateoleae, Scrophularinae, 66, 1, 2, 3, 4, Vandellia crustacea (Benth.)
Annotation Recto (ink): Vandellia crustacea Benth., W.C. n. 2201
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 863, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 62   Location: Box 2
Specimens E00174689
Lindernia hyssopioides (L.) Haines
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Original name: Bonnaya hyssopoides
Wight Catalogue No.: 2199
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 162 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 857, Scrophularineae, Gratioleae, 16, The name of this plant is not known, poss 18a, Bonnaya hyssopoides, Gratiola a … Vandellia erecta
Annotation Recto (ink): Bonnaya hyssopoides Benth., WC. n. 2199
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 857, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 58   Location: Box 2
Lindernia minima (Benth.) Mukh.
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Original name: Bonnaya minima?
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 165 x 210; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 ink details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 858, Scrophularineae, Gratioleae, 17, Bonnaya minima? (G. Don), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 858, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 59   Location: Box 2
Specimens E00174670 E00174671 E00174672 E00174673
Liparis atropurpurea Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Liparis olivacea Lindl.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 210 x 324; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 903, Malaxideae, Orchideae, 1, 2, 3, 4, Liparis olivacea (Lind.), 3
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 903, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 184   Location: Box 5
Specimens E00179122 E00179122
Liparis atropurpurea Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Liparis walkeriae Graham
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 209 x 328; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 905, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Pleurothallus, Liparis Walkeriae (Graham), 5 [19-deleted]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 905, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 186   Location: Box 5
Liparis biloba Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Liparis biloba Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 216 x 249; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (pencil), Habit (coloured) + 16 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1633, dull plum colour, 32, L. bicolor RW
Annotation Recto (ink): 1633, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Liparis bicolor (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1633, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 292   Location: Box 7
Specimens E00179115 E00179116 E00179117 E00179118 E00179119
Liparis elliptica Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Liparis elliptica Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 94 x 123; grey, wove   Watermark: 183.
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1735, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 337.2   Location: Box 7
Liparis elliptica Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Liparis elliptica Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 224 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (3 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): Liparis elliptica RW, Coonoor
Annotation Recto (ink): 1735, Malaxideae, Orchideae, 1, 10, Liparis elliptica (RW) [Apaturia - deleted]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1735, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 337.1   Location: Box 7
Liparis viridiflora (Blume) Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Liparis longipes Lind.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 210 x 324; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 906, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Pleurothallus, 1, 2, 3, Liparis longipes (Lind.), 6 [19-deleted]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 906, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 187   Location: Box 5
Liparis wightiana Thwaites
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Liparis atropurpurea Lind.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 206 x 183; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 904, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Liparis alata ?1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Liparis atropurpurea (Lind.), 4
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 904, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 185   Location: Box 5
Loeseneriella arnottiana (Wight) A.C. Smith
Family: Celastraceae
Original name: Hippocratea arnottiana Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: 2445
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 234 x 295; cream, smooth   Watermark: 1829
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 6 bodycolour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Hippocratea arnottiana RW, 362 + 3
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 2445
Annotation Verso (pencil): Feby/10 1834 [red chalk]
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 46, 1838
Lithographer: ?Wight
Notes: Some of the verso details are reproduced in t. 46 (bis)
Drawing No.: 347   Location: Box 8
Lonicera ligustrina Wall.
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Original name: Lonicera ligustrina Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1260]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 218 x 284; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured fruit detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 91
Annotation Recto (ink): 1025/1206, Lonicereae, Caprifoliaceae, Lonicera (x) ligustrina (Wall.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1025, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 91
Drawing No.: 252.1   Location: Box 6
Lonicera ligustrina Wall.
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Original name: Lonicera ligustrina Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1260]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 122; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): L. ligustrina
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1025, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 91
Drawing No.: 252.2   Location: Box 6
Lophopetalum wightianum Arn.
Family: Celastraceae
Original name: Lophopetalum wightianum
Wight Catalogue No.: 2440
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 240 x 307; cream, smooth   Watermark: II S[MITH]
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 1 coloured and 3 ink floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Celastrineae, Lophopetalum Wightianum (Arn.), Lophopetalum corymbosum, ovules numerous in each cell of the ovary, 56?, T[urn].O[ver].
Annotation Recto (ink): Lophopetalum Wightianum Arn., WC. 2440, Wight ic. t. 162
Annotation Verso (pencil): Feby/9 1834 19 [in red chalk]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(9) t. 162, 1839
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 109   Location: Box 3
Ludwigia perennis L.
Family: Onagraceae
Original name: Ludwigia parviflora Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1088]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 132 x 122; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 3 coloured + 5 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 101, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 360.2   Location: Box 8
Ludwigia perennis L.
Family: Onagraceae
Original name: Ludwigia parviflora Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1088]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 225 x 286; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: scehmatic habit in pencil
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1042, Onagariae, Ludwigia parviflora
Annotation Recto (ink): 101
Annotation Verso (pencil): Onagrariae, Ludwigia parviflora (Roxb.)
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 101, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 360.1   Location: Box 8
Ludwigia perennis L.
Family: Onagraceae
Original name: Ludwigia parviflora Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1088
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 253; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 107, Ludwigia parviflora WC 1088
Annotation Verso (pencil): No 5, Nattypoondoo Tam.
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Illustrations t. 101
Drawing No.: 396   Location: Box 9
Luisia zeylanica Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cymbidium tenuifolium Willd.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 112 x 126; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1689, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 323.2   Location: Box 7
Luisia zeylanica Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Cymbidium tenuifolium Willd.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 205 x 242; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 168
Annotation Recto (ink): 1689, Vandeae, Orchideae, Cymbidium tenuifolium (Willd.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1689, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 323.1   Location: Box 7
Lysimachia leschenaultii Duby
Family: Primulaceae
Original name: Lysimachia leschenaultii Duby
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 257 x 351; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Lysimachia Leschenaultii
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 1204/Sipcilig. Neil. t. 132
Drawing No.: 386   Location: Box 9
Macrosolen capitellatus (Wight & Arn.) Danser
Family: Loranthaceae
Original name: Loranthus capitellatus
Wight Catalogue No.: [1234]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 228 x 292; cream, smooth   Watermark: II [SMITH]
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 2 coloured + 2 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): /1181, Loranthus capitellatus
Annotation Verso (pencil): March/9 … [red chalk]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 304, 1840
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 131   Location: Box 3
Macrosolen parasiticus (L.) Danser
Family: Loranthaceae
Original name: Loranthus loniceroides
Wight Catalogue No.: 1233
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 242 x 336; cream, smooth   Watermark: URNERS …4
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured and 1 pencil detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 303/1180, Eloopamarathoopillooreve
Annotation Recto (ink): Loranthus loniceroides WC. 1233
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 303, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 130   Location: Box 3
Specimens E00179768 E00179769
Maerua apetala (Roth) Jacobs
Family: Capparaceae
Original name: Niebuhria linearis DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: 100B
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 162 x 201; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured floral detail
Drawing verso: 10 pencil floral details [numbered 3-11]
Annotation Recto (pencil): 174/78, Capparideae, Niebuhria sp. nov.
Annotation Recto (ink): Niebuhria linearis, [WC.] 100.B, Wight ic. t. 174
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(9) t. 174, 1839
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 15   Location: Box 1
Specimens E00174612 E00174613 E00174614 E00174615
Malaxis densiflora (A. Rich.) Kuntze
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Microstylis luteola Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 210 x 251; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 16 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1632, Microstylis luteola RW, 35
Annotation Recto (ink): 1632, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Microstylis luteola (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1632, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 291   Location: Box 7
Malaxis rheedei Sw.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Microstylis rheedei Lind.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 209 x 325; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 902, Malaxideae, Orchideae, 2, Microstylis Rheedii (Lind.), 1, 2, 3
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 902, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 183   Location: Box 5
Mallotus rhamnifolius (Willd.) Mull. Arg.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 196; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2/54, Euph?, Rottlera
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 91   Location: Box 2
Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz
Family: Euphorbiaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 241 x 308; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): Aleurites
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 1873 (Rottlera peltata)
Drawing No.: 392   Location: Box 9
Mangifera indica L.
Family: Anacardiaceae
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 220 x 213; cream, board
Drawing recto: Fruit in 2 parts
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 494   Location: Box 11
Marsdenia brunoniana Wight & Arn.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Marsdenia brunoniana Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1524
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 239 x 335; cream, smooth   Watermark: RUSE & T… 182.
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured and 1 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 356, pollen masses, Gymnema Brunoniana, Pergularia
Annotation Recto (ink): Marsdenia Brunoniana W & A, WC. n. 1524
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 356, 1840
Lithographer: [?Dumphy]
Drawing No.: 418.1   Location: Box 10
Marsdenia brunoniana Wight & Arn.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Marsdenia brunoniana Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1524
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 49 x 51; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 1 pencil floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): No 1 x Pg 40
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 356, 1840
Lithographer: [?Dumphy]
Drawing No.: 418.2   Location: Box 10
Melastoma malabathricum L.
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Melastoma malabathricum L.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1150
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 203; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Melastoma malabathrica L.
Annotation Recto (ink): WC 1150
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 400.1   Location: Box 9
Melastoma malabathricum L.
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Melastoma malabathricum L.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1150
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 121 x 90; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 pencil floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 400.2   Location: Box 9
Melia azederach L.
Family: Meliaceae
Original name: Melia azederach
Wight Catalogue No.: [402]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 248 x 347; cream, smooth   Watermark: RUSE & T… 182.
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Melia azadarach, 393, 217
Annotation Recto (ink): Melia azederach, Wight ic. t. 160
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(8) t. 160, 1839
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 107   Location: Box 3
Melicope indica Wight
Family: Rutaceae
Original name: Melicope indica Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 219 x 257; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1051, Nimmonia Neilgherrensis W & G, Avalanche
Annotation Recto (ink): 1049, Pilocarpeae, Diosmeae, Melicope indica (RW, Wight ic. t. 1051
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1051, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 267.1   Location: Box 6
Melicope indica Wight
Family: Rutaceae
Original name: Melicope indica Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 108 x 125; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 14 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1051, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 267.2   Location: Box 6
Meliosma simplicifolia (Roxb.) Walp. ssp. pungens (Wight & Arn.) Beusekom
Family: Meliosmaceae
Original name: Millingtonia pungens Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [945]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 112 x 120; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 colour + 2 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 964/3, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 424.2   Location: Box 10
Meliosma simplicifolia (Roxb.) Walp. ssp. pungens (Wight & Arn.) Beusekom
Family: Meliosmaceae
Original name: Millingtonia pungens Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [945]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 249 x 429; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured infructescence detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 34 & 35
Annotation Recto (ink): 964/3/390, Millingtoniaceae, Millingtonia pungens (Wall.) Wight ic. t. 964/3
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 964/3, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 424.1   Location: Box 10
Memecylon umbellatum Burm. f.
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Memecylon tinctorium Koen.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1058
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 175 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): Memecylon, M. tinctorium Koen. α Wight Cat. 1058
Annotation Verso (pencil): No 1, Kasa - Tam -
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Illustrations t. 93
Drawing No.: 400   Location: Box 9
Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. var. asiatica (Boiss.) Rech. f.
Family: Labiatae
Medium:ink over traces of pencil
Size (mm): 207 x 284; grey, wove   Watermark: [EIC symbol] JOHN KEY & CO LONDON 1834
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + 3 floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 456   Location: Box 11
Merremia hederacea (Burm. f.) Hallier f.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Original name: Ipomoea chryseides Ker
Wight Catalogue No.: 2288
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 161 x 202; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): C. dentatus R[oxb]., C. rostratus Koen.
Annotation Recto (ink): Ipomoea chryseides Ch., WC. n. 2288
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(8) t. 157, 1839
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 12   Location: Box 1
Mesua ferrea L.
Family: Guttiferae
Original name: Mesua speciosa Chois.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 101 x 125; grey, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 961, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 423.2   Location: Box 10
Mesua ferrea L.
Family: Guttiferae
Original name: Mesua speciosa Chois.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 260 x 428; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured fruit detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 5
Annotation Recto (ink): 99999, Allophylleae, Guttiferae, Mesua speciosa (Chois.) Wight ic. t. 961
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 961, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 423.1   Location: Box 10
Miliusa montana Gardner ex Hook. f. & Thomson
Family: Annonaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 199; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 4, Miliusa ? T[urn].O[ver]., wightiana [?Cleghorn]
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 77   Location: Box 2
Millettia rubiginosa Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Millettia rubiginosa
Wight Catalogue No.: 912
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 255 x 350; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured and 3 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 207/810, Leguminosae, Millettia rubiginosa (W & A)
Annotation Recto (ink): 912, Millettia rubiginosa W&A
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(11) t. 207, 1839
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 117   Location: Box 3
Specimens E00174364 E00174365
Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Korth.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Nauclea parvifolia Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1261]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 80 x 85; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 6 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 123, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 415.2   Location: Box 10
Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Korth.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Nauclea parvifolia Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1261]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 245 x 331; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 5 watercolour + 2 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1207, Cinchonaceae, Rubiaceae
Annotation Verso (pencil): Cinchonaceae, Rubiaceae, Nauclea parvifolia (Roxb.) [+ Kannada script]
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 123, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 415.1   Location: Box 10
Momordica dioica Roxb. ex Willd.
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Original name: Momordica dioica Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1127
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 196; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 505/1087, Momordica dioica Rottl., Rheed. Mal. 8. t. 12 certe, [Sect.] 7
Annotation Recto (ink): WC 1127, Momordica dioica α
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 505, ?1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 43   Location: Box 1
Morinda citrifolia L.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Morinda bracteata Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1318]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 232 x 297; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 6 watercolour and 6 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1288, Guettardaceae, Rubiaceae, 81/14
Annotation Verso (pencil): Guettardaceae, Rubiaceae, 1288, Morina bracteata (Roxb.)
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 126, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 368   Location: Box 8
Mukia maderaspatana (L.) M. Roem.
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Original name: Bryonia scabrella L.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1113
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 177 x 259; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 501, [sect] 6, Pluk. t. 170 f 2 et huic Bryonia Madraspatana DC
Annotation Recto (ink): Bryonia scabrella α WC. 1113
Annotation Verso (pencil): No 53, Moosoomoockie Tam.
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 398   Location: Box 9
Myristica fragrans Houtt.
Family: Myristicaceae
Original name: Myristica aromatica
By: ?  
Size (mm): 276 x 216; grey, copy paper
Drawing recto: Habit + 11 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 274 Myristica aromatica, 1, 2
Place of publication: [copy, Roxb., Pl. Coromand. Coast 3, t. 274, 1820]
Notes: 474-80, group of late, fairly crude Roxburgh tracings, not used for reproduction by Wight
Drawing No.: 482   Location: Box 11
Myristica fragrans Houtt.
Family: Myristicaceae
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 190 x 247; cream, board   Watermark: [BRISTOL BOARD]
Drawing recto: Habit + fruit detail
Annotation Recto (ink): Nutmeg
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 501   Location: Box 11
Neanotis indica (DC.) W.H. Lewis
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Hedyotis leschenaultiana Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1298
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 105 x 113; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 pencil floral details
Annotation Verso (pencil): 81/12
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 125, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 367.2   Location: Box 8
Neanotis indica (DC.) W.H. Lewis
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Hedyotis leschenaultiana Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1298
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 152 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured and 1 ink floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1259, Hedyotideae, Rubiaceae, Hed. (Anotis) Leschen., ought to be this way, but not quite so large or so …
Annotation Recto (ink): W.C. 1298, Hedyotis (Anotis) Lexchenaultiana W&A
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1259, Hedyotideae, Rubiaceae, Hedyotis (Anotis) Leschenaultiana (W&A)
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 125, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 367.1   Location: Box 8
Nephelium lappaceum L.
Family: Sapindaceae
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 212 x 234; cream, board
Drawing recto: Infructescence + 2 dissected details
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 495   Location: Box 11
Nephelium lappaceum L.
Family: Sapindaceae
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 248 x 312; cream, board
Drawing recto: Habit in fruit + detail of inflorescence
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 496   Location: Box 11
Nervilia plicata (Andrews) Schltr.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Pogonia biflora Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 161 x 200; blue, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: rough pencil sketch
Annotation Recto (pencil): Pogonia biflora, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
Annotation Recto (ink): Arethuseae, Orchideae, Pogonia biflora (RW
Annotation Verso (pencil): Kanada text
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1758 (right), 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 344.1   Location: Box 7
Oberonia arnottiana Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia arnottiana Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: 2061
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 96 x 123; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 8 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2061
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1628, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 290.2   Location: Box 7
Oberonia arnottiana Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia arnottiana Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: 2061
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 225 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): place the figure nearer the top of the page to allow room for the dissections at the bottom, pale greenish yellow, petals linear acute middle lobe of the lip forked lateral ones large obtuse embracing the column bract acuminate as long as the pedicel & ov
Annotation Recto (ink): 1628, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Oberonia Arnottiana (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1628, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 290.1   Location: Box 7
Oberonia brunoniana Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia brunoniana Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 210 x 251; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit+ 10 coloured loral/fruit details + pencil inflorescence detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1622, Orchideae, olive brown lip deeper tinge, O. brunoniana, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Annotation Recto (ink): 1622, Malaxideae, Orochideae, Oberonia Brunoniana (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1622, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 284   Location: Box 7
Oberonia mucronata (D. Don) Ormerod & Seidenf.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia denticulata Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 110 x 126; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 14 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): analysis belongs to another plant O. iridifolia
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1625, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 287.2   Location: Box 7
Oberonia mucronata (D. Don) Ormerod & Seidenf.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia denticulata Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 215 x 279; cream, smooth   Watermark: HATMAN 1847
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1625, Lip dull orange, O. denticulata
Annotation Recto (ink): 1625, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Oberonia denticulata (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1625, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 287.1   Location: Box 7
Oberonia platycaulon Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia platycaulon Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 209 x 262; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1623, white
Annotation Recto (ink): 1623, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Oberonia [macrocaulon (RW) - deleted] platycaulon (RW
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1623, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 285   Location: Box 7
Specimens E00179080 E00179081 E00179083
Oberonia santapaui Kapadia
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia lindleyana Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 220 x 252; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + Habit & floral detail of t. 1625 + pencil infl. Of O. denticulata
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1624, transfer thiis to No. 1625 O. denticulata, Lip dull orange
Annotation Recto (ink): 1624, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Oberonia Lindleyana (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1624, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 286.1   Location: Box 7
Oberonia santapaui Kapadia
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia lindleyana Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 84 x 163; blue, smooth; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 12 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1624, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 286.2   Location: Box 7
Oberonia verticillata Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia verticillata Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 204 x 265; grey, wove   Watermark: C WILMOT 1840
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 pencil floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1626, O. Lindleyana aff, O. anthophora RW Ic., O. verticillata
Annotation Recto (ink): 1626, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Oberonia verticellata (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1626, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 288.1   Location: Box 7
Oberonia verticillata Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia verticillata Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 109 x 163; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 16 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1626, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 288.2   Location: Box 7
Oberonia wightiana Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia wightiana Lindl.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2062
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 100 x 123; grey, wove   Watermark: TREMLETT
Drawing recto: 2062
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1627, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 289.2   Location: Box 7
Oberonia wightiana Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Oberonia wightiana Lindl.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2062
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 222 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 1627, W.C. 2062, O. Wightiana Lind., 14, pale greenish yellow
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1627, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Oberonia Wightiana (Lind.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1627, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 289.1   Location: Box 7
Oldenlandia paniculata L.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Hedyotis racemosa Lam.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1306
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 178 x 256; cream, smooth   Watermark: RUSE & T… 182.
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1266, Hedyoteae, Rubiaceae, Hedyotis racemosa Lam., Filaments inserted … the mouth
Annotation Recto (ink): 312, Hedyotis racemosa Lam., WC. 1306
Annotation Verso (pencil): Very common in this neighbourhood in moist soil particularly about the edges of tanks - Oct. 1828 + Negapatam
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 312, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 23   Location: Box 1
Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw. var. dillenii (Ker Gawl.) L. Benson
Family: Cactaceae
Original name: Opuntia dillenii Haw.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 255 x 352; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured fruit detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 114, Tapal Kullie Tam
Annotation Recto (ink): Opuntia Dillenii Haw.,- DC. Prod. 3 p. 472
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 128, 113
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 114, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 364   Location: Box 8
Osbeckia aspera (L.) Blume
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Osbeckia aspera
Wight Catalogue No.: [1149]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 64 x 53; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 4 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 377, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 138.1   Location: Box 3
Osbeckia aspera (L.) Blume
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Osbeckia aspera
Wight Catalogue No.: 1149
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 195 x 160; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 377/1000, Melastomaceae, Osbeckia aspera, Osbeckia aspera Don Ms., Melastoma aspera Linn. et Don in …
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1149
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 377, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 138.2   Location: Box 3
Osbeckia aspera (L.) Blume var. wightiana (Benth. ex Wight & Arn.) Trimen
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Osbeckia wightiana Benth.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1145, 1146]
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 112 x 124; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral and leaf details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 998, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 70
Drawing No.: 231.2   Location: Box 5
Osbeckia aspera (L.) Blume var. wightiana (Benth. ex Wight & Arn.) Trimen
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Osbeckia wightiana Benth.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1145, 1146]
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 217 x 250; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 998/
Annotation Recto (ink): 997, Melastomeae, Melastomaceae, Osbeckia wightiana (Benth.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 998, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 70
Drawing No.: 231.1   Location: Box 5
Osbeckia brachystemon Naud.
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Osbeckia truncata
Wight Catalogue No.: [1144]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 84 x 94; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 6 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 375, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 137.2   Location: Box 3
Osbeckia brachystemon Naud.
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Osbeckia truncata
Wight Catalogue No.: 1144
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 157 x 201; cream, smooth   Watermark: GY EELES 1822
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 375/995, Melastomaceae, 62/2, Osbeckia truncata sp. n.
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1144
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 375, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Traces of earlier pencil drawing beneath
Drawing No.: 137.1   Location: Box 3
Osbeckia leschenaultiana DC.
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Osbeckia gardneriana Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 91 x 119; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 997, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 69
Drawing No.: 230.2   Location: Box 5
Osbeckia leschenaultiana DC.
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Osbeckia gardneriana Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 202 x 259; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 997, Melastomaceae
Annotation Recto (ink): 990, Melastomeae, Osbeckieae, Osbeckia Gardneriana (R.W.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 997, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 69
Drawing No.: 230.1   Location: Box 5
Osbeckia virgata D. Don ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Osbeckia virgata Don
Wight Catalogue No.: 1147a
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 203; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 376/998, Melastomaceae, Osbeckia virgata, Osbeckia sp. n. aequalis [crossed out] inappendiculata, Rheed. Mal. 4 t. 44, 62/2
Annotation Recto (ink): 1147a
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 376, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Additional dissections on plate not on drawing
Drawing No.: 36   Location: Box 1
Pachygone ovata (Poir.) Hook. f. & Thomson
Family: Menispermaceae
Original name: Cocculus plukenetii DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [48]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 203 x 268; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 825, Cocculus Plukenetii ♀ (D.C.)
Annotation Recto (ink): Cocculus Plukenetii ♀
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 825, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 164   Location: Box 4
Papilionanthe cylindrica (Lindl.) Seidenf.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Aerides cylindrica Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 215 x 279; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): see this base of column, Aerides cylindricum, Vanda
Annotation Recto (ink): 1744, Vandeae, Orchideae, Vanda teretoides (RW), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1744, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: 1 floral detail collaged
Drawing No.: 341   Location: Box 7
Parkinsonia aculeata L.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Parkinsonia aculeata L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [613]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 195 x 247; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 436, Parkinsonia aculeata, Wight
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Secretary of State for India Library blind stamp
Drawing No.: 401   Location: Box 9
Passiflora laurifolia L.
Family: Passifloraceae
Original name: Passiflora laurifolia L.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 132 x 157; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 8 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 108, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 362.2   Location: Box 8
Passiflora leschenaultii DC.
Family: Passifloraceae
Original name: Passiflora leschenaultii DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1154]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 208 x 272; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 76, 100 copies
Annotation Recto (ink): 67, Passifloreae, Passiflora Leschenaultii (DC)
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Spicil. Neil. 1: t. 76, 1847
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 374.1   Location: Box 8
Passiflora leschenaultii DC.
Family: Passifloraceae
Original name: Passiflora leschenaultii DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1154]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 92 x 123; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Place of publication: Spicil. Neil. 1: t. 76, 1847
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 374.2   Location: Box 8
Passiflora suberosa L.
Family: Passifloraceae
Original name: Passiflora walkeriae Wight
By: Mrs Walker  
Size (mm): 227 x 285; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 uncoloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 108, Passifloreae, AM Walker, Passiflora Walkeriae RW, Passiflora sp.?, Colombo Decr.
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 108, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Notes: The pencil half-flower is by Rungiah and is of P. laurifolia
Drawing No.: 362.1   Location: Box 8
Pavetta breviflora DC.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Pavetta breviflora DC.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 222 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + ink inflorescence detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): Pavitta breviflora
Annotation Recto (ink): 1033, Coffeaceae, Rubiaceae, Pavetta breviflora (D.C.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1035, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 259.1   Location: Box 6
Pavetta breviflora DC.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Pavetta breviflora DC.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 126; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis + script W]
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1035, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 259.2   Location: Box 6
Pecteilis gigantea (Sm.) Raf.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Platanthera susannae Lindl.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 207 x 330; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 920, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Platanthera Susannae (Lind.) 23 [177 - deleted], Platanthera Susannae?
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 920, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 194   Location: Box 5
Pedicularis uliginosa Bunge
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Original name: Pedicularis rubens Willd.
By: F. Scheffner  
Size (mm): 203 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): a. b
Place of publication: Ledebour, Ic. Pl. Ross. 5, t. 441, 1834
Lithographer: Siegrist
Notes: 482-9, group of botanical prints among Wight miscellanea
Drawing No.: 488   Location: Box 11
Pellionia heyneanum Wedd.
Family: Urticaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 252 x 349; cream, smooth   Watermark: URNERS [182]4
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): Procris?
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 393   Location: Box 9
Pentapetes phoenicea L.
Family: Sterculiaceae
Original name: Pentapetes coccinea Blanco
Wight Catalogue No.: [234]
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 97 x 62; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 6 floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 446.2   Location: Box 11
Pentapetes phoenicea L.
Family: Sterculiaceae
Original name: Pentapetes coccinea Blanco
Wight Catalogue No.: [234]
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 96 x 266; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Pentapetes coccinea
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 446.1   Location: Box 11
Pentatropis microphylla (Roth) Wight & Arn.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Pentatropis microphylla W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 1545
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 258; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 352, Pg. 52 [Contrib.], Cynancheae, Asclep., oopilicodie and Erulicody, urniflora Rottler, Pentatropis
Annotation Recto (ink): Pentatropis microphylla W&A WC. 1545; Asclepias microphylla Wight [WJHooker's writing?]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 352, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 136.1   Location: Box 3
Pentatropis microphylla (Roth) Wight & Arn.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Pentatropis microphylla W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [1545]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 94 x 67; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 2 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 352, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 136.2   Location: Box 3
Peristylus plantaginea (Lindl.) Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Peristylus plantaginea Lindl.
By: J.S.  
Size (mm): 228 x 273; grey, wove   Watermark: [posthorn] C & E H
Drawing recto: Habit ( 2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 921, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, Peristylus plantaginea, Paulghaut jungles, July 1843
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 921, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 195   Location: Box 5
Peristylus richardianus Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Peristylus richardianus Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 100 x 125; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1697, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 326.2   Location: Box 7
Peristylus richardianus Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Peristylus richardianus Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 223 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1697, 229, Peristylus Richardianus RW
Annotation Recto (ink): 1697, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, Peristylus Richardianus (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1697, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 326.1   Location: Box 7
Persicaria glabra (Willd.) M. Gomez
Family: Polygonaceae
Original name: Polygonum glabrum Willd.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Polygonum glabrum?, Aulary-Poondoo
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Associated sheet of notes on grey wove paper with Britannia watermark. Long description and habitat 'moist soil near the banks of rievers & water channels'
Drawing No.: 410   Location: Box 9
Persoonia linearis Andrews
Family: Proteaceae
Original name: Persoonia linearis Andrews
By: ?  
Size (mm): 192 x 258; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): G, 11
Annotation Recto (ink): Pl. 77, Persoonia linearis, 1, 2, 3, 4, Pubd. as the Act directs Decr. 1799 by H. Andrews No 5 Knightsbridge
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1/-
Place of publication: Andrews' Botanical Repository 2, t. 77, 1799
Notes: 482-9, group of botanical prints among Wight miscellanea
Drawing No.: 484   Location: Box 11
Phoebe wightii Meissn.
Family: Lauraceae
Original name: Phoebe wightii
Wight Catalogue No.: 2236
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Return [?Arnott], Phoebe wightii DC [?Cleghorn]
Annotation Recto (ink): Folia subtus fungum gerunt, Ocotea WC. n. 2236 = 2/5 [Arnott]
Annotation Verso (pencil): Common tree - vide Bedd. Fl. Sylv. T. 292 Phoebe Wightii DC P. paniculata Nees, see Wight Icon t 1820 [Cleghorn]
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 72   Location: Box 2
Pholidota imbricata Hook.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Pholidota imbricata Lindl.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2065]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 209 x 325; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 907, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Pleurothallus, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, Pholidota imbricata (Lind.), 7 [23-deleted]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 907, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 188   Location: Box 5
Photinia integrifolia Lindl.
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Photinia notoniana W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [1014]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 119; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 991, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 64
Drawing No.: 223.2   Location: Box 5
Photinia integrifolia Lindl.
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Photinia notoniana W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [1014]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 223 x 284; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 57, Ph. Notoniana
Annotation Recto (ink): 991/930, Pomeae, Rosaceae, Photinia Notoniana
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 991, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 64
Drawing No.: 223.1   Location: Box 5
Phyllocephalum indicum (Less.) K. Kirkman
Family: Compositae
Original name: Decaneurum reticulatum DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1391]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 222 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 107, 467, 5.66, Decaneuron reticulatum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1080, Vernoniaceae, Compositae, Decaneurum reticulatum (D.C.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1080, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: No doubt WC 1391, cited under DC's illegit. D. reticulatum. Spic. Neil. t. 104
Drawing No.: 272.1   Location: Box 6
Phyllocephalum indicum (Less.) K. Kirkman
Family: Compositae
Original name: Decaneurum reticulatum DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1391]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 121 x 47; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 4 pencil fruit details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 4
Annotation Recto (ink): 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1080, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: No doubt WC 1391, cited under DC's illegit. D. reticulatum. Spic. Neil. t. 104
Drawing No.: 272.3   Location: Box 6
Phyllocephalum indicum (Less.) K. Kirkman
Family: Compositae
Original name: Decaneurum reticulatum DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1391]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 119 x 66; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1080, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: No doubt WC 1391, cited under DC's illegit. D. reticulatum. Spic. Neil. t. 104
Drawing No.: 272.2   Location: Box 6
Pimpinella leschenaultii DC.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Pimpinella leschenaultii DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1195]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 215 x 277; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 1005/1140, Amineae, Umbelliferae, Pimpinella Leschenaulii (D.C.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1005, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 80
Drawing No.: 237.1   Location: Box 5
Pimpinella leschenaultii DC.
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Pimpinella leschenaultii DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1195]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 100 x 126; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral and leaf details
Annotation Recto (pencil): P. Leschenaultii
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1005, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 80
Drawing No.: 237.2   Location: Box 5
Piper betle L.
Family: Piperaceae
Original name: Chavica betle Miq.
By: ?  
Size (mm): 280 x 408; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + leaf + 2 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 2167, a, ♀, 93 Piper Betle. 2167 [silvaticum 2168 - deleted]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6 t. 1926, 1853
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: 467-73, group of fine Roxburgh copies (c. 1815?) reproduced in Icones, but different from both RBG uncoloured and Edinburgh Univ. Library sets, though similar to former
Drawing No.: 469   Location: Box 11
Piper longum L.
Family: Piperaceae
Original name: Chavica roxburghii Miq.
By: ?[plate signed Govindoo]  
Size (mm): 283 x 410; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 7 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): ♀, male, piper pippatum
Annotation Recto (ink): 91 Piper longum 681, A, B, C, D, E, ♂
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6 t. 1928, 1853
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: 467-73, group of fine Roxburgh copies (c. 1815?) reproduced in Icones, but different from both RBG uncoloured and Edinburgh Univ. Library sets, though similar to former
Drawing No.: 471   Location: Box 11
Piper longum L.
Family: Piperaceae
Original name: Chavica sarmentosa Miq.
By: ?[plate signed Govindoo]  
Size (mm): 279 x 410; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 12 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1519 Piper sarmentosum R.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6 t. 1929, 1853
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: 467-73, group of fine Roxburgh copies (c. 1815?) reproduced in Icones, but different from both RBG uncoloured and Edinburgh Univ. Library sets, though similar to former
Drawing No.: 472   Location: Box 11
Piper peepuloides Roxb.
Family: Piperaceae
Original name: Chavica peepuloides Miq.
By: ?[plate signed Govindoo]  
Size (mm): 280 x 407; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (ink): 2169, 1518, Piper peepuloides R. 2734
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6 t. 1927, 1853
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: 467-73, group of fine Roxburgh copies (c. 1815?) reproduced in Icones, but different from both RBG uncoloured and Edinburgh Univ. Library sets, though similar to former
Drawing No.: 470   Location: Box 11
Piper sylvaticum Roxb.
Family: Piperaceae
Original name: Chavica sylvatica Miq.
By: ?[plate signed Govindoo]  
Size (mm): 280 x 409; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 2168, Piper silvaticum 2168
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6 t. 1930, 1853
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: 467-73, group of fine Roxburgh copies (c. 1815?) reproduced in Icones, but different from both RBG uncoloured and Edinburgh Univ. Library sets, though similar to former
Drawing No.: 473   Location: Box 11
Piper trichostachyon (Miq.) C. DC.
Family: Piperaceae
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 97 x 204; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 1 habit + 5 floral details
Drawing verso: 2 seed and 1 floral diagram I pencil
Annotation Verso (pencil): [extensive Telugu text]
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not the originals of Icones t. 1944. Is this Kannada, does this mean Govindoo (if by him) was also not Tamilian??
Drawing No.: 450   Location: Box 11
Piper trioicum Roxb.
Family: Piperaceae
Original name: Piper trioicum Roxb.
By: ?[plate signed Govindoo]  
Size (mm): 280 x 386 [rest chewed by rodent!]; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 vegetative + 5 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 92 Piper trioecum R ♂ + ♀ 34, A, B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, A ♂, B ♀
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6 t. 1936, 1853
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: 467-73, group of fine Roxburgh copies (c. 1815?) reproduced in Icones, but different from both RBG uncoloured and Edinburgh Univ. Library sets, though similar to former
Drawing No.: 475   Location: Box 11
Piper trioicum Roxb.
Family: Piperaceae
Original name: Piper trioicum Roxb.
By: ?[plate signed Govindoo]  
Size (mm): 280 x 409; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 vegetative + 3 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 92 Piper trioecum [hermaphrodite symbol] R 34, C, D, E, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6 t. 1935, 1853
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: 467-73, group of fine Roxburgh copies (c. 1815?) reproduced in Icones, but different from both RBG uncoloured and Edinburgh Univ. Library sets, though similar to former
Drawing No.: 474   Location: Box 11
Pittosporum tetraspermum Wight & Arn.
Family: Pittosporaceae
Original name: Pittosporum tetraspermum W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [142]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 95 x 122; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 971, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 43
Drawing No.: 209.2   Location: Box 5
Pittosporum tetraspermum Wight & Arn.
Family: Pittosporaceae
Original name: Pittosporum tetraspermum W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: [142]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 221 x 284; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured fruit detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 40
Annotation Recto (ink): 971/490, Pittosporeae, Pittosporum tetrasperm (W&A), Wight ic. t. 971
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 971, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 43
Drawing No.: 209.1   Location: Box 5
Pleiocraterium verticillaris (Wight & Arn.) Bremek.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Hedyotis verticillaris Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1367]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 253 x 225; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 1029/1253, Hedyotideae, Rubiaceae, Hedyotis verticllaris (Wall.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1029, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 94
Drawing No.: 255.1   Location: Box 6
Pleiocraterium verticillaris (Wight & Arn.) Bremek.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Hedyotis verticillaris Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1367]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 93 x 122; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis + script W]
Drawing recto: 8 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): H. verticilaris
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1029, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 94
Drawing No.: 255.2   Location: Box 6
Pleurostylia opposita (Wall.) Alston
Family: Celastraceae
Original name: Pleurostylia wightii Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: 481
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 162 x 202; cream, smooth   Watermark: GY EELES 1822
Drawing recto: Habit + 12 floral details (9 in colour)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 494, Celastrus? Wightianus Wall. L. 4322, WC. 481. This to be deleted & a figure of a ripe one given: the arillus is in fact the putamen or the endocarp; the seed when ripe fills up the whole cavity & then brings away the endocarp with it [Arnott]
Annotation Recto (ink): Pleurostylia wightii, Wight ic. t. 155
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(8) t. 155, 1839
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 10   Location: Box 1
Pluchea indica (L.) Less.
Family: Compositae
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 97 x 185; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 13 floral details
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 131, 1848
Lithographer: W. Winchester
Notes: These are dissections for Ill. t. 131, habit copied from a Roxb. plate, these done from specimen that accompanied it no doubt sent by Wallich. Plate coloured by E.A. Rodrigues, but no artist given
Drawing No.: 448   Location: Box 11
Polygala wightiana Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Polygalaceae
Original name: Polygala wightiana Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: 134
By: [Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 160 x 196; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 134, Polyg. Wightiana, Wight ic. t. 67
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(4) t. 67, 1838
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Additional dissections on plate not on drawing
Drawing No.: 6   Location: Box 1
Polystachya concreta (Jacq.) Garay & H.R. Sweet
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Polystachya purpurea Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 217 x 249; whitish smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1649, Polystachya
Annotation Recto (ink): 1679, Vandeae, Orchideae, Polystachya purpurea (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1679, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 317.1   Location: Box 7
Polystachya concreta (Jacq.) Garay & H.R. Sweet
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Polystachya luteola Hook.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 86 x 201; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Verso (pencil): Potamogeton densus
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1678, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 316.2   Location: Box 7
Polystachya concreta (Jacq.) Garay & H.R. Sweet
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Polystachya purpurea Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 110 x 125; whitish smooth
Drawing recto: 13 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1679, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 317.2   Location: Box 7
Polystachya concreta (Jacq.) Garay & H.R. Sweet
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Polystachya luteola Hook.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 216 x 249; whitish smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1648, Polystachya, Coimbatore hills, 50
Annotation Recto (ink): 1678, Vandeae, Orchideae, Polystachya luteola (Hooker)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1678, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 316.1   Location: Box 7
Porpax jerdoniana (Wight) Rolfe
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Lichinora jerdoniana Wight
By: Mrs Jerdon & Govindoo  
Size (mm): 183 x 229; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit ( 3 parts) + 8 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1738, Malaxideae, Orchideae, [Stictoides - deleted] Lichenora Jerdoniana (RW), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1738, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Figs 1 and 2 are probably by Mrs Jerdon and 3 either by her or copied from her drawing by Govindoo. Floral details by Govindoo
Drawing No.: 339   Location: Box 7
Porpax reticulata Lindl.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Aggeianthus marchantioides Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 167 x 205; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (3 parts) + 14 coloured floral parts
Annotation Recto (pencil): Aggeianthus marchantioides, compare Physosiphon
Annotation Recto (ink): 1737, Malaxideae, Ordhiceae, Aggeianthus marchantioides (RW), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1737, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: On two pieces of paper joined
Drawing No.: 338   Location: Box 7
Portulaca quadrifida L.
Family: Portulacaceae
Original name: Portulaca quadrifida L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1162, 1163]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 115 x 130; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 pencil and 2 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 109, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 363.2   Location: Box 8
Portulaca quadrifida L.
Family: Portulacaceae
Original name: Portulaca quadrifida L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1162, 1163]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 174 x 120; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (of two forms) + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 109
Annotation Recto (ink): α 1162, β 1163, Portulaca quadrifida, There ought to be four stigmas
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 109, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 363.1   Location: Box 8
Potentilla indica (Andrews) Th. Wolf
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Fragaria indica Andr.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1006]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 93 x 121; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 76
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 989, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 62
Drawing No.: 221.2   Location: Box 5
Potentilla indica (Andrews) Th. Wolf
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Fragaria indica Andr.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1006]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 272 x 219; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 55, (Andr.)
Annotation Recto (ink): 989/924, Dryadeae, Rosaceae, Fragaria indica
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 989, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 62
Drawing No.: 221.1   Location: Box 5
Potentilla leschenaultiana Ser.
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Potentilla leschenaultiana Ser.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1010]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 124; grey, wove   Watermark: [HARRIS &] TREMLETT
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 990, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 63
Drawing No.: 222.2   Location: Box 5
Potentilla leschenaultiana Ser.
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Potentilla leschenaultiana Ser.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1010]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 222 x 259; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 56
Annotation Recto (ink): 990/927, Dryadeae, Rosaceae, Potentilla Leschenaultiana
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 990, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 63
Drawing No.: 222.1   Location: Box 5
Specimens E00179294
Pouzolzia hirta (Blume) Hassk.
Family: Urticaceae
Original name: Pouzolzia heterocarpa Wight
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 78 x 140; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 13 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 445.2   Location: Box 11
Pouzolzia hirta (Blume) Hassk.
Family: Urticaceae
Original name: Pouzolzia heterocarpa Wight
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 224 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): P. heterocarpa, Wightii
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 445.1   Location: Box 11
Premna latifolia Roxb.
Family: Labiatae
Original name: Premna latifolia Roxb.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 5 coloured floral details + pencil infructescence
Annotation Recto (pencil): 869, Lantaneae, Verbenaceae, 28, Premna latifolia Roxb., 129
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 869, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 65   Location: Box 2
Specimens E00174839 E00174840 E00174841 E00174842
Prunus ceylanica (Wight) Miq.
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Pygeum acuminatum Colebr.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 224 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 coloured fruit details
Drawing verso: faint drawing of a fern
Annotation Recto (pencil): 59, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Annotation Recto (ink): 993, Amygdaleae, Rosaceae, Pygeum acuminatum? (Colebr.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 993, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 66
Drawing No.: 225.1   Location: Box 5
Prunus ceylanica (Wight) Miq.
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Pygeum acuminatum Colebr.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 62 x 111; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 993, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 66
Drawing No.: 225.2   Location: Box 5
Psidium guajava L.
Family: Myrtaceae
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 215 x 117; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Fruit + fruit in section
Annotation Recto (ink): Green Guaver grown at Coimbatore Novbr. 10th 1849
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 498   Location: Box 11
Psychotria bisulcata Wight & Arn.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Psychotria bisulcata Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1351]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 221 x 284; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 99, A
Annotation Recto (ink): 1037/1336, Coffeaceae, Rubiaceae, Psychotria bisulcata (W&A
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1039, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 99
Drawing No.: 261.1   Location: Box 6
Psychotria bisulcata Wight & Arn.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Psychotria bisulcata Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1351]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 85 x 117; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 12 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1039, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 99
Drawing No.: 261.2   Location: Box 6
Psychotria connata Wall.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Psychotria laevigata
Wight Catalogue No.: 1349
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 828/1334, Coffeaceae, Rubiaceae, 5, 4
Annotation Recto (ink): WC 1349, Psychotria laevigata W&A
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 828, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 49   Location: Box 2
Specimens E00174112 E00174113 E00174114 E00174115 E00174116 E00174117
Psychotria nilgiriensis Deb & M.G. Gangop.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Grumilea congesta Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1347]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 62 x 84; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 4 coloured fruit details
Annotation Recto (ink): 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1037, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 98
Drawing No.: 260.3   Location: Box 6
Psychotria nilgiriensis Deb & M.G. Gangop.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Grumilea congesta Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1347]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 92 x 83; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1037, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 98
Drawing No.: 260.2   Location: Box 6
Psychotria nilgiriensis Deb & M.G. Gangop.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Grumilea congesta Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1347]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 222 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 98
Annotation Recto (ink): 1035/1330, Coffeaceae, Rubiaceae, Grumelia congesta (W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1037, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 98
Drawing No.: 260.1   Location: Box 6
Psydrax umbellata (Wight) Bridson
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Canthium umbellatum Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 222 x 248; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 97
Annotation Recto (ink): 1032, Coffeaceae, Rubiaceae, Canthium umbellatum (R.W.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1034, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 97
Drawing No.: 258.1   Location: Box 6
Psydrax umbellata (Wight) Bridson
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Canthium umbellatum Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 109 x 125; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1034, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 97
Drawing No.: 258.2   Location: Box 6
Pterocarpus indicus Willd.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Pterocarpus wallichii Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [909]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 197 x 319; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 7 watercolour and ink floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 82, 825, 60, Pterocarpus Wallichii
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 379   Location: Box 9
Pulsatilla bungeana C.A. Mey.
Family: Ranunculaceae
Original name: Pulsatilla bungeana C.A. Mey.
By: E. Bremmer  
Size (mm): 203 x 279; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 8 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
Place of publication: Ledebour, Ic. Pl. Ross. 2, t. 110, 1830
Lithographer: Siegrist
Notes: 482-9, group of botanical prints among Wight miscellanea
Drawing No.: 487   Location: Box 11
Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss.
Family: Amaranthaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 161 x 203; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Pupalia
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 85   Location: Box 2
Quassia indica (Gaertn.) Nooteboom
Family: Simaroubaceae
Original name: Samadera indica Gaertn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [361]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 239 x 305; cream, smooth   Watermark: [S & S] 1829
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured fruit detail
Drawing verso: 6 watercolour and 2 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 483, 52
Annotation Recto (ink): Samadera indica, Wight ill. t. 68
Annotation Verso (pencil): Feby/4 1834 14 [red chalk]
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 68, 1839
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 351   Location: Box 8
Quisqualis indica L.
Family: Combretaceae
Original name: Quisqualis indica L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1056]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 184 x 273; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 8 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 92/982, Combretaceae, Quisqualis Indica Lin.
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 92, 1840
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 356   Location: Box 8
Ranunculus diffusus DC.
Family: Ranunculaceae
Original name: Ranunculus subpinnatus Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: 15
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 10, Ranunculus subpinnatus WC. 15
Annotation Recto (ink): Ranunculus subpinnatus, Wight ic. t. 49
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(3) t. 49, 1838
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 5   Location: Box 1
Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Kurz
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Ophioxylon serpentinum
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Ophioxylon serpentinum Madras RW
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 849
Drawing No.: 81   Location: Box 2
Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Kurz
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Ophioxylon serpentinum L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2519]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 71 x 181; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 849, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 170.2   Location: Box 4
Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Kurz
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Ophioxylon serpentinum L.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2519]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 200 x 266; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 849, Ophioxyleae, Apocynaceae, 8, Ophioxylon serpentinum (Linn.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 849, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Drawing has been traced (outline impression shows on verso)
Drawing No.: 170.1   Location: Box 4
Specimens E00179161
Rhinacanthus nasutus (L.) Kurz
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Rhinacanthus communis Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: 2010
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 178 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: Habit + 2 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 464, Justicieae, Acanthaceae, Vallyadachan Tam. - small, Ed, Rhinacanthus communis (Nees) WC. 2009 [sic, but should be 2010]
Annotation Verso (pencil): Naga mallie, WC. 2009
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 464, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 154.1   Location: Box 3
Rhinacanthus nasutus (L.) Kurz
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Rhinacanthus communis Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [2010]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 108 x 137; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 5 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 464, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 154.2   Location: Box 3
Rhizophora mucronata Poir.
Family: Rhizophoraceae
Original name: Rhizophora mucronata
Wight Catalogue No.: 1041
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 254 x 174; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: ink drawing of fruit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 238, Rhizophora candelaria W&A (non DC) Wight Cat. 1041
Annotation Verso (pencil): Rhizophora mucronata Lam.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(12) t. 238, 1839
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 124   Location: Box 3
Rhododendron javanicum (Blume) Benn.
Family: Ericaceae
Original name: Rhododendron javanicum
By: ?  
Size (mm): 208 x 270; bluish, copy paper
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Tab. 19., Rhododendron javanicum, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: [copy, Bennett & R.Br., Pl. Jav. Rar. t. 19, 1838]
Drawing No.: 483   Location: Box 11
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk.
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Myrtus tomentosa Ait.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1068]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 120; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 13 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Place of publication: Spicil. Neil. 1: t. 71, 1847
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 373.2   Location: Box 8
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk.
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Myrtus tomentosa Ait.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1068]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 220 x 279; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 100 copies
Annotation Recto (ink): 60, Myrteae, Myrtaceae, Myrtus tomentosa
Place of publication: Spicil. Neil. 1: t. 71, 1847
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 373.1   Location: Box 8
Rhynchosia hirta (Andrews) Meikle & Verdcourt
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Cyanospermum tomentosum
Wight Catalogue No.: 766
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 198 x 159; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): WC 766, Cyanospermum tomentosum W&A, Cylista tomentosa Roxb. [Arnott]
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Illustrations t. 84 not based on this
Drawing No.: 76   Location: Box 2
Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Saccolabium rheedei Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 269 x 401; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Saccolab. Guttatum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1745-46, Vandeae, Orchideae, Saccolabium guttatum (Lind.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): Spiranthes autumnalis, Neottia spiralis
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1745/6, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Note paper evidently reused from wrapper from British herbarium specimen
Drawing No.: 430.1   Location: Box 10
Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Saccolabium rheedei Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 110 x 125; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 14 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): N-2, Saccolabium guttatum RW
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1745/6, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 430.2   Location: Box 10
Robiquetia rosea (Lindl.) Garay
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Sarcanthus walkerianus Wight
By: ?Mrs Jerdon  
Size (mm): 202 253; blue, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1686, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Not clear if this crudely coloured drawing is a copy of t. 1686, or a sketch for it, perhaps by Govindoo?
Drawing No.: 322.2   Location: Box 7
Robiquetia rosea (Lindl.) Garay
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Sarcanthus walkerianus Wight
By: Mrs Walker  
Size (mm): 116 x 221; cream, copy paper
Drawing recto: Habit + 8 ink floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 134, Vandeae, Genus spe. Sarcanthus
Annotation Recto (ink): 1. Plant natural size, 2 Bud 3 Flower forced open….8 Pollen masses. Flower rose colour with a bright green mask on the anther lobe of the labellum. 2 largest pollen masses red, small ones yellow - on trees Newera Ellia August
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1686, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: The drawing by Mrs Walker is a tracing of her original
Drawing No.: 322.1   Location: Box 7
Rorippa madagascariensis (DC.) Hara
Family: Cruciferae
Original name: Nasturtium madagascariense DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [67]
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 234 x 305; cream, smooth   Watermark: .URNERS [182]4
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 3 bodycolour floral details
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 13, 1838
Lithographer: ?Wight
Drawing No.: 346   Location: Box 8
Rosa sp.
Family: Rosaceae
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 213 x 272; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Verso (pencil): Miss Ford No 3, Miss Forde
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 504   Location: Box 11
Rothia indica (L.) Druce
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Rothia trifoliata
Wight Catalogue No.: 828
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 252 x 172; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Drawing verso: 12 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Papilionaceae, Leguminosae, Loteae, /609, Rothia 3 foliata WC. 828
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 828
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(10) t. 199, 1839
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 114   Location: Box 3
Rubus ellipticus Sm.
Family: Rosaceae
Original name: Rubus ellipticus
Wight Catalogue No.: [1002]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 161 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: 10 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 230, Rubus Gowrephul Roxb., WC. 1002, Wt. icon t. 230 Mysore [erased]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(12) t. 230, 1839
Lithographer: Romeo
Notes: Only floral details as in print, habit not done form this drawing
Drawing No.: 78   Location: Box 2
Rungia repens (L.) Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Rungia repens Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: [2012]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 92 x 97; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 pencil floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 465, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 155.2   Location: Box 3
Rungia repens (L.) Nees
Family: Acanthaceae
Original name: Rungia repens Nees
Wight Catalogue No.: 2012
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 199; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 465/E, Justicieae, Acanth., Karasay Codooppay, Justicia ramosissima, Rungia repens Nees, Rungia repens WC. 2011
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 465, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 155.1   Location: Box 3
Salacia chinensis L.
Family: Celastraceae
Original name: Salacia prinoides DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: 349
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 156 x 204; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 321/363, WC. 349, Salacia prinoides Willd., S. wightiana Wall., Johnia coromandeliana R[oxb.]
Annotation Recto (ink): Salacia prinoides - Wight ic. t. 321
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 321, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 27   Location: Box 1
Salacia pomifera Wight & Arn.
Family: Celastraceae
Original name: Salacia pomifera
Wight Catalogue No.: 348
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 229 x 295; cream, smooth   Watermark: & S 1829
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Salacia cymosa RW, 367 x 8, Pomifera? T[urn].O[ver].
Annotation Recto (ink): Wight Cat. n. 348
Annotation Verso (pencil): Feby/12 1834 [red chalk]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(1) t. 55, 1838
Lithographer: [?Wight]
Drawing No.: 106   Location: Box 3
Sandoricum koetjape (Burm. f.) Merr.
Family: Meliaceae
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 251 x 312; cream, board
Drawing recto: Fruit and leaves
Annotation Recto (ink): Sintool
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 500   Location: Box 11
Sanicula elata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Sanicula elata Ham.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1188]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 217 x 270; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 1004/1134, Saniculeae, Umbelliferae, Sanicula elata (Ham.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1004, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 79
Drawing No.: 236.1   Location: Box 5
Sanicula elata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Sanicula elata Ham.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1188]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 119; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 13 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): S. elata
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1004, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 79
Drawing No.: 236.2   Location: Box 5
Sansevieria roxburghiana Schult. & Schult. f.
Family: Agavaceae
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 258
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 fl + 1 fr details
Annotation Verso (pencil): Maraloo - Tam No 84
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: One of early Madras Nat series A
Drawing No.: 507   Location: Box 2
Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Jonesia asoca
Wight Catalogue No.: [633]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 242 x 302; cream, smooth   Watermark: S & S 1829
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 5 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 206/881, Leguminosae, Jonesia asoca, 881, 60, Jonesia Asoca Roxb.
Annotation Verso (pencil): 1833 [red chalk]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(11) t. 206, 1839
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 116   Location: Box 3
Specimens E00174560 E00174561 E00174562 E00174563 E00174564
Satyrium nepalense D. Don
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Satyrium albiflorum A. Rich.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 222 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1717, Satyrium, Sat. albiflorum Richard, 237
Annotation Recto (ink): 1717, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, Satyrium albiflorum (Richd.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1717, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: The main plate is collaged
Drawing No.: 331.1   Location: Box 7
Satyrium nepalense D. Don
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Satyrium albiflorum A. Rich.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 95 x 125; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 8 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1717, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 331.2   Location: Box 7
Satyrium nepalense D. Don
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Satyrium wightianum Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 95 x 124; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1718, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 332.2   Location: Box 7
Satyrium nepalense D. Don
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Satyrium wightianum Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 223 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1718, 237, Sat. wightianum Lind.
Annotation Recto (ink): 1718, Ophrydeae, Orchideae, Satyrium Wightianum (Lind.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1718, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 332.1   Location: Box 7
Sauropus bacciformis (L.) Airy Shaw
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Original name: Agyneia phyllanthoides Spr.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 177 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Agyneia phyllanthoides, receptacles separate, capsule open, seed
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 113, Collagachy Tam
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 2 sheets of notes with descriptions and habitat, grey wove, one watermarked RADWAY 1828 [Britannia]
Drawing No.: 440   Location: Box 10
Schefflera racemosa (Wight) Harms
Family: Araliaceae
Original name: Hedera racemosa Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 220 x 249; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured and 1 pencil floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): H. racimosa
Annotation Recto (ink): 1013, Araliaceae, Hedera racimosa (R.W.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1015, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 85
Drawing No.: 242.1   Location: Box 5
Schefflera racemosa (Wight) Harms
Family: Araliaceae
Original name: Hedera racemosa Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 113 x 142; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1015, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 85
Drawing No.: 242.2   Location: Box 5
Schefflera stellata (Gaertn.) Baillon
Family: Araliaceae
Original name: Hedera obovata Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 360 x 248; grey, wove   Watermark: HARRIS & TREMLETT 1837
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): & 1012, H. obovata
Annotation Recto (ink): 1011, Araliaceae, Hedera obovata (R.W.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): H. obovata
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1011/2, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 425.1   Location: Box 10
Schefflera stellata (Gaertn.) Baillon
Family: Araliaceae
Original name: Hedera obovata Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 100 x 158; grey, wove   Watermark: 18..
Drawing recto: 17 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 14, 15
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1011/2, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 425.2   Location: Box 10
Schefflera venulosa Harms
Family: Araliaceae
Original name: Paratropia venulosa Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1216
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 255 x 349; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 118/1163, Araliaceae, Paratropia venulosa W & A
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1216, Paratropia venulosa W&A
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 118, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 365   Location: Box 8
Seidenfadeniella filiformis (Rchb. f.) E.A. Chr. & P. Ormerod
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Sarcanthus filiformis Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 124 x 127; whitish smooth
Drawing recto: 16 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 3571
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1684, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 320.2   Location: Box 7
Specimens E00174642 E00174643 E00174644
Seidenfadeniella filiformis (Rchb. f.) E.A. Chr. & P. Ormerod
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Sarcanthus filiformis Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 218 x 250; whitish smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 134, Sarcanthus?
Annotation Recto (ink): 1684, Vandeae, Orchideae, Sarcanthus filiformis (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1684, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 320.1   Location: Box 7
Seidenfadeniella rosea (Wight) Sath. Kumar
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Sarcanthus roseus Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 203 x 320; grey, wove   Watermark: [rampant lion crowned]
Drawing recto: Habit + 15 coloured floral details [collaged]
Annotation Recto (pencil): Shorten this part of the stem by leaving out all between the 2 lines but put a little gap with a x between the ends & cut off part of the root. Sarcanthus, Cymbidium gracile R…
Annotation Recto (ink): 1685, Vandeae, Orchideae, Sarcanthus roseus (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1685, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 321   Location: Box 7
Seidenfia densiflora (A. Rich.) Szlach.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Microstylis versicolor Lindl.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2063]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 205 x 148; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 901, Malaxideae, Orchideae, Pleurothalliae, 13 [erased], Microstylis versicolor (Lind.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 901, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 66   Location: Box 2
Senecio intermedius Wight
Family: Compositae
Original name: Senecio intermedius Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 218 x 250; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (ink): 1135, Senecionideae, Compositae, Senecio intermedius (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1135, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 282.1   Location: Box 6
Senecio intermedius Wight
Family: Compositae
Original name: Senecio intermedius Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 108 x 124; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1135, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 282.2   Location: Box 6
Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
Family: Compositae
Original name: Senecio wightianus DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1480]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 196; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1136, Senecionideae, Compositae, Senecio Wightianus (D.C.); 2/40 = WC. 1480, Senecio candicans Wall. [deleted]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1136, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 68   Location: Box 2
Senna alata (L.) Roxb.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Cassia alata
Wight Catalogue No.: [648]
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 239 x 303; cream, smooth   Watermark: 1829
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 3 coloured + 11 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 253, Cassia alata, 890, 60
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(13) t. 253, 1840
Lithographer: ?
Drawing No.: 127   Location: Box 3
Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir. var. coccinea (L. f.) Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Sesbania coccinea Pers.
Wight Catalogue No.: [902]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 192 x 243; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 5 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 526, Sesbania coccinea, Wight
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Secretary of State for India Library blind stamp
Drawing No.: 403   Location: Box 9
Sirhookera lanceolata (Wight) Kuntze
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Josephia lanceolata Wight
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 212 x 251; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 17 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: pencil sketch of Orobanchaceae
Annotation Recto (pencil): 30, Empusana, see Agrostophyllum, 7, 8, 9, 10
Annotation Recto (ink): 1742, Vandeae, Orchideae, Josephia [Hookeriana - deleted] lanceolata (RW), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1742, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: 1 floral detail collaged
Drawing No.: 340   Location: Box 7
Smilax aspera L.
Family: Smilacaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 215 x 320; cream, smooth   Watermark: RNERS
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Smilax
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 2059 (Smilax maculata)
Drawing No.: 395   Location: Box 9
Smithia blanda Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Smithia blanda Wall.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 221 x 251; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 59, S. blanda
Annotation Recto (ink): 986, Papilionaceae, Leguminosae, Hedysareae, Smithia blanda
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 986, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 59
Drawing No.: 218.1   Location: Box 5
Smithia blanda Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Smithia blanda Wall.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 39 x 40; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (ink): 1
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 986, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spiileg. Neil. t. 59
Drawing No.: 218.3   Location: Box 5
Smithia blanda Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Smithia blanda Wall.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 113 x 143; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 986, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 59
Drawing No.: 218.2   Location: Box 5
Solanum giganteum Jacq.
Family: Solanaceae
Original name: Solanum giganteum
Wight Catalogue No.: [1571]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 117; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 14 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 893, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 180.2   Location: Box 4
Solanum giganteum Jacq.
Family: Solanaceae
Original name: Solanum giganteum
Wight Catalogue No.: [1571]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 216 x 270; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: faint pencil sketch of unknown plant
Annotation Recto (pencil): 893, Solaneae, Solanaceae, 11, Solanum giganteum
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 893, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 180.1   Location: Box 4
Solanum nigrum L.
Family: Solanaceae
Original name: Solanum rubrum Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1568
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 173 x 250; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 344, Solaneae, Solanaceae, Solanum rubrum, manathacullie
Annotation Recto (ink): Solanum rubrum Roxb., WC. 1568
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 59
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 344, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Additional dissections on plate not on drawing
Drawing No.: 32   Location: Box 1
Solanum torvum Sw.
Family: Solanaceae
Original name: Solanum torvum Sw.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1577
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 174 x 253; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 345, Solaneae, Solanaceae, Solanum torvum, malay choonday
Annotation Recto (ink): Solanum torvum Sw., WC. 1577
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 121 + Tamil script
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 345, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 33   Location: Box 1
Solanum violaceum Ortega
Family: Solanaceae
Original name: Solanum indicum L.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1575
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 246 x 332; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 346, Solaneae, Solanaceae, Solanum indicum
Annotation Recto (ink): Solanum Indicum Linn., S. ferox var. minus sec NE, W.C. 1575
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 18 of Icones
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 346, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Note pencil drawing of pig/dog on recto
Drawing No.: 133   Location: Box 3
Solena amplexicaulis (Lam.) Gandhi
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Original name: Bryonia amplexicaulis Lam.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1121
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 199; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Karivia, [Sect.] 5, [Bryonia filiformis Roxb., B. rostrata Rottl. erased]
Annotation Recto (ink): B. amplexicaulis Lam., WC. 1121
Annotation Verso (pencil): 502/1078, Bryonia amplexicaulis, Karivia Arnott
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 502, ?1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 41   Location: Box 1
Sonerila elegans Wight
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Sonerila elegans Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 109 x 138; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 995/3, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 67/3
Drawing No.: 229.2   Location: Box 5
Sonerila elegans Wight
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Sonerila elegans Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 217 x 249; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 10011/2, 67/3 or 71, Son. elegans-
Annotation Recto (ink): 1001 or 995/3, Melastomeae, Melastomaceaea, Sonerila elegans (RW
Annotation Verso (pencil): To Half binding in Calico English Boards each copy Rs 2-4 a deduction of 10 per cent will be allowed if more than 25 copies are sent at one and the same time
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 995/3, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 67/3
Drawing No.: 229.1   Location: Box 5
Sonerila grandiflora R. Br. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Sonerila grandiflora R. Br.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 111 x 124; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 2, 3, 4, 5
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 995, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 67
Drawing No.: 227.2   Location: Box 5
Sonerila grandiflora R. Br. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Sonerila grandiflora R. Br.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 222 x 251; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 pencil floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1000, 67, 1
Annotation Recto (ink): 995/993, Melastomeae, Melastomaceae, Sonerila grandiflora (R. Br.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 995, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 67
Drawing No.: 227.1   Location: Box 5
Sonerila speciosa Zenker
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Sonerila speciosa Zenker
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 108 x 125; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 8 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, speciosa Zenker
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 995/2, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 67/2
Drawing No.: 228.2   Location: Box 5
Sonerila speciosa Zenker
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Sonerila speciosa Zenker
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 222 x 248; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 995/2, 1001, 67/2 or 70
Annotation Recto (ink): 1000 or 995/2, Melastomeae, Melastomaceae
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 995/2, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 67/2
Drawing No.: 228.1   Location: Box 5
Sonerila versicolor Wight
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Sonerila versicolor Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 219 x 252; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: c 8 pencil sketches, including Utricularia, Sonerila, Impatiens
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1057, [1056 - deleted], S. versicolor
Annotation Recto (ink): Melastomeae, Melastomaceae, Sonerila versicolor (RW
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1057, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 268.1   Location: Box 6
Sonerila versicolor Wight
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Sonerila versicolor Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 112 x 142; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 10
Annotation Recto (ink): 1058, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1057, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 268.2   Location: Box 6
Sonerila versicolor Wight var. axillaris (Wight) Gamble
Family: Melastomataceae
Original name: Sonerila axillaris Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 217 x 253; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1058
Annotation Recto (ink): 1056, Melastomeae, Melastomaceae, Sonerila axillaris (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1058, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 269   Location: Box 6
Sophora velutina Lindl.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Sophora glauca Lesch.
Wight Catalogue No.: [634]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 220 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 48
Annotation Recto (ink): 979/547, Papilionaceae, Leguminosae, Sophoreae, Sophora glauca
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 979, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 51
Drawing No.: 211.1   Location: Box 5
Sophora velutina Lindl.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Sophora glauca Lesch.
Wight Catalogue No.: [634]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 93 x 123; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 979, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 51
Drawing No.: 211.2   Location: Box 5
Spatholobus parviflorus (Roxb. ex DC.) Kuntze
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Butea parviflora
Wight Catalogue No.: 914
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 249 x 331; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 coloured and 1 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Butea parviflora WC. 914
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(11) t. 210, 1839
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 120   Location: Box 3
Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Spiranthes australis Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 202 x 259; grey, wove   Watermark: C WILMOT 1840
Drawing recto: Habits (6 parts) + 17 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3
Annotation Recto (ink): 1724, Neotteae, Orchideae, Spiranthes australis (Lind
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1724, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: All drawings cut out and collaged onto backing sheet
Drawing No.: 334   Location: Box 7
Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz
Family: Anacardiaceae
Original name: Spondias mangifera Pers.
Wight Catalogue No.: 534
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 176 x 256; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): WC. 534
Annotation Recto (ink): Spondias mangifer, Wight ill. t. 76
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 105, Koolie mangaie Tam.
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 76, 1839
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 352   Location: Box 8
Sterculia guttata Roxb.
Family: Sterculiaceae
By: A. Bertie  
Size (mm): 201 x 285; cream, wove
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Oollee=thardeena Mara. Can. 1,2, Half the size. 3, Fruit cut transversely, half size. 4, Style mag=nified. 5 Natural size. A,b, Seed cut transversely & vertically.
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 461   Location: Box 11
Stereospermum chelonoides (L.f.) DC.
Family: Bignoniaceae
Original name: Bignonia chelonoides L.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 256 x 351; cream, smooth   Watermark: RUSE & T … 182.
Drawing recto: Inflorescence + leaf
Drawing verso: Ink drawing of inflorescence and leaf
Annotation Recto (pencil): Patherie Marum
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 131-
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Sheet of notes, with description and notes to ?Hooker, on grey wove, watermarked RADWAY 1828, notes about his artists working method 'a most inconvenient one to engrave' 'padre poo, Angl. Priest's flower'
Drawing No.: 434   Location: Box 10
Streblus asper Lour.
Family: Moraceae
Original name: Trophis aspera Retz.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 177 x 258; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 7 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Trophis aspera Retz.
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 9
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Sheet of notes with description and habitat, grey wove, watermarked KG 1825
Drawing No.: 441   Location: Box 10
Streblus zeylanicus (Thwaites) Kurz
Family: Moraceae
Original name: Epicarpurus zeylanicus Thwaites
By: ?H. de Alwis  
Size (mm): 203 x 247; greyish, copy paper
Drawing recto: 5 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Alwisia zeylanica Thw. Ms.
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: This is very similar to plate by de Alwis in Hook. J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3 t. 11 (1851). Thwaites intended to commemorate de Alwis in the generic name, but Hooker must have pointed out that it belonged to Epicarpurus
Drawing No.: 459   Location: Box 11
Striga euphrasioides (Vahl) Benth.
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Original name: Buchnera euphrasioides
Wight Catalogue No.: 2211
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: ink outline of base of plant
Annotation Recto (pencil): 855, Scrophularineae, Buchnereae, 14, Autty-poondoo, Buchneria bifida, 1, 2, 3, Turn, 43-R, Buchnera euphrasioides Benth.
Annotation Recto (ink): Buchnera euphrasioides Vahl, WC. n. 2211
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu script]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 855, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 56   Location: Box 2
Struthiola striata Lam.
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Original name: Struthiola imbricata Andrews
By: ?  
Size (mm): 200 x 267; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 113
Annotation Recto (ink): Pl. 113, Struthiola imbricata, 1, 2, 3, 4, Published as the Act directs Octr. 1st 1800 by H. Andrews 5 Knightsbridge
Annotation Verso (pencil): 2/6
Place of publication: Andrews' Botanical Repository 2, t. 113, 1800
Notes: 482-9, group of botanical prints among Wight miscellanea
Drawing No.: 486   Location: Box 11
Strychnos cinnamomifolia Thw var. wightii AW Hill
Family: Loganiaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 198; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Yetty-Marom, Strychnos n vomica?
Annotation Verso (pencil): S. potatorum, see Wight ic. Vol 2d part 2d t. 434
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 71   Location: Box 2
Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort.
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Original name: Chenopodium australe R. Br.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 156 x 203; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Chenopodium australe ? Br.
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Associated sheet of notes on grey wove paper with watermark 1828. Long description and habitat 'near the sea coast'. Roots used for fever and leaves & young shoots 'used as potherbs among the poorer people'
Drawing No.: 409   Location: Box 9
Suaeda monoica Forssk. ex J.F. Gmel.
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Original name: Chenopodium
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 149 x 202; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Chenopodium sp nov?
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Associated sheet of notes on grey wove paper with Britannia watermark. Long description and habitat 'salt marshes'
Drawing No.: 408   Location: Box 9
Syzigium jambos (L.) Alston
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Jambosa vulgaris DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1079]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 242 x 308; cream, smooth   Watermark: II S[MITH]
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 4 coloured + 4 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 435/1032, Myrteae, Myrtaceae, 54/8, 72, Jambosa vulgaris (DC.) good
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 22 Icones, Jany 3 [red chalk]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 435, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 141   Location: Box 3
Syzygium aqueum (Burm. f.) Alston
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Jambosa aquea
Wight Catalogue No.: 1080
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 254 x 347; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): Jambosa aquea W&A, WC. 1080
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(11) t. 216, 1839
Lithographer: Wight
Notes: Ashton cites this plate in Fl Ceylon, but petals are supposed to be pink - could it be Jambosa courtallense Gamble? Which is said to be the very similar peninsular species
Drawing No.: 121   Location: Box 3
Syzygium calophyllifolium (Wight) Walpers
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Eugenia calophyllifolia Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 97 x 122; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 8 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): opened the …, E. S. calophylifolia
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1000, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 73
Drawing No.: 233.2   Location: Box 5
Syzygium calophyllifolium (Wight) Walpers
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Eugenia calophyllifolia Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 218 x 278; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1000, S.. C8
Annotation Recto (ink): 998, Myrteae, Myrtaceae, Eugenia (S.) calophyllifolia (R.W.)
Annotation Verso (pencil): [Telugu text]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1000, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 73
Drawing No.: 233.1   Location: Box 5
Syzygium caryophyllatum (L.) Alston
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Eugenia caryophyllaea (Gaertn.) Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1071]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 103 x 136; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 5 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Eugenia (S.) caryophyllaea
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 540, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 420.2   Location: Box 10
Syzygium caryophyllatum (L.) Alston
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Eugenia caryophyllaea (Gaertn.) Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1071]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 200 x 309; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 2 watercolour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 540/1017, Passable
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 540, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 420.1   Location: Box 10
Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Eugenia jambolana Lam.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1069
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 167 x 253; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 floral details (1 coloured)
Drawing verso: Infructescence + 2 fruit sections in colour
Annotation Recto (pencil): 13, 535, Eugenia (S) Jambolana Lam., WC. 1069, Syzygium Jambolanum
Annotation Verso (pencil): Nakie marum Tam., No. 54
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(3) t. 535, ?1842
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 44   Location: Box 1
Specimens E00179579 E00179580
Syzygium densiflorum Wight & Arn.
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Eugenia arnottiana Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1070]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 218 x 273; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 8 coloured fruit details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 999, 997, Arnottiana
Annotation Recto (ink): 997, Myrteae, Myrtaceae, Eugenia (a) montana (RW
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 999, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 72
Drawing No.: 232.1   Location: Box 5
Syzygium densiflorum Wight & Arn.
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Eugenia arnottiana Wight
Wight Catalogue No.: [1070]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 99 x 121; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): E (a) montana
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 999, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 72
Drawing No.: 232.2   Location: Box 5
Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & Perry
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Jambosa malaccensis DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1081]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 244 x 303; cream, smooth   Watermark: II S[MITH]
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 6 watercolour floral and 1 pencil leaf details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 98/1035, Myrteae, Myrtaceae, 73, Jambosa malaccensis D.C. good
Annotation Verso (pencil): Feby/6 1834 16 [red chalk]
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 98, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 358   Location: Box 8
Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & Perry
Family: Myrtaceae
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 310 x 254; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Plant habit, fruit and spider with web
Annotation Recto (pencil): Rose apple or Jumba Malac, Copied by Gooindoo. A spider found in the Guaver Tree, Coimbatore
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford). We also have the 'original' of this drawing
Drawing No.: 492   Location: Box 11
Syzygium montanum (Wight) Gamble
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Eugenia montana Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 98 x 119; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): E (S) arnottiana RW
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1060, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 270.2   Location: Box 6
Syzygium montanum (Wight) Gamble
Family: Myrtaceae
Original name: Eugenia montana Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 216 x 275; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured fruit detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1060, 7
Annotation Recto (ink): 1057, Myrteae, Myrtaceae, Eugenia (S) montana (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1060, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 270.1   Location: Box 6
Syzygium zeylanicum (L.) DC.
Family: Myrtaceae
Wight Catalogue No.: [1074]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 198 x 318; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 3 watercolour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 72
Annotation Verso (pencil): April/13 50 [red chalk]
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 73
Drawing No.: 383   Location: Box 9
Tabernaemontana cf. divaricata (L.) R. Br. ex Roem. & Schult.
Family: Apocynaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 255 x 348; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Tabernaemontana Apocyn.
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 387   Location: Box 9
Tainia bicornis (Lindl.) Rchb. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Ania latifolia Lindl.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 205 x 325; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit (2 parts) + 7 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 914, Epidendreae, Orchideae, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Ania latifolia ? (Lind.), 16
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 914, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 190   Location: Box 5
Tamilnadia uliginosa (Retz.) Tirvengadum & Sastre
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Randia uliginosa DC.
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 197 x 302; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 2 coloured + 4 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 397/1230, Gardeniaceae, Rubiaceae, 81/14
Annotation Verso (pencil): April/1, 38/1834 [red chalk]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 397, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 139   Location: Box 3
Specimens E00175062 E00175063 E00175064 E00175066 E00175068 E00179676
Tarenna alpestris (Wight) N.P. Balakr.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Coffea alpestris Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 221 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 100, Coffea
Annotation Recto (ink): 1038, Coffeaceae, Rubiaceae, Coffea alpestris (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1040, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 100
Drawing No.: 262.1   Location: Box 6
Tarenna alpestris (Wight) N.P. Balakr.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Coffea grumileoides Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 94 x 122; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis + script W]
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1041, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 101
Drawing No.: 263.2   Location: Box 6
Tarenna alpestris (Wight) N.P. Balakr.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Coffea grumileoides Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 221 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + coloured fruit detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1041, 101, Coffea
Annotation Recto (ink): 1039, Coffeaceae, Rubiaceae, Coffea grumelioides (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1041, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 101
Drawing No.: 263.1   Location: Box 6
Tarenna alpestris (Wight) N.P. Balakr.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Coffea alpestris Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 95 x 122; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis + script W]
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1040, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 100
Drawing No.: 262.2   Location: Box 6
Tarenna asiatica (L.) Kuntze ex K. Schum.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Stylocoryne webera A. Rich.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1283
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 254 x 177; cream, smooth   Watermark: ..URNERS
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: Colour drawing of inflorescence
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1236, Gardeniaceae, Rubiaceae, Cupia
Annotation Recto (ink): 308, Webera corymbosa Willd. [?WJHooker], Stylocoryne Webera Rich., WC. 1283
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 309, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 21   Location: Box 1
Tarenna asiatica (L.) Kuntze ex K. Schum.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Stylocoryne rigida Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 123; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1064, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 271.2   Location: Box 6
Tarenna asiatica (L.) Kuntze ex K. Schum.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Stylocoryne rigida Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 220 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1064, [1034 - deleted]
Annotation Recto (ink): Gardeniaceae, Rubiaceae, Stylocoryne rigida (RW)
Annotation Verso (pencil): Bill for items '6 Tubs, Buney, Commoor, Reaper Nails, Raphir'
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1064, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 271.1   Location: Box 6
Tarenna monosperma (Wight & Arn.) N.P. Balakr.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Stylocoryne monosperma W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 1284
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 152 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 317/1237
Annotation Recto (ink): Stylocoryne monosperma W&A, WC. 1284
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 317, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 24   Location: Box 1
Taxillus recurvus (DC.) Tiegh.
Family: Loranthaceae
Original name: Loranthus candolleanus Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1247]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 155 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 3 floral details, 2 coloured, 1 pencil
Annotation Recto (pencil): 305/1188, 94, Lor. Tomentosus
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 305, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 18   Location: Box 1
Teramnus labialis (L. f.) Spreng.
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Glycine labialis L.
Wight Catalogue No.: 877
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 178 x 254; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 649, Glycine parviflora, Collooppoondoo
Annotation Recto (ink): 877, Glycine labialis
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 48
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(9) t. 168, 1839
Lithographer: Winchester
Notes: Additional dissections on plate not on drawing
Drawing No.: 13   Location: Box 1
Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.
Family: Combretaceae
Original name: Terminalia crenulata sensu W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 1047
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 156 x 203; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Terminalia sp., T. (Pentaptera) glabra Roxb. Terminalia crenulata Roth - W&A WC. 1047
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 88   Location: Box 2
Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.
Family: Combretaceae
Original name: Terminalia bellerica Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1045]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 215 x 294; cream, smooth   Watermark: II S[MITH]
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 2 watercolour + 6 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 966, Terminalia Bellerica
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 382   Location: Box 9
Terminalia catappa L.
Family: Combretaceae
Wight Catalogue No.: [1044]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 149 x 196; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit in colour + leaf in ink
Drawing verso: 5 coloured + 7 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 967, 67, Terminalia chebula
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 89   Location: Box 2
Theobroma cacao L.
Family: Sterculiaceae
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 252 x 248; cream, board
Drawing recto: Fruit and leaves
Annotation Recto (ink): Cocoa
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 499   Location: Box 11
Thespesia lampas (Cav.) Dalzell & A. Gibson
Family: Malvaceae
Original name: Hibiscus lampas
Wight Catalogue No.: [219]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 218 x 286; cream, smooth   Watermark: II [SMITH]
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 8 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 176
Annotation Recto (ink): Hibiscus Lampas, Wight ic. t. 5
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(1) t. 5, 1838
Lithographer: Wight
Drawing No.: 101   Location: Box 3
Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Cerbera thevetia Willd.
Wight Catalogue No.: [2523]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 192 x 240; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 5 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 524, Cerbera Thevetia Wight
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Secretary of State for India Library blind stamp
Drawing No.: 402   Location: Box 9
Thunbergia mysorensis (Wight) T. Anderson
Family: Acanthaceae
By: A. Bertie  
Size (mm): 326 x 232; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 8 floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Yeadikal balli also Vatay balli
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 464   Location: Box 11
Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook. f. & Thomson
Family: Menispermaceae
Original name: Cocculus cordifolius DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: 44
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 172 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured details
Drawing verso: 10 pencil floral details + c 7 doodles
Annotation Recto (pencil): 486/43, Menispermaceae, 498, 507, Turn
Annotation Recto (ink): Cocculus cordifolius WC. 44 - Wight ic. t. 486
Annotation Verso (pencil): Coondaniccody Tam. Small
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(2) t. 486, 1841
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 158   Location: Box 3
Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook. f. & Thomson
Family: Mennispermaceae
Size (mm): 320 x 200; grey, smooth
Drawing recto: Plant habit + water jar
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Drawing of rooting experiment
Drawing No.: 457   Location: Box 11
Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam.
Family: Rutaceae
Original name: Toddalia aculeata Pers.
Wight Catalogue No.: [531, 532]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 240 x 322; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 1 bodycolour and 4 pencil floral details + 1 pencil stem detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 479 Toddalia aculiata
Annotation Recto (ink): Toddalia aculeata Wight ill. t. 66
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 66, 1839
Lithographer: ?Wight
Drawing No.: 350   Location: Box 8
Tolypanthus lageniflorus (Hook.) Tiegh.
Family: Loranthaceae
Original name: Loranthus lageniferus
Wight Catalogue No.: 2437
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 197 x 316; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 94, Loranthus lageniferus, T[urn].O[ver].
Annotation Recto (ink): W.C. 2437
Annotation Verso (pencil): If you care about reducing the drawing of this most splendid species of Loranthus you will find a specific char. With observations among the notes sent you lately
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(16) t. 306, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced by Hooker in Ic. Pl. 3: t. 229/30 (1839)
Drawing No.: 132   Location: Box 3
Specimens E00179589 E00179589 E00179590 E00179590 E00179591 E00179591 E00179592 E00179592
Toona ciliata M.J. Roemer
Family: Meliaceae
Original name: Cedrela toona
Wight Catalogue No.: [393]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 252 x 347; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 5 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Chicrassa tabularis?, 406, 47?
Annotation Recto (ink): [Chickrassia tabularis Wight ill. t.56 - deleted] Cedrela Toona Wight ic. t. 161
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(8) t. 161, 1839
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 108   Location: Box 3
Toxocarpus kleinii Wight & Arn.
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Toxocarpus kleinii W&A
Wight Catalogue No.: 1560
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 175 x 255; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: Coloured drawing of infructescence & 3 pencil floral details (+ 1 doodle)
Annotation Recto (pencil): 886, Secamoneae, Asclepiadeae, 5, 3, Toxocarpus Kleinii (W & A), Turn
Annotation Recto (ink): Metaplexis dichotoma, Toxocarpus Kleinii W&A, WC. 1560
Annotation Verso (pencil): 2, 4, 5, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 886, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 175   Location: Box 4
Trachyspermum roxburghianum (DC.) Craib
Family: Umbelliferae
Original name: Pimpinella involucrata Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1192]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 246 x 330; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 4 bodycolour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 116, 117, Pimpinella involucrata
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 385   Location: Box 9
Trichodesma indicum (L.) R. Br.
Family: Boraginaceae
Original name: Trichodesma indicum R. Br.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 200; cream, smooth; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Kaladay-Toombay, Trichodesma indicum, draw again
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Associated sheet of notes on grey wove paper with Britannia watermark. Long description and habitat 'dry sandy soil'
Drawing No.: 406   Location: Box 9
Trichosanthes tricuspidata Lour.
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Original name: Trichosanthes palmata Roxb.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1137
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 175 x 254; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured seed detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 104-5, Trichosanthes palmata Roxb., laciniosa Klein
Annotation Recto (ink): WC 1137, Trichosanthes palmata β
Place of publication: ?Ill. Ind. Bot. 2 t. 105, 1841
Lithographer: Winchester
Notes: T. 105 of Illustrations is very similar to this, but not identical, and perhaps done from another drawing
Drawing No.: 361   Location: Box 8
Turpinia nepalensis Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Staphyleaceae
Original name: Turpinia nepalensis Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [396]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 111 x 127; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 972, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 44
Drawing No.: 210.2   Location: Box 5
Turpinia nepalensis Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Staphyleaceae
Original name: Turpinia nepalensis Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [396]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 218 x 249; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 41
Annotation Recto (ink): 972/491, Staphyleaceae, Celastrineae, Turpinia nepalensis (Wall.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 972, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 44
Drawing No.: 210.1   Location: Box 5
Tylophora tetrapetala (Densst.) Suresh
Family: Apocynaceae
Original name: Tylophora carnosa Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1537
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 161 x 200; cream, smooth   Watermark: GY EELES 1822
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 351, Pergularieae, Asclepiadeae, Tylophora, Asclepiad gen nov?, PG [of Contributions] 49 No 1
Annotation Recto (ink): Tylophora carnosa, WC. 1537
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2(1) t. 351, 1840
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Additional dissections on plate not on drawing
Drawing No.: 35   Location: Box 1
By: ?Mrs Wight  
Size (mm): 172 x 247; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Spider and web
Annotation Recto (pencil): Silver Spider - Sept: 20th 1849-
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 493   Location: Box 11
By: ?Robert Wight  
Size (mm): 256 x 207; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 4 oyster shells and 3 shrimps
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: 590-503 appear to be taken from an album belonging to Rosa Hariette Wight (nee Ford)
Drawing No.: 503   Location: Box 11
unknown dicot
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 192 x 240; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 4 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 524, Wight
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Secretary of State for India Library blind stamp
Drawing No.: 402   Location: Box 9
Utricularia graminifolia Vahl
Family: Lentibulariaceae
Original name: Utricularia uliginoides Wight
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 101 x 122; cream, copy paper
Drawing recto: 6 ink floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): [1835.]680
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 4(4) t. 1573, 1850
Notes: On thin paper, removed from herbarium sheet of U. conferta Wight
Drawing No.: 99   Location: Box 2
Uvaria narum (Dunal) Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Annonaceae
Original name: Uvaria narum Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [33]
By: [?Rungiah]  
Size (mm): 228 x 307; cream, smooth   Watermark: .URNERS [182]4
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 8 bodycolour + 3 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): Uvaria Narum - Wight ill. t. 5
Annotation Verso (pencil): 8, 6, 9
Place of publication: Ill. Ind. Bot. 1 t. 5, 1838
Lithographer: ?Wight
Drawing No.: 345   Location: Box 8
Vaccinium symplocofolia (D. Don ex G. Don) Alston
Family: Ericaceae
Original name: Vaccinium leschenaultii
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 123 x 198; greyish, copy paper   Watermark: J WHA[TMAN] 18..
Drawing recto: Ink habit + 13 details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1837 coll. n. 2128
Annotation Verso (pencil): Wight's letter 27 Sep 1836
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: On thin paper, removed from specimen of V. leschenaultii collected Pulney Mountains, Sep 1836
Drawing No.: 100   Location: Box 2
Valeriana hookeriana Wight & Arn.
Family: Valerianaceae
Original name: Valeriana hookeriana
Wight Catalogue No.: 1374
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (ink): Valeriana Hookeriana W&A, WC. n. 1374 [Arnott]
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Illustrations t. 129
Drawing No.: 93   Location: Box 2
Vallaris solanacea (Roth) Kuntze
Family: Apocynaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 201 x 154; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Vallaris Heynii Spr.
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 83   Location: Box 2
Vallaris solanacea (Roth) Kuntze
Family: Apocynaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 159 x 198; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Vallaris, The stigma is to me … mistak … the stamens [illeg]
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: The annotation probably refers to the depiction of the stigma which is damaged and split open
Drawing No.: 82   Location: Box 2
Vanda tesellata (Roxb.) Loddiges
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Vanda roxburghii R. Br.
Wight Catalogue No.: 2075
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 229 x 351; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 6 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 916, Vandeae, Orchideae, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, double, Vanda Roxburghii (R. Br.) +18, +19
Annotation Recto (ink): Vanda Roxburghii Br. WC. n. 2075
Annotation Verso (pencil): from 917 to 922
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 916, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 191   Location: Box 5
Vanda testacea (Lindl.) Rchb. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Aerides wightianum Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 108 x 124; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 16 coloured floral details
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1669, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 307.2   Location: Box 7
Vanda testacea (Lindl.) Rchb. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Aerides wightianum Lindl.
By: Govindoo  
Size (mm): 224 x 249; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 120, Vanda parviflora
Annotation Recto (ink): 1669, Vandeae, Orchideae, Vanda parviflora (RW)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(1) t. 1669, 1851
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 307.1   Location: Box 7
Vanilla walkerae Wight
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Vanilla walkeriae Wight
By: Mrs Walker  
Size (mm): 196 x 242; greyish, copy paper
Drawing recto: Habit + 2 coloured and 5 uncoloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Vanilla sp. n.
Annotation Recto (ink): 2, 3, 4, 6
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 932, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: On tracing paper, must have been another drawing, as not all published details on this one
Drawing No.: 202   Location: Box 5
Vateria indica L.
Family: Dipterocarpaceae
By: A. Bertie  
Size (mm): 433 x 278; grey, wove   Watermark: J WHATMAN [EIC symbol] 1829 BALSTON & CO
Drawing recto: Habit (leaves)
Annotation Recto (ink): Dhupada Mara [Tel.]
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 468   Location: Box 11
Vateria indica L.
Family: Dipterocarpaceae
By: A. Bertie  
Size (mm): 285 x 380; cream, wove   Watermark: [EIC symbol] E WISE 1831
Drawing recto: Habit (inflorescence)
Annotation Recto (ink): Dhupada Mara [Tel.]
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 467   Location: Box 11
Ventilago madraspatana Gaertn.
Family: Rhamnaceae
Original name: Ventilago madraspatana
Wight Catalogue No.: [512]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 256 x 352; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 3 coloured + 12 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 514 Ventilago madraspatana, 57
Annotation Recto (ink): Ventilago maderaspatana Wight ic. t. 163
Annotation Verso (pencil): Connective of the anthers distinctly projects beyond the cells tho not represented in this figure
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(9) t. 163, 1839
Lithographer: Winchester
Drawing No.: 110   Location: Box 3
Vernonia candolleana Wight & Arn.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Vernonia candolleana
Wight Catalogue No.: 1387b
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 161 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 4 floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 829, Compositae, Vernoniaceae, 6, Vernonia conyzoides (D.C.)
Annotation Recto (ink): WC. 1387b, Vernonia [conyzoides DC.βdeleted] Candolleana W&A
Annotation Verso (pencil): [numerals representing Rs, A, P]
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2) t. 829, 1844-5
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 50   Location: Box 2
Vernonia divergens (Roxb.) Edgew.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Decaneurum divergens DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1395]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 109 x 125; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 13 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: Fragment (bottom left corner) of full plate with leaves in pencil
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1084, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 273.2   Location: Box 6
Vernonia divergens (Roxb.) Edgew.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Decaneurum divergens DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1395]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 218 x 251; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 5.66, Vern. Pentaflora
Annotation Recto (ink): 1084, Vernoniaceae, Compositae, Decaneurum divergens (D.C.
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1084, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 273.1   Location: Box 6
Viburnum cylindricum Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Original name: Viburnum capitellatum Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1254]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 95 x 124; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): V. capitellatum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1022, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 249.2   Location: Box 5
Viburnum cylindricum Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Original name: Viburnum capitellatum Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1254]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 222 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 367
Annotation Recto (ink): 1021/1201, Sambuceae, Caprifoliaceae, Viburnum capitellatum (W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1022, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 249.1   Location: Box 5
Viburnum erubescens Wall. ex DC.
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Original name: Viburnum wightianum Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1256]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 83 x 92; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 8 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): V. wightianum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1024, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 90
Drawing No.: 251.2   Location: Box 6
Viburnum erubescens Wall. ex DC.
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Original name: Viburnum wightianum Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1256]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 210 x 269; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 90
Annotation Recto (ink): 1022/1203, Viburnum Wightianum (Wall.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1024, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 90
Drawing No.: 251.1   Location: Box 6
Viburnum erubescens Wall. ex DC.
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Original name: Viburnum wightianum Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1256]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 61 x 86; grey, wove   Watermark: ..39
Drawing recto: 3 coloured fruit details
Drawing verso: pencil doodle
Annotation Recto (ink): 8, 9, 10, 11
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1024, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 90
Drawing No.: 251.3   Location: Box 6
Viburnum hebanthum Wight & Arn.
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Original name: Viburnum hebanthum Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1255]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 221 x 282; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 367, V. hebanthum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1023/1202, Sambuceae, Caprifoliaceae, Viburnum hebanthum (W&A)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1023, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 250.1   Location: Box 6
Viburnum hebanthum Wight & Arn.
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Original name: Viburnum hebanthum Wight & Arn.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1255]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 110 x 126; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1023, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 250.2   Location: Box 6
Viburnum punctatum Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Original name: Viburnum acuminatum Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1253]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 218 x 283; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1021, V. acuminatum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1200/1019, Sambuceae, Caprifoliaceae, Viburnum acuminatum (Wall.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1021, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 89
Drawing No.: 248.1   Location: Box 5
Viburnum punctatum Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Original name: Viburnum acuminatum Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1253]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 96 x 123; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 7 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1021, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 89
Drawing No.: 248.2   Location: Box 5
Viola pilosa Blume
Family: Violaceae
Original name: Viola wightiana Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [112]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 223 x 281; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): Viola wightiana (Wall.)
Annotation Recto (ink): 943/114, Violeae, Violarieae, Viola Wightiana Wight ic. t. 943
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 943, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t 11
Drawing No.: 203.1   Location: Box 5
Viola pilosa Blume
Family: Violaceae
Original name: Viola wightiana Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [112]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 95 x 121; grey, wove   Watermark: [fleur de lis]
Drawing recto: 15 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: coloured drawing of flower
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 943, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t 11
Drawing No.: 203.2   Location: Box 5
Viscum orbiculatum Wight
Family: Viscaceae
Original name: Viscum orbiculatum Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 206 x 277; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: faint pencil drawing of recto, upside-down
Annotation Recto (ink): 1014, Loranthaceae, Viscum orbiculatum
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1016, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 86
Drawing No.: 243.1   Location: Box 5
Viscum orbiculatum Wight
Family: Viscaceae
Original name: Viscum orbiculatum Wight
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 94 x 114; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 9 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): V. orbiculatum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1016, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 86
Drawing No.: 243.2   Location: Box 5
Viscum ramosissimum Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Viscaceae
Original name: Viscum ramosissimum Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1225]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 212 x 249; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 36, V. ramosissimum
Annotation Recto (ink): 1015/1171, Loranthaceae, Viscum ramosissimum (Wall.)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1017, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 244.1   Location: Box 5
Viscum ramosissimum Wall. ex Wight & Arn.
Family: Viscaceae
Original name: Viscum ramosissimum Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1225]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 108 x 123; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 11 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1017, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 244.2   Location: Box 5
Vitex negundo L.
Family: Verbenaceae
Original name: Vitex trifolia L.
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 177 x 257; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 colour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Vitex trifolia, Ungoo elly nochy, 5
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 55, Nochie - Tam.
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Sheet of notes, with description, habitat and uses and distinction between trifolia and negundo, grey wove, watermarked RADWAY 1828 [Britannia]
Drawing No.: 436   Location: Box 10
Vitex negundo var. cannabifolia (Sieb. & Zucc.) HM
Family: Verbenaceae
Original name: Vitex negundo
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 157 x 203; cream, smooth   Watermark: [PoW feathers] J & M, 1823
Drawing recto: Habit (Ink) + 1 coloured floral detail
Annotation Recto (pencil): 3, V. negundo, moonoo elly nochy, The leaves of this is mixed with gram in granaries to prevent the attack of insects
Annotation Recto (ink): Vitex trifolia L.
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 94   Location: Box 2
Wendlandia exserta (Roxb.) DC.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Wendlandia exserta DC.
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 47 x 63; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 2 leaf details
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 443.3   Location: Box 11
Wendlandia exserta (Roxb.) DC.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Wendlandia exserta DC.
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 59 x 203; grey, wove
Drawing recto: 10 floral details
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 443.2   Location: Box 11
Wendlandia exserta (Roxb.) DC.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Wendlandia exserta DC.
By: ?Govindoo  
Size (mm): 189 x 270; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): Wendland. exserta? N. Circars
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 443.1   Location: Box 11
Wendlandia thyrsoidea (Roem. & Schult.) Steud.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Wendlandia notoniana Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1285]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 221 x 251; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1033, 95
Annotation Recto (ink): 1239, Hedyotideae, Rubiaceae, Rondeletieae, Wendlandia Notoniana (Wall)
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1033, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 95
Drawing No.: 257.1   Location: Box 6
Wendlandia thyrsoidea (Roem. & Schult.) Steud.
Family: Rubiaceae
Original name: Wendlandia notoniana Wall.
Wight Catalogue No.: [1285]
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 110 x 124; whitish, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 coloured floral and leaf details
Annotation Recto (pencil): W. Notoniana (Wall.)
Annotation Recto (ink): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(3) t. 1033, 1845
Lithographer: Dumphy
Notes: Also reproduced as Spicileg. Neil. t. 95
Drawing No.: 257.2   Location: Box 6
Wollastonia biflora (L.) DC.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Wollastonia biflora DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1448
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 111 x 141; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: 10 pencil floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1108, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 277.2   Location: Box 6
Wollastonia biflora (L.) DC.
Family: Compositae
Original name: Wollastonia biflora DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: 1448
By: Rungiah  
Size (mm): 174 x 248; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit + 5 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Senecionideae
Annotation Recto (ink): 1108, Senecionideae, Compositae, Wollastonia biflora (D.C.), [Acmella biflora Spr., Wedelia biflora DC, WC. 1448 - deleted]
Annotation Verso (pencil): No. 16
Place of publication: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(4) t. 1108, 1846
Lithographer: Dumphy
Drawing No.: 277.1   Location: Box 6
Wrightia tinctoria (Roxb.) R. Br.
Family: Apocynaceae
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 153 x 196; cream, smooth   Watermark: C WILMOT 1819
Drawing recto: Habit + 3 coloured floral details
Drawing verso: coloured fruit
Annotation Recto (pencil): Veppalay Marom, Wrightia
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 444
Drawing No.: 79   Location: Box 2
Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taub
Family: Leguminosae
Original name: Inga xylocarpa DC.
Wight Catalogue No.: [594]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 197 x 319; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 6 watercolour floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): 831, 60, Inga xylocarpa
Annotation Verso (pencil): April/11 48 [red chalk]
Place of publication: unpublished
Drawing No.: 380   Location: Box 9
Zizyphus glabrata Heyne ex Roth
Family: Rhamnaceae
Original name: Zizyphus glabrata
Wight Catalogue No.: [494]
By: ?Rungiah  
Size (mm): 160 x 197; cream, smooth
Drawing recto: Habit
Drawing verso: 2 coloured floral details
Annotation Recto (pencil): Zizi: glabrata, 257
Annotation Recto (ink): Zizyphus glabrata, Wight ic. t. 282
Place of publication: unpublished
Notes: Not original of Icones t. 282
Drawing No.: 95   Location: Box 2